I was discussing this with some guildies the other day - what specs have always been popular, regardless of the to-ing and fro-ing of balance patches, and what they would pick if they could only pick one spec to PVP with.
This is largely an open-world poll, but feel free to tell us otherwise, eg solely for duelling, BG’s etc
I didn’t put healers here as you’d just fall under magplar. Tanks just pick whatever, you’re not defeating anyone anyway

I personally gravitate towards magicka DK, though I do play some Stam DK and Mag Sorc.
Can an admin please save the thread?? Accidentally hit enter on my iPhone before I finished the poll options
Edited by Actually_Goku on August 13, 2018 9:07PM
What spec do you predominantly PVP with? 62 votes