The next Chapter, Going West?

What do you all think will be the next chapter of ESO? by the beginning of next year we should have some details since there are usually 3 DLCs between chapters, so that means after Murkmire we only have one more DLC before the next chapter of ESO. Got any ideas about what it will be? I think it will have to be a Daggerfall Covenant area since Morrowind is an Ebonheart Pact area, and Summerset is an Aldmeri Dominion area. I think it would very likely be a continent or large island off west of Daggerfall, and here is where I think it will be:
Edited by Vaelen on September 20, 2018 8:43PM
  • rfennell_ESO
    I'd think it might move to the center of the map.

    Imperials have very little considering they are one of the most powerful races on the continent.
  • lagrue
    I'd think it might move to the center of the map.

    Imperials have very little considering they are one of the most powerful races on the continent.

    I imagine more central too - but more in the Elswyr region.
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  • Danikat
    Yokuda doesn't exist anymore - the islands sank hundreds of years ago. That's why the redguards came to Tamriel and founded Hammerfell.

    If we were to go somewhere outside of Tamriel my choice would be Akavir. It's a large and varied continent with many different kinds of terrain and people and it's got an on-again-off-again trade/war relationship with Tamriel so there's a lot of potential for maps and stories, but we've never gotten to go there in any Elder Scrolls game (so far).
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  • rfennell_ESO
    lagrue wrote: »
    I'd think it might move to the center of the map.

    Imperials have very little considering they are one of the most powerful races on the continent.

    I imagine more central too - but more in the Elswyr region.

    It's possible, but Elsweyr seems more akin to a dlc to me. There already is a fairly large Bosmer and Khajiit storyline existing.

    Other than Cyrodiil and the Imperial City (which both mostly lack Imperials) there is the Gold Coast (which is Imperial) and little more of Imperials. Considering they were supposed to have bustingly urban cities... well, that's a big thing lacking in game.
  • 1mirg
    The next chapter is most likely going to be the rest of Black Marsh, since Murkmire is a good Intro into the rest of that zone. Plus it's a good 'proof of concept' zone before they worked on the 'main' zone.
    Edited by 1mirg on September 20, 2018 11:07PM
    ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┤ ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ ├┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴
  • Vaelen
    1mirg wrote: »
    The next chapter is most likely going to be the rest of Black Marsh, since Murkmire is a good Intro into the rest of that zone. Plus it's a good 'proof of concept' zone before they worked on the 'main' zone.

    That's not even close to Daggerfall, like I said it will probably be a new Daggerfall Covenant area since the last 2 expansion chapters were EP and AD. It would be unfair for DC players to not get an expansion to their lore.
  • redspecter23
    I'd bet very good money on a DC area as we've already seen chapters for EP and AD zones. Hammerfell may be the choice they go with. Necromancer as a class could fit very well with Redguard lore (or more specifically clash with it) causing a good story arc and it's probably the most requested new class and a good time to add them is every 2 years.
  • Vaelen
    I'd bet very good money on a DC area as we've already seen chapters for EP and AD zones. Hammerfell may be the choice they go with. Necromancer as a class could fit very well with Redguard lore (or more specifically clash with it) causing a good story arc and it's probably the most requested new class and a good time to add them is every 2 years.

    Either Necromancer or Spellsword or even Sword Singer, I could definitely see the Ansei and the Shehai (spirit sword) story developing here. Would be interesting.
  • Vaelen
    If you break it down, Morrowind is a special EP area of mostly the Dunmer ancestral land, and Summerset is a special AD area of the Altmer ancestral land, it makes perfect sense to see the Redguard ancestral land, which would be Yokuda obviously.
    Edited by Vaelen on September 20, 2018 11:25PM
  • Vaelen
    Maybe we will see the left-handed (Sinistral) elves and the Orichalc Tower on Yokuda too. Was there ever an Elder Scrolls game which had them in it? I don't think so. Also if any of you remember, Artaeum was supposed to have disappeared forever and yet it was included into the Summerset chapter. So it could very likely happen that ZOS brings back Yokuda from under the sea, or maybe it will exist like Artaeum on another plane in Oblivion.
    Edited by Vaelen on September 20, 2018 11:41PM
  • Sylvermynx
    I'd love to see Hammerfell.... I really love me my Redguards! Yokuda would be a stretch - though TES is known for stretching the lore.... so maybe ESO would go there too.
  • Yellow_Monolith
    We got an EP region, we got an AD region, so its only right that the next chapter be a DC region
  • Pink_Violinz
    Vaelen wrote: »
    If you break it down, Morrowind is a special EP area of mostly the Dunmer ancestral land, and Summerset is a special AD area of the Altmer ancestral land, it makes perfect sense to see the Redguard ancestral land, which would be Yokuda obviously.

    Maybe, but it sank a good while ago. If you go on a vacation to Yokuda now you'll drown because it's under an ocean.
  • Smasherx74
    Hopefully we get underwater overhaul with underwater combat. Probably not though because of the engine, but it'd be great addition to the game.
    Master Debater
  • rfennell_ESO
    We got an EP region, we got an AD region, so its only right that the next chapter be a DC region

    We did, it was called Orsinium.
  • Yellow_Monolith
    We got an EP region, we got an AD region, so its only right that the next chapter be a DC region

    We did, it was called Orsinium.

    That was a zone dlc not a chapter
  • rfennell_ESO
    We got an EP region, we got an AD region, so its only right that the next chapter be a DC region

    We did, it was called Orsinium.

