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Once again a lack of Guild Management Tools

It is concerning that still since Guilds have been introduced that there is a lack of Ban from Guild List available for Guild Masters. This means that a player that has scammed, abused or through toxic behavior devastate a Guild can rejoin if you allow more than one person to add members. This simple tool will allow Guilds to protect their members. A simple message of "@name is blocked from joining guild" will not violate any naming and shaming policy nor would keeping the list only viewable by the Guild Master.

The quality of the game has been declining with the vast toxic behaviors. The naming and shaming policy protects those that repeatedly has taken advantage of it. Guilds are left with little that they can do to protect members. Get a clue and grant us the tool native in the game, an addon can only tell you if they have joined and not prevent membership as can be done with it coded in game. I consider this a must have quality of life improvement for guilds.

Season of DraggingOn
It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • supaskrub
    I agree.. This is totally needed
  • VaranisArano
    Are you asking ZOS to maintain a blacklist of players who they know were reported for stealing stuff from guilds? Or are you wanting guildmasters to be able to create a blacklist of these players?

    And you don't see any problems that might arise from creating such a blacklist or why ZOS might not want to support such a blacklist?
  • JHartEllis
    This seems more an issue of having open invites and open guild bank access--you get a "tragedy of the commons" effect there, and the best way around that is to restrict access. Invites seem to be more of a guild leadership issue than a ZoS issue, but I'd love it if they added more options for the guild bank--more tabs with separate permissions or withdrawal limits for each--the current "all or nothing" on the guild bank is silly.

    Big problem with the ban list is that guild leaders would inevitably share them PREEMPTIVELY out of an abundance of caution, and that itself enforces toxicity. Players are either doing account bannable things or they're not.
    Guild leader of Spicy Economics and Spicy Life on PC/NA
    ESO Stream Team Partner on Twitch:
  • Tasear
    I personally would love to see new guild management tools.
  • Grimm13
    Are you asking ZOS to maintain a blacklist of players who they know were reported for stealing stuff from guilds? Or are you wanting guildmasters to be able to create a blacklist of these players?

    And you don't see any problems that might arise from creating such a blacklist or why ZOS might not want to support such a blacklist?

    I am asked that a GM be able to say I do not want this player to join the guild. ZOS does not have to maintain anything, it's all up to a guild. Each guild has had someone that they had gotten rid of at some point and do not want them back in their guild.

    I am not asking that they be blocked from all guilds, only the one that a GM has placed them on their BL. If you like call it a Blocked List, I'm just using the traditional term for it.

    There is no problem as it would not be a game wide list and not publicly done. Used to be in a game having a good reputation meant something and a bad rep had repercussions. With anti naming and shaming policies good players have little recourse and guilds even less.

    Example: A guild member works into a Rank that has permissions to the Guild Bank and/or Guild Gold. They remove all for themselves and quit the Guild. The assets have been stolen in a Guilds eye's but a Games Admin sees it that they were given permission to take from them and not consider it Ban worth nor recover said assets.

    Do you not think that a Guild Should have the right to automatically block them from rejoining that Guild?

    Can cite a number of more types of instances where Toxic play can get away for this for quite a while and a Game's Admin does little or takes so long to react that good players are driven away. This is just a tool that is in most games and is effective without creating a toxic environment.

    There are other tools that guilds need native game options as well. Such as...
    a GM be able to mass mail to their own guild
    Withdrawal Limits on G Bank and G Gold
    Option for a Rank to see Bank or Not (Not all Guilds work the same)
    A larger about Guild section, should be 1400 characters but is around 300
    Ability for a Guild to own housing (crown gifting now makes this possible if allowed.)

    A number of guild quality of life improvements are needed and have not been done since guilds started. It is time that Zos does some.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Grimm13
    JHartEllis wrote: »
    This seems more an issue of having open invites and open guild bank access--you get a "tragedy of the commons" effect there, and the best way around that is to restrict access. Invites seem to be more of a guild leadership issue than a ZoS issue, but I'd love it if they added more options for the guild bank--more tabs with separate permissions or withdrawal limits for each--the current "all or nothing" on the guild bank is silly.

    Big problem with the ban list is that guild leaders would inevitably share them PREEMPTIVELY out of an abundance of caution, and that itself enforces toxicity. Players are either doing account bannable things or they're not.

    This problem would be limited as a Guild's Blocked List would only be 100 - 200 size limit. I could agree with a 100 limit. So any mass preemptive list would be mitigated.

    Your argument could be said that the ignore list could have a preemptive list so should not be done as it might cause toxicity so limiting should be done at all.

    Not all things considered unethical in game are ban offenses. Nor is many things that a Guild considers a violation of their polices game ban offenses.

    Once the option is programed in Zos has nothing to do with the list, just as with the Ignore list, a GM simply use the menu on a guild tab seen only by the GM. I do think having it as a Rank based option could be abused. I any enforcement some give and take must be granted to the idea.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Kingslayer513
    For what it's worth, I agree with everything you've said. However, I don't know why you posted this to the PTS forum where way less people will see it and there's a 0% chance ZOS will implement any of these features before the next dlc goes live.

    Anyways, guilds have been in need of a QoL pass and UI update for a long time. That goes for the mailing system as well. There's no reason that all mail should just be dumped into a generic tiny inbox, like that's what I'd expect from a placeholder system for a game in alpha.

    Guilds should easily be able to send mail to all their members, or members of specific ranks at will. Your mail should have default folders for different things and ideally you should be able to customize it just like you can with the chat window. We're not living in the 1990's anymore.

    Guilds should have official guild halls with significantly increased player caps so that actual events can be hosted. Guild UI should be overhauled to offer more options for grouping, notifications, sales tracking, specific guild bank access, etc. One example that comes to mind is when PVE guilds make dedicated raiding teams, it is all done externally because no tools exist in game to do this. Would be useful to send mail, notifications, grouping invites, etc to a formal raid team roster within the guild.

    For a game who's entire economy and endgame is based around guilds, they are surprisingly primitive. Please give guilds some love.
  • Grimm13
    @Kingslayer513 Why did I post here? There is no specific forum set to address Guild issues in the game. I was pointing out that they continue to do updates without addressing the QoL of Guilds, I thought it best to do so in where updates are discussed and not in another forum that yet again buries such comments. Perhaps there is a chance that a Dev finally sees and listens to the needs of the community.

    Good Guild management tools are a vital part of any game. They allow guilds