Hello fellow testers!
I am trying to get the Vine-Tongue Traveler Achievement in order to test the related furniture item, Timid Vine-Tongue.
You have to read 6 books that you can only get to by using a memento to cause Timid Vine-Tongues at the locations to grab you! It is quite fun, but I can't seem to locate them all...
I have located 3 of the 6 locations:
Vine-Tongues: Preparations (SE of the Lakemire Manor in the elevated area there (cave leads up to the area)
Vine-Tongues: Happy Plants (North of Blackrose Wayshrine on two tall rocks in the lake)
Vine-Tongues: Introduction (at Xinchei-Konu Monument)
I have observed a bug that reading one of the books may complete more than 1 of the 6 and they may complete ones you didn't just read (ie. it seems Happy Plants gave me credit for A Happy Home but Introduction or Preparation had already given me credit for Happy Plants...)
Regardless of those bugs, there should still be 6 locations with Timid Vine-Tongues and a readable item.
If you know of any other than the three above, I would appreciate the help!
edit: Vine-Tongues: Happy Home found inside Tsofear Cavern
Edited by Mix on September 20, 2018 2:33AM