edges_endgame wrote: »Anybody playing on Sotha, NA being AD.
If there is 8 players, chasing JUST me...I got zerged. If it is 24 chasing my 6....I got zerged....etc
Someone who:
* Runs in large groups
* Frequently zerg surfs
* Says things like “I can’t be a zergling because I’m not in a group” or “I’m solo” while he’s buried in a group of other players of their alliance
* Chases down a solo player or small group across the map with a large group
* Defends sloads/zaan/proc sets/other crutch sets as balanced
* Says things like “This is war” to justify being surrounded by 50 other players
* PvDoors empty keeps on the regular
* Cares about campaign score
* Won’t 1v1 anyone they zerg down but still claims to be better than them
* Genuinely gets upset when people scroll farm/troll
* Thinks that numbers should trump strategy/skill in fights
Did I miss anything else?
dtsharples wrote: »Zergling seems to be just a derogatory term for someone that 'you' don't like the play-style of. Generally a larger mass of players than you currently have.
It's bull-s**t terminology really though, as you never have any idea what other peoples intentions are, if they are in a group or not, or how they ended up being in the numbers they are.
A group of 28 might be 4 guild groups of 7 people who got a call that Nikel was UA. And all (separately) decided to run to help save it.
I wouldn't call 7 people a zerg, not even close.
Until ZOS reduce maximum group sizes we will have mass zergs, that is for sure.
Even if they do reduce the group sizes there is no guarantee people won't just stack anyways - accidentally or not.
It's annoying, but it's kinda the way that Cyrodiil was made to work.
If people don't want large-scale fights stick to Battle-Grounds.
They were made specifically for you! Now how special does that make you feel?
If you want to small-scale within Cyrodiil, fine. But make sure that your'e damned good at it.
Because otherwise your'e gonna get your ass repeatedly handed to you when the Zerg steamrolls through.
And then you have zero right to complain about that zerg - you knew what you were letting yourself in for.Someone who:
* Runs in large groups
* Frequently zerg surfs
* Says things like “I can’t be a zergling because I’m not in a group” or “I’m solo” while he’s buried in a group of other players of their alliance
* Chases down a solo player or small group across the map with a large group
* Defends sloads/zaan/proc sets/other crutch sets as balanced
* Says things like “This is war” to justify being surrounded by 50 other players
* PvDoors empty keeps on the regular
* Cares about campaign score
* Won’t 1v1 anyone they zerg down but still claims to be better than them
* Genuinely gets upset when people scroll farm/troll
* Thinks that numbers should trump strategy/skill in fights
Did I miss anything else?
^ You missed the exit for Battlegrounds. It's back that way <<<<<<
We have removed some non-construcive posts from this thread. Please ensure your posts are adding value to the discussion.
Someone who:
* Runs in large groups
* Frequently zerg surfs
* Says things like “I can’t be a zergling because I’m not in a group” or “I’m solo” while he’s buried in a group of other players of their alliance
* Chases down a solo player or small group across the map with a large group
* Defends sloads/zaan/proc sets/other crutch sets as balanced
* Says things like “This is war” to justify being surrounded by 50 other players
* PvDoors empty keeps on the regular
* Cares about campaign score
* Won’t 1v1 anyone they zerg down but still claims to be better than them
* Genuinely gets upset when people scroll farm/troll
* Thinks that numbers should trump strategy/skill in fights
Did I miss anything else?
We have removed some non-construcive posts from this thread. Please ensure your posts are adding value to the discussion.
Based off your response I’m gonna assume you fit into quite a few of the points I made.
@Joshlenoir we all know a zergling is just someone "pushing for GO"
Someone who:
* Runs in large groups
* Frequently zerg surfs
* Says things like “I can’t be a zergling because I’m not in a group” or “I’m solo” while he’s buried in a group of other players of their alliance
* Chases down a solo player or small group across the map with a large group
* Defends sloads/zaan/proc sets/other crutch sets as balanced
* Says things like “This is war” to justify being surrounded by 50 other players
* PvDoors empty keeps on the regular
* Cares about campaign score
* Won’t 1v1 anyone they zerg down but still claims to be better than them
* Genuinely gets upset when people scroll farm/troll
* Thinks that numbers should trump strategy/skill in fights
Did I miss anything else?
