Impreg Bloodspawn lich with your choice of asylum cage build or reach spam on the front bar. For those of you that plan on playing magsorc next patch.
Mag 36116
Health 18950
Stam 16312
Physical Resist 17803
Spell Resist 22006
Crit resist 4807
With Light impreg you can trait for well-fitted and try to dodge in a similar manner to last patch.
This build results in a small net gain in shield strength against opponents with less than 6k penetration.
3655 stamden birds on Live Vs. an average of 3217 on the PTS currently.
This is not however a buff as your shields will be smaller in size this patch. Your shields drop approximately 4% faster, and cannot effectively be stacked. Stuns at the appropriate time will also prevent shields from going off (not unexpected and definitely in line with other uninterruptible cast time abilities), but does mean that players can still prevent shields from going off.
This build also makes a large sacrifice in damage to get to the point where shields do not drop faster than they can be cast when playing against a single opponent using a single Direct damage skill every GCD.
40k max Mag with no Bastion CP equates to 9594 shield in PvP
36k max Mag with no Bastion CP equates to 8753 shield in PvP
Numbers calculated against a no red CP character with 13420 spell reistance
Total Burst on PTS With battle spirit no crits 15595 If everything crits 26356 These numbers will be reduced by both resistances and CP
Note The PTS numbers are buffed by combat prayer and the live numbers are not due to Healing ward no longer having an upfront heal to remove one from execute I believe combat prayer will be better in PvP in all circumstances now on LA magicka Sorcerer.
Total Burst on LIVE with battle spirit no crits 17272 If everything crits 29821 These numbers will be reduced by both resistances and CP.
Honorable mention to the set Pariah as it outperforms impreg slightly when you are very low meaning if you so desire to drag the fight out a little while longer you can.
This is the best middle ground I could find. Its the only build that sort of preserved what sorc feels like. The cast times are slow and unfun and have no payoff for sitting through them as the shields are weak. The damage is low as there is no way to find damage on a sorc this patch. In general the changes feel unfun ,the straight nerf from crits and removing another unique mechanic from the game is one thing(nerfing a class that was very much in line power wise also concerns me), but the cast time feels bad it feels out of place like it belongs in a different (less fun)game. Every class plays fairly similarly and has to invest in certain( sometimes counter intuitive) stats to get the most out of its defense. Sorcs must invest in both stam,stam recovery, Mag, and a lot of mag recovery.
Sorcs can't go full max mag and get great damage and sustain on live without being vulnerable to stamina pressure, and running out of mag quite easily.
Shields are very expensive in 5-1-1 Hardened costs 2984 Harness and healing ward both cost 3902. On live A sorc investing in a large amount of mag regen is equivalent to investing in defense.
With no cleanse to roots Sorcs are very vulnerable to stam pressure so we cannot go full max mag and get decent damage as we also need stam and stam regen both to use dark conversion and to dodge and break free.
Right now open world sorc is in a rough spot due to a lack of damage against competent players, swift+FW grotesquely outclassing streak as a mobility tool, and stambuilds sustain and damage
Your nerfs over the past two years have moved magsorc from a spec that high a high interactibility on offense(Counterplay options largely to frag and mages wrath, risk reward with the streak melee stun) that payed off with huge burst, to a class that has to run so much sustain that the burst just isnt worth it. It also had ,at one point, the offensive counterplay completely removed making sorc boring for both the Sorc and the enemy.
TLDR: All of the shield changes are huge nerfs and remove class identity and uniqueness from the game.
To preempt some post below I'm sure
Sorcs weren't wearing divines this patch saying that now we have to wear impen/wellfitted like the rest of you is just false we were wearing impen/wellfitted before the only thing this patch changes is that i have to drop shackle for impreg sacrificing both damage and sustain to not instantly fall over dead.
This is not a magden thread do not comment about how terrible magden is if you think magden is so bad make some threads talking about what does and does not work in PvP.
Shields mitigate an absolute amount of damage, most good players bring more damage than that to the table rn just blowing sorcs out of the water. Even if you do not have enough damage to break a sorcs shields you can still kill him as damage is cheaper than healing/shielding it will just take longer.