We want it so add it.

there seems to be a war on sorcerers now so it's very obvious to remain competitive I'll have to change my class and only character I've been playing day 1 for over three years. Can you guys please add this already? Silly it's already not a thing.....

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Edited by [Deleted User] on September 17, 2018 10:55PM
  • ZonasArch
    Or you can spend a few hours and get a new toon to 50 and move on until your sorc is relevant again? That's why you have 8 free toon slots, you see? You have 7 extras that you can put to good use. Go ahead :)
  • VaranisArano
    Adding a Class Token would defeat the purpose of nerfing your class so that you have to spend hours grinding a new one so you can be meta again.
  • CaptainVenom
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Or you can spend a few hours and get a new toon to 50 and move on until your sorc is relevant again? That's why you have 8 free toon slots, you see? You have 7 extras that you can put to good use. Go ahead :)

    But you can't move your mount upgrades, crafting traits or level, and so on. That's why a class change token would be great.
    🌈 Ride with Pride🌈
    Magicka/Damage Sorcerer - PC - NA - DC
  • John_Falstaff
    @ZonasArch , make a video where you do the following in a few hours:

    * Level to 50.
    * Collect enough skill points to invest in skills you need.
    * Level up skills.
    * Level up Undaunted, Mages Guild, FG and Psijic skills.
    * Level alchemy and provisioning at least not to switch between characters all the time and have passives.
    * Learn recipes. As a bonus, level up crafting and learn motifs and recipes.

    So, yes. Go ahead. ^^ And, returning to the conversation at hand... yes. We need class change token.
  • Galarthor
    Adding a Class Token would defeat the purpose of nerfing your class so that you have to spend hours grinding a new one so you can be meta again.

    But then again, it could be sold in the crown store.
  • ZonasArch
    @John_Falstaff so... I have 4 characters with Max mount prov and alch, and that's all you really need. Levelling to 50 can be achieved pretty fast, and honestly...if you played for over 3 years, how many hours you have in game? 10-15 hours to slowly get to 50 isn't a lot. Like not even 1% of total game time you have.

    Wanting all characters to be perfect Crafters is just you complaining about things that are not an issue. The rest is easy. Log for 5 minutes a day on all characters to get these things going. Switching back and forth isn't a problem to anyone, so don't give me that crap.

    And getting skill points is so simple, 64 levelling up, hit public dungeons for a few shards and skill points with group challenge, pop in cyrodiil, do the first training quest, get a free skill point, do the first and second quests of main harborage, get two more quickly... I mean.. it's easy. If it took that long as you're saying, it wouldn't be so common for people to have multiple alts.

    Nah... Tokens are not needed. Just work a bit... Specially easy now that give us so many scrolls with daily rewards.

    Which brings me to another point... If you can't do all that, or don't want to, take the Nerf, adapt, evolve, survive. Happened to all of us, over the years. You're here for 3 years you said? One character, you said? You're not new to that.

    Have a great Nerf!

    Ohh! Yeah... I ahve one maxed out in every class, and I've been on the game only since one tamriel came out. Not nearly as long as you. Just out your ass into it! :)
    Edited by ZonasArch on September 17, 2018 9:12PM
  • MehVahdJukaar
    Zos, Instead of giving all the classes the same range of achievable dps, why don't you charge us like 5500 crowns for a class change token so we can all reroll to a magblade and be competitive again in pve? Seems like a good deal to me
  • John_Falstaff
    @ZonasArch , that's beside the point though, no? I was wondering whether each of those characters took several hours to level to their current state. Oh yes, and thank you for hinting about mount stats. ^^ And you think that people just decide to create new character and tomorrow he's ready for Cloudrest? They're just leveling more than one in parallel. Over time.

    > Just work a bit...

    I'm sorry. Work is a process where you're being paid money, that's where you're probably going every day when not gaming. Process in the game which doesn't bring you neither money nor enjoyment is called grind.

    So leave that crap to yourself. I'll take class change token, thankyouverymuch.
  • Galarthor
    Zos, Instead of giving all the classes the same range of achievable dps, why don't you charge us like 5500 crowns for a class change token so we can all reroll to a magblade and be competitive again in pve? Seems like a good deal to me

    Well that would even be a bargain, b/c for PvP you just have switch to a stamina setup and you are good to go. You wouldn't even need another class change token :grin:
  • wozborne
    I’d kill to turn my Sorc into a Templar for this next patch, ZoS pls
  • CaptainVenom
    wozborne wrote: »
    I’d kill to turn my Sorc into a Templar for this next patch, ZoS pls

    I'd pay 5500 Crowns to change into a Nightblade. It would kill my wallet for sure. lol
    🌈 Ride with Pride🌈
    Magicka/Damage Sorcerer - PC - NA - DC
  • ATomiX96
    5.5k seems fair for the lazy *** not wanting to level a char and actually have some kind of character progression with undaunted etc.
  • Hutch679
    Class change tokens so we can all change to nightblades. Then we can all be invisible and no one will ever see or find anyone! Elder Hide Online!
  • RebornV3x
    I might just quit the game I hate how they have been screwing sorc over every patch since Dark Brotherhood I have done so much with my mag sorc and so many achievements that I cant see myself rerolling but I like ESO to much to really quit that and all the money I've spent the last 3 years

    We need either a class change token or make achievements,skyshards, alliance ranks etc account wide.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • LadyNalcarya
    Well, if they will keep these changes, there's no point in supporting the company anymore.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • method__01
    loll yeah make a warden and then Zo$ comes and nerf class to ground like it happen last year after they sell us Morrowind with promises for a new class and blah blah blah
    only warden you see now in pvp is stamden in a train form cause solo cant do ***
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
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