Must all of the above be true to qualify as a zergling, OR would a person qualify for zerglingship if only one of the above were true?
I confess, I defend sloads! Yes, that's right, I defend sloads! I wear it while I pve (solo)! Why? Because it's a great pve set! So, does this make me a ... zergling?
OMG! I must know the answer! What if I am?I need to know how to get in touch with the Cyrodiil chapter of Z.A. (Zerglings Anonymous) ... you know ... just 'in case.'
dtsharples wrote: »Based off your response I’m gonna assume you fit into quite a few of the points I made.
You can assume what you like friend
We are all free to think what we like, and to PVP how we like also.
But in response to your earlier comments I thought I'd give you a response whilst I have a short break to enjoy an Icecream in this sweltering heat.
Define Large? Usually 7-8 people in my group - I guess 7 IS larger than 2 so possibly correct
Do I / my group sometimes meet other groups at objectives accidentally - Yes, OFC. Cyro is big but it aint so big that you don't run into other people.....or else what would be the point exactly?
People can be solo and tag along for the ride. If I'm alone at Nickel and want to get to Roe, I'm not waiting for the group running past me to leave before I set off, for fear of being called a 'Zergling'
All of those sets are balanced, you just didn't balance your existing build against them - I'm guessing Perma-block Tank circa mid 2017??
So you ran into 50 players, alone, died and then complained?....I can't help there
I also despise PVDoor - see we agree
People SHOULD care about the campaign score, there's a scoreboard for a reason. Just because some thoughtless PVDoor heroes ruined it for everyone - faction pride should still be a thing
How do I determine if you were Zerged down though? If you put yourself into a stupid situation where you end up facing 5 people alone, I'm not just gonna let you run away because you took a wrong turn. Theres a whole film you can watch which will better explain that.
I don't think people really get upset, It's more pity for the scroll carriers and a slight sense of disbelief at the levels of childishness these people will employ to mess with a campaign that they apparently 'don't care about'
Honestly, head to Battle Ground. If you are very lucky you won't be faced with 2 groups of unorganised helpless pugs, and you might actually face another competent team.
You'll have much more chance of this that finding any small-scale in Cyrodiil that is slowly going extinct.
That way you can both show your prowess and, win or lose, you can say that you absolutely were not Zerged. (Unless you are cornered 3 v 1 then I guess your rules would indeed cover that being a Zerg ......Duel invite incoming)
Sorry BG arent giving you your kicks, you wont find them in Cyro either
But your happy to fight a group of newbies . I gave up shooting fish in a barrel a long time ago. it isn't progressive
it isn't pretty and it isn't helpful. But carry on
wiki already has this one covered
some creating editing was used.
Zerglings move in large groups, ranging from a dozen to a hundred. Zerglings can act as "meat shields" for more powerful organised groups, but can also overwhelm their foes through sheer weight of numbers. Individually, zerglings are of little threat. They can also work together in large groups under the command of pug whisperers.
dtsharples wrote: »
Sorry BG arent giving you your kicks, you wont find them in Cyro either
But your happy to fight a group of newbies . I gave up shooting fish in a barrel a long time ago. it isn't progressive
it isn't pretty and it isn't helpful. But carry on
I don't want to fight new players so I can feel good about myself. That's not a challenge. I want good fights that are challenging but still offer a fighting chance. I shouldn't just immediately be rendered useless because a group has more numbers than me. People want to argue that numbers should be the end all be all of wins or losses and that's just not right.
Someone who:
* Runs in large groups
* Frequently zerg surfs
* Says things like “I can’t be a zergling because I’m not in a group” or “I’m solo” while he’s buried in a group of other players of their alliance
* Chases down a solo player or small group across the map with a large group
* Defends sloads/zaan/proc sets/other crutch sets as balanced
* Says things like “This is war” to justify being surrounded by 50 other players
* PvDoors empty keeps on the regular
* Cares about campaign score
* Won’t 1v1 anyone they zerg down but still claims to be better than them
* Genuinely gets upset when people scroll farm/troll
* Thinks that numbers should trump strategy/skill in fights
Did I miss anything else?
Must all of the above be true to qualify as a zergling, OR would a person qualify for zerglingship if only one of the above were true?