    That was a zone dlc not a chapter

    It was chapter sized. It would have been a chapter at the time if they were doing chapters.

    It's a very large zone with a lot of content being the point.

    I'm not rooting for one faction or another, just looking at what has no lore and little "screentime".

    Overall there has been the most EP stuff, 2nd most DC, 3rd is AD and last is Imperial. Those are technically the factions, Imperials are supposed to be quite populated and one of the dominant races in the game. Even with Summerset, AD is due for some content... but the inner regions and the Imperials are more neglected in my humble opinion.
  • karekiz
    Even if you count Ors as a chapter

    DC -> EP -> AD -> DC

    Make sense for filling out the map
  • rfennell_ESO
    karekiz wrote: »
    Even if you count Ors as a chapter

    DC -> EP -> AD -> DC

    Make sense for filling out the map

    Craglorn would be DC technically. So is Hew's Bane.

    EP has gotten the most content.

    AD the least.

    But I push Imperials because they basically are barely represented with just Gold Coast.

    Technically, not counting dungeons dlcs, it would be DC->DC->Imperial city->DC->DC->I->EP->EP->AD->EP
  • ArchMikem
    It won't be Yokuda. It won't be Akavir. We're not getting another new class.

    Just because there has been a Dunmer Chapter doesn't make it an "EP Chapter". If you remember the politics more than half the island didn't align with the Pact. So the whole "EP and AD got one, its DC's turn" argument doesn't stand very tall. Besides there is very little options in DC territory for a chapter sized zone, southern Hammerfell practically being the only place left untraveled. My bets are still on Elsweyr as its been a hotly asked for location by many and has never been traveled to before in past games. Another location is the exterior regions of Cyrodiil such as the Niben, or Colovia.
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  • DreadKnight
    Vaelen wrote: »
    Maybe we will see the left-handed (Sinistral) elves and the Orichalc Tower on Yokuda too. Was there ever an Elder Scrolls game which had them in it? I don't think so. Also if any of you remember, Artaeum was supposed to have disappeared forever and yet it was included into the Summerset chapter. So it could very likely happen that ZOS brings back Yokuda from under the sea, or maybe it will exist like Artaeum on another plane in Oblivion.

    ...or maybe it could still be under water? travel there via a vortex, be under a protective dome or even have sealed air pocketed halls and caverns?
  • SydneyGrey
    It'll probably be a Daggerfall Covenant chapter, which means probably Skyrim, Hammerfell or Yokuda. I'd love any of them.

    Edited by SydneyGrey on September 21, 2018 4:28PM
  • Fortunatto
    Better be something related to Imperials. They definetely need more love - they did not even have their own quest in New Life event, and its one of the playable race. Srsl
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  • AzraelKrieg
    If it's a Daggerfall related chapter, Sunforge would be a good region to look into. High Rock is filled out but Hammerfell needs some love.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
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  • generalmyrick
    Id put money on hammerfell. The dlcs and chapters have been following a fractal pattern on the map.
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  • Prinseth
    The only places big enough for a Chapter sized zone are Skyrim, Hammerfall, Black Marsh, and Elsweyr. Unless the chapter is a bunch of scattered small to medium sized locations to help fill in the map. And I highly doubt we’d leave Tamriel, nor do I really want to, it’d ruin the mystery.
  • rfennell_ESO
    Prinseth wrote: »
    The only places big enough for a Chapter sized zone are Skyrim, Hammerfall, Black Marsh, and Elsweyr. Unless the chapter is a bunch of scattered small to medium sized locations to help fill in the map. And I highly doubt we’d leave Tamriel, nor do I really want to, it’d ruin the mystery.

    There is more than enough room for a full Chapter in Hammerfall, Skyrim, Western Cyrodiil, Southeastern Cyrodiil, Elswyr, Black Marsh, and Eastern Morrowind.

    So unless they are going "off Tamriel" (I doubt it) the choices are:
    Hammerfell (already done with Craglorn, Upper Craglorn), but plenty of space, likely 2 chapters of it.
    Skyrim (there is enough space for multiple chapters), but you have seen a lot of EP content.
    Black Marsh (enough for 2 chapters probably), but we are see murkmire next.
    Elsweyr (it's really perfectly chapter sized), but we just had summerset.
    Eastern Morrowind (there is a lot of space, easily 2 chapters of it), but we recently had morrowind.
    Western Cyrodiil is easily Chapter sized.
    South Eastern Cyrodiil is easily 2 chapter sized.

    It's likely one of those 7 choices.

  • joaaocaampos
    It depends on the new systems ZOS want to implement. Chapter is not just a zone.

    If the game will finally have Spellcrafting, the most likely zone is Skyrim. The Chapter can have two zones (such as Summerset): The Pale + Winterhold (College and Spellcrafting). If the map goes even further west, they may also include a new guild skill line: Bards College. If I'm not mistaken, the College was founded in the Second Era, right? The same ESO Era!
  • rfennell_ESO
    Skyrim likely has the most space available for expansions (just sheer volume).
  • Glurin
    Skyrim likely has the most space available for expansions (just sheer volume).

    Not necessarily. I mean, they've still basically got the entire province of Elsweyr to work with. Reaper's March is all we've gotten out of there so far, and the western side of that is contested with Vallenwood.
    Edited by Glurin on September 21, 2018 7:07AM
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