Anyone else have an OCD need to match their characters to their mounts?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • karthrag_inak
    Only a little...

    I'm still buzzing over getting dro'mathra skin last month, but usually my jiits are all white tigers.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • MamaDruid
    Itacira wrote: »
    @MamaDruid wow, awesome ! The redguard looks so good. Also love how serious she looks surrounded by her prettied up ponies x)

    She's actually an Imperial, @Itacira. :) It's hard to take her seriously with the sparkle ponies and their sparkle sounds. :D
    Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats.
    ― Diane Arbus
  • iamkeebler

    Yes, I totally have this problem. I do it on every character too, lol. This is my Halloween one. I wish I had pictures of my others readily available.
  • bearbelly
    Wee bit o' backstory to this one...

    So I was bouncin' around Summerset today with my High-Elf Sorc, Eraelya, just making sure I had all of the wayshrines unlocked.
    The last one was the northern-most, Veyonder Wyte.

    (I figured I could probably get there kinda direct-like by going through the dungeon that is up in the northwestern area of the map, but I decided to try to take the scenic-route and get there from the east, instead.)

    Anyway, as I was scrambling around in the northern wilderness, I stumbled upon a little camp somewhere in the vicinity of the wayshrine and found within the corpse of a dude with a letter to his... bethrothed?... next to his head.
    In addition to his words to her was the implied hope that whoever found him would deliver the letter and a pendant to her in Lillandril.

    To cut the story short, I found her. But in the course of the conversation, she popped-off with a comment directed at Eraelya, dripping with the typical snooty, high-falutin' attitude for which the Altmer are known. apparently even when talking to their own kind.

    Well, Eraelya suddenly realized that she was absolutely done with her stuffy brethren, and she decided to turn to the Dark Side.

    She traded-in her nicely-dyed (with one of the new Crown Store Autumn dyes, 'Blue Morndas') 'Holiday in Balmora' costume and the new Psijic Charger mount, for the Glenmoril Witch Robes, dyed with the Halloween dye, 'Darkness Ever Weaves,'
    and the Zombie Horse.

    Oh, and she sought-out a certain shrine and devoted herself to the Blood Matron, Lamae Bal.
    And she's moving to a nice little cottage in the Hag Fen once the Witches' Festival is upon us.

    (and as further insult to, and repudiation of, her self-aggrandizing kindred, she's kinda sorta thinkin' of turning the Psijic Villa into a huge haunted house, as time and resources permit.)

    Heheh aye I do that with my 14 chars hehe.
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • MamaDruid
    Update! I think the Dark Shaman costume - and bald head! - make it look so much better.

    Edited by MamaDruid on December 2, 2018 9:23PM
    Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats.
    ― Diane Arbus
  • Katheriah
    If you don't do this you're not taking this game seriously.
  • BoraxFlux
    Daenavir, my Altmer NB on Wild Hunt Wolf with Wild Hunt Memento, Memento takes a while before expiring so applying it as soon as it ends, because it looks like they're entwined together.


  • nerfworthy
    I hadn't realized but I guess my pet matches, LOL, my mount not as much but it's my favorite mount and the only one I've been riding lately. :3

    MagWarden main and a Dunmer enthusiast!
  • MasterSpatula
    Oh, absolutely. I have characters, not toons, and my characters have stories, backgrounds, etc. I try to make whatever I can make fit fit, including mounts and what non-combat pets they might use.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • technohic
    I've tried to most the time and often get frustrated with colors looking different on different armor pieces and getting charge every time I try then go mount to compare.

  • Dr3sden
    Not wasted you look good.
  • ximelolagnia
    I think my character is the epitome of that X).
  • Aurielle

    Currently working on a BG build site, so I broke my five character max rule and rolled some alts for the purposes of having a mag and stam version of each class.

    They all match their mounts and pets, of course.


    Got this mount randomly while trying to rack up enough gems for the demon rooster, and designed a whole freaking character around it. I couldn’t justify the up front crown cost when it first became available, but since I got it from a pack of four crates randomly, I thought “why not?” Celestial Violet pairs nicely with it.


    CUTE LIL BOSMER WOLF. This is technically a placeholder until I get my Indrik. Colours will be tweaked and pet will be swapped out when I have enough feathers.


    This will also change when I get my Indrik. The character looks better with the imperial horse and the wolf pet, but I can’t exactly have two characters sharing the same pet, can I? Of course not.


    FUN FACT: when you pair that fiery crown store skin with the heavy Outlaw helm, your character’s eyes turn a solid yellow instead of orange. Best bug ever!

    I also gave some old characters a face lift.


    A frosty mount for a magicka warden! I’m not happy with the pet, though... maybe the new snowy gryphon is a better match?


    I hate that Magnus Setting Red looks kind of pinkish in the character selection screen, but it matches the mount well in game. ALSO, THE DEMON ROOSTER’S GLOWING RED-PINK EYES MATCH THE PINK EFFECTS ON SEVERAL MAGNB SKILLS SO PERFECTLY, IT MAKES MY OCD TINGLE.


    For the Queen!
  • Kallykat
    Not all of mine have mounts/outfits that satisfy this urge yet, but here are a couple with which I am content...
    ^(She also has the matching pet.)
  • Soris
    How do you have so many different mounts? I only have imperial and the sorrel one :(
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Kallykat
    Soris wrote: »
    How do you have so many different mounts? I only have imperial and the sorrel one :(

    Most of these mounts have to be bought in the crown store or won in crown crates.
  • Minyassa
    Aurielle, what causes the odd format on your character select screen? Is that some sort of addon or a different country's version or something?
  • Aurielle
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Aurielle, what causes the odd format on your character select screen? Is that some sort of addon or a different country's version or something?

    It’s the console UI...
  • Aurielle



    Edited by Aurielle on March 29, 2019 2:00AM
  • Aurielle



  • Aireal
    More of a theme than matchy matchy.. but dang if some of y'alls characters aren't nice looking!

    My NA Crafter I have a "Barbie" theme with. ...sorta
    At the time ^^^ was going on ( the Jester Festival ) the Bards Dress below was Pink...

    For the Jubilee... everything is dyed Blue...

    Drystan Britesword..Nord Warden

    Not matchy matchy.. but themed...

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Hippie4927
    Had to recolor for the new Indrik.........


    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • JadeCoin
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    Had to recolor for the new Indrik.........



    Which gold dye is that?
  • Hippie4927
    JadeCoin wrote: »

    Which gold dye is that?


    It is the gold from jewelry crafting.....making a legendary jewelry item.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • JadeCoin
    Hippie4927 wrote: »


    It is the gold from jewelry crafting.....making a legendary jewelry item.

    Ah OK, thank you! I have that color unlocked, but I didn't realize it was quite that shade. I need to spend more time at the dye station, apparently, because that dye looks absolutely lovely on your character! Gave her an awesome.
  • Hippie4927
    JadeCoin wrote: »

    Ah OK, thank you! I have that color unlocked, but I didn't realize it was quite that shade. I need to spend more time at the dye station, apparently, because that dye looks absolutely lovely on your character! Gave her an awesome.

    Thank you! I used up all my gold platings just to get that dye! I think it was worth it.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Grizzbeorn
    I may feel a slight compulsion along those lines...

      PC/NA Warden Main
    • DP99
      Not so much to match colors, but to match the theme of the character yes. She's based on Princess Zelda, so naturally the horse is "Epona" and the purple torchbug, is her fairy companion.

    • TheImperfect
      Yeah pets, mounts houses and clothing.... got to match.
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