I confess, I defend sloads! Yes, that's right, I defend sloads! I wear it while I pve (solo)! Why? Because it's a great pve set! So, does this make me a ... zergling?
OMG! I must know the answer! What if I am?I need to know how to get in touch with the Cyrodiil chapter of Z.A. (Zerglings Anonymous) ... you know ... just 'in case.'
It was more of a general list of things zerglings say and/or do, but I would say the only ones that don't necessarily make someone a zergling are the points I made about scrolls and campaign scores. I don't get why you'd run sloads in PvE when there's plenty of other sets that will give you better dps.dtsharples wrote: »Based off your response I’m gonna assume you fit into quite a few of the points I made.
You can assume what you like friend
We are all free to think what we like, and to PVP how we like also.
But in response to your earlier comments I thought I'd give you a response whilst I have a short break to enjoy an Icecream in this sweltering heat.
Define Large? Usually 7-8 people in my group - I guess 7 IS larger than 2 so possibly correct
Do I / my group sometimes meet other groups at objectives accidentally - Yes, OFC. Cyro is big but it aint so big that you don't run into other people.....or else what would be the point exactly?
People can be solo and tag along for the ride. If I'm alone at Nickel and want to get to Roe, I'm not waiting for the group running past me to leave before I set off, for fear of being called a 'Zergling'
All of those sets are balanced, you just didn't balance your existing build against them - I'm guessing Perma-block Tank circa mid 2017??
So you ran into 50 players, alone, died and then complained?....I can't help there
I also despise PVDoor - see we agree
People SHOULD care about the campaign score, there's a scoreboard for a reason. Just because some thoughtless PVDoor heroes ruined it for everyone - faction pride should still be a thing
How do I determine if you were Zerged down though? If you put yourself into a stupid situation where you end up facing 5 people alone, I'm not just gonna let you run away because you took a wrong turn. Theres a whole film you can watch which will better explain that.
I don't think people really get upset, It's more pity for the scroll carriers and a slight sense of disbelief at the levels of childishness these people will employ to mess with a campaign that they apparently 'don't care about'
Honestly, head to Battle Ground. If you are very lucky you won't be faced with 2 groups of unorganised helpless pugs, and you might actually face another competent team.
You'll have much more chance of this that finding any small-scale in Cyrodiil that is slowly going extinct.
That way you can both show your prowess and, win or lose, you can say that you absolutely were not Zerged. (Unless you are cornered 3 v 1 then I guess your rules would indeed cover that being a Zerg ......Duel invite incoming)
People can not be solo and tag along with big groups. Your point about being solo but riding somewhere and there being other players around is valid and I'll agree with you. But saying that just because you're not grouped up with those players while you work on the same objective as them is laughable.
Sloads and Zaan are not balanced. Oblivion damage has absolutely zero counterplay. Zaan does too much damage and can't be broken with LOS. I play Stam DK and don't get an easy counter to it like Templars do with Cleanse. Telling me to adjust my build to deal with a broken set just proves how unbalanced it is. Purge costs like 6k magicka. Good luck sustaining that every 6 seconds.
Running purposely into 50 players is not the issue. It's those 50 players who get even a whiff of a single enemy player and feel the need to stop what they're doing to chase them down. No skill involved in that.
Campaign score offers no meaningful rewards. There is no reason to care about something that has no effect on the game and doesn't provide any benefits besides a couple thousand gold and some sub par jewelry that hardly any build runs.
If you see someone in a 1v5 and you feel compelled to go join in and make it a 6v1, you're a zergling.
There was a whole thread just the other week/month where people were QQing about a scroll being dumped in the slaughterfish even though it respawns.
Battlegrounds aren't satisfying and don't provide the small scale I'm looking for. I enjoy fighting outnumbered when I have a chance to win and when my strategy and personal ability play into whether a fight is won or not. 9/10 times in Cyrodiil it's the numbers that win no matter what.
And thanks, I don't have to assume anymore. You proved my point.
dtsharples wrote: »-Still nothing wrong with Sloads or Zaan. If you can't counter them that is your responsibility. I don't run either, and I have never died to either so far.
dtsharples wrote: »I'm a Zergling.
dtsharples wrote: »I do my 1 v 1 fights in PVE - it's called a Duel.