Think of damage mitigation, templar is the best 'hold-you-ground' type. Channel Focus provides crazy resistance; sweep has 15% base dmg reduction; automated defense set also provides extra 20% reduction coupled with sweep; deep thought provides crazy additional 30% major protection. The build looks like this:

Potion:restoring health, lingering health, vitality. This is very important to argonian tank.
Food:Orzorga's Smoked Bear Haunch, or Jewels of Misrule.
Race: argonian + infused potion speed
imperial or nord + healthy health recovery
Main:taunt, slash, deep thought, sun shield, structured entropy, empowering sweep.
Off: taunt, channel focus, woe, free spot, structured entropy, free spot.
woe proc absorb health enchantment. Keep up channel focus. Deep thought keeps constant regen, while empowering sweep makes you unkillable
Sets: automated defense, green pact, earthgore. Automated defense synergies well with sweep. Earthgore can burst heal you through any crazy dot. Swap earthgore with swarm mother if you need to chain adds.
Let's throw this tank to vet saint olms. Rule: no block.
olms' reference swipe damage: 77139.
This is olms' swipe damage without sweep on:

This is olms' swipe damage with sweep on:

This build can survive olms, but you have to keep your buff up.

the only blocks were to cancel deep thought so I could get out of lightning pool. And I tried really hard not to right click XD.
How to play this build?
First, you should always have channel focus under your feet. Go deep thought after you taunt adds, you should be able to survive most attacks. Sometimes you have to roll dodge a bit to avoid overwhelming aoe damage. Your ice blockade and potion contribute to your health recovery, so don't forget to keep them up when your health goes down faster than regen. Sweep is our best cheap damage mitigation, spam it!
In dungeon, if you are required to chain adds, you need to run swarm mother. Ice blockade might help immobilize adds.