The change to netch (+60% resources) is nice. I never liked swarm so the increased cost doesn't bother me. Bird of prey is the one I'm most concened with. Instead of casting it you get the damage buff while slotted. That may need to be double slotted now. Will have to find room or drop it, not sure yet. The maturation buff is great. A much better group tool. Increased damage with animals equipped is awsome also. Arctic blast change sucks. It now does no damage over time and just stuns an enemy. I was using it with Icehearts and my ice fields as a AoE heal + defense.
Overall I like the changes. Magden needed more damage badly. Especially frost spec. Good job ZOS!
Konstant_Tel_Necris wrote: »Why they nerf bear? Why this cancerous change to Arctic Blast? And we still dont have good damage to be on par with other mag DD add on top to this shield nerf.
The arctic blast change isn't great but it does give us a class stun. As far as the bear, I'm not sure what they were thinking. Honestly it should have been a skill like shalks, not an ultimate you have to double bar. I don't use the bear so I can't really say.
Magden just needs more dps but it will never reach top tier damage because it's too good at everything else. It's arguably the second best healer and second best tank already. Magicka Wardens will always be lower damage, more utility. Hence the frost theme which I really like right now.
Also the new evasion buff nerfs fissure and perma by 25%... ok that’s nice... we definitely deserved that PvP damage nerf to our last two useable class damage abilities... what even is this patch... This is this is just a bad dream right? Can I pls wake up now?
MinarasLaure wrote: »I feel like there is nothing zos can do to balance magden without boosting also stamden performance, and that's gonna be a big issue.
Sooooo, yeah , I guess I'll take whatever comes
Also the new evasion buff nerfs fissure and perma by 25%... ok that’s nice... we definitely deserved that PvP damage nerf to our last two useable class damage abilities... what even is this patch... This is this is just a bad dream right? Can I pls wake up now?
But you now deal more damage overall, have a new stun and the netch got 1 hell of a buff.
Also the new evasion buff nerfs fissure and perma by 25%... ok that’s nice... we definitely deserved that PvP damage nerf to our last two useable class damage abilities... what even is this patch... This is this is just a bad dream right? Can I pls wake up now?
But you now deal more damage overall, have a new stun and the netch got 1 hell of a buff.
That’s Stamden that does more damage... the sustain buffs got countered in PvP by the increase to the cost of flies and the rediculous cost of our new no damage pathetic heal stun... also they gutted the bear without any subsequent damage buffs to any of the mag damage skills... I know it all looks good on paper, but when you test them out these patch changes actually mean a sustain buff with a dps and survivability nerf for Magden while Stamden gets a buff in all three categories... Magden is still trash tier because zos doesn’t know how to actually buff them instead of nerf buff
Changes have affected ALL classes. Before thing about the single class, look at the changes in general.