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What about decent provisioning station for player's houses?

What about decent provisioning station for player's houses? No sane person would put an open fire in the kitchen! But this is the only kind of station which is available for players (pic. 1). A crown, Clockwork one is not appropriate for the majority of houses, because it is quite large and expensive (pic. 2). And in the the end we have nothing to place at all. But everyone want to be able to cook in their one houses.

What do I suggest? There are a few stations in game which are not available for players (pic. 3). It would be awesome if players could use them in game and, for exemple, buy their gold chematics for vouchers, for gold (as achievement furniture) or at least for decent sum of crowns.

@ZOS_Edward @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom, what's your opinion about this?

  • NorthernNightmare
    yeah.. the clockwork is too expensive so I have the first one

    It looks nice in the house
    the issue? Above it is a woof floor.... Not the safest from a rping perspective
  • Minyassa
    YES please. Either that or let us put the fire in a fireplace or firepit without the proximity destroying functionality! My open firepit in my carefully crafted kitchen looks stupid and it is the one annoying flaw in my design that I haven't figured out how to fix and still have a working station.
  • playfull_kitten
    pretty pretty please? *kitten is kneeling*
    This one likes to play.....
  • Carbonised
    We have been asking for the Vvardenfell brass oven for more than a year now.

    No response.
  • vieurthadar1
    Soul Shriven
    That's why I don't have a provisioning station in my little Black Vine Villa. I just added a fire pit with a decorations and it looks pretty realistic but I still can't cook at home. From way I see it, Vvardenfell cooking station is a really good option.
    Sounds like a plan...
  • Earrindo
    They added a new provisioning station with a special witches festival furnishing pack on the PTS. Currently, unlike the other pieces in the pack, it cannot be bought on its own.

    It is a circular, neat fire pit with a large cauldron on top. There is a green substance in the cauldron and it emits a greenish glow (I was able to override the glow by sinking a brazier into the floor beneath it)
    I was able to place it so it functions almost completely inside the Alinor fireplace.
    I'm out so can't post a screen, but wanted to let folks know.

    It still isn't the best solution, but it's something I guess
    Edited by Earrindo on August 1, 2018 8:08AM
  • Carbonised
    Earrindo wrote: »
    They added a new provisioning station with a special witches festival furnishing pack on the PTS. Currently, unlike the other pieces in the pack, it cannot be bought on its own.

    It is a circular, neat fire pit with a large cauldron on top. There is a green substance in the cauldron and it emits a greenish glow (I was able to override the glow by sinking a brazier into the floor beneath it)
    I was able to place it so it functions almost completely inside the Alinor fireplace.
    I'm out so can't post a screen, but wanted to let folks know.

    It still isn't the best solution, but it's something I guess

    It's great for a witche's cauldron (which I intend to use it as), not so much for any other type of home.
  • Barbantua
    Yes please!

    When I finally will end with buying a house, I wanna set a cozy "burzhuika"-style stove like the one on pic No3.

    You know, by type of my employment I pay a lot of attention to safety, fire safety including. And I can say that the open fire is not the thing which corresponds to SAFETY FIRST expression. I assume, that no one wants to finish a day with the face in the hearth by accidentally have stumbled on the threshold after having a splendid booze in a tavern.

    MAKE TAMRIEL SAFE AGAIN! Build more stoves please.
  • Earrindo
    I agree. It is truly a mystery how they haven't added, at least, a basic fireplace station. Just a pile of logs and a roaring fire, that would really class up any kitchen.
    I'm quite done with trying to make some kinda sense out of the dispossessed campfire in the middle of my kitchen floor for no apparent reason
  • MLGProPlayer
    I just want an animated fire for the current provisioning station.
  • Mureel
    YES PLEASE! Or let us have a plain fire we can scale to put in our FIREPLACES xD
  • Marabornwingrion
    We've got nice Alinor fireplaces with Summerset, but still can't be used as cooking station... :(
  • Enemoriana
    I want some provisioning station that can be placed into self-made fireplace, something that looks like Firelogs, Flaming.
    I built fireplace in my Strident Springs Demesne house - and had to place station outdoor. In Erstwhile Sanctuary I have stations for all craft + outfit station + now collecting vouchers for transmutation, and I have big fireplace there, but I don't have provisioning station there at all, because I can't find any place where it will look normally!

    Or at least some fireplace like this:

    Those two from picture in first post, though, are great.
    • PC EU, @Enemoriana. Ru
    • My wishlist: crown crates, Lucky Cat Landing, atronach/crow/factotum merchant.
    • Houses: The Erstwhile Sanctuary. Everybody is welcomed! Here is video.
    • Luxury furniture is displayed in Forsaken Stronghold. Decorator default. Not luxury, but similar or close looking items marked with jester banners. Closed until ESO+ will be available again for Russia: without doubled limits there is not enough space.
    • Two years with no ESO+ available. Eternal thanks to people who gifted music boxes, my everlasting ESO passion!
  • Sam_Carter
    Soul Shriven
    Please give us the existing provisioning stations in the game! it can not be difficult :#
  • silent_joe55
    Soul Shriven
    That's actually a great idea. To think about it, there are a lot of furniture in the game, which is not available for players, including stoves from the third pic, so adding them would be really great. It is easy to build a decent fireplace, but to be able to cook on it would be highly appreciated.
  • Master_Fluff
    Good suggestions. More provisioning crafting stations pretty please. Either craftable, voucher purchasable or as achievement unlocks.
    Halcyon Black
  • M_Volsung
    I have the clockwork provisioning station, it's in my workshop next to the blacksmithing station standing in for the forge as well.
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    How about a kettle bracket for the fireplace? This would be appropriate to the era and look nice for many homes.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • anadandy
    Agreed with all of the above. I find it frustrating that you can cook in pretty much every fireplace in Tamriel; except the one in your own home.

    The models are in the game, it's not as if they have to create something new. Please.
  • Mysanne
    I agree. Same wish in the french forum.
  • Algorax
    Another obvious thing to add...
  • ghastley
    The standard in-game ones of the fireplace logs and the Khajiit firepit would go a long way to satisfying the demand. The Vvardenfell and Redguard ones for those styles, too.

    There are a few other furnishings that could usefully have a provisioning variant, such as the Redguard counter, grill.

  • Nestor
    At least give us that Redguard oven....
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • DanielMorra
    Everyone! It would be great if some of you could take screenshots of cooking stations (which are not available in the player's houses) and post them here. Let's make a compilation!
  • Sporvan
    My character RPs as a vegan animal rights activist druid (j/k) and that provisioning station with a chunk of meat on it grosses it out... Need to have more variety stations. I'd love to see that redguard oven!
  • Delphinia
    At the least, I would settle to have a cooking fire that could be placed inside an existing fireplace.
  • ghastley
    Delphinia wrote: »
    At the least, I would settle to have a cooking fire that could be placed inside an existing fireplace.

    Especially as that is the one you'll typically first experience as a cooking station. You'll find it in the Inn where you get certified in Provisioning, and expect them all to be like that.

  • Reivax
    How about a kettle bracket for the fireplace? This would be appropriate to the era and look nice for many homes.

    I used the Common Post, Sign Holder to simulate one, embedded it in the wall of the stone fireplace, and added a pot.
    It looks pretty good, but unfortunately can't cook on it...
    I turned it upside down, and embedded the post part in the wall, and left curly queue part extending. Hard to describe, i'll try to post a picture

    Edited by Reivax on September 14, 2018 1:05AM
  • Delphinia
    How about a kettle bracket for the fireplace? This would be appropriate to the era and look nice for many homes.

    Love this idea! Something small that would blend well with most homes.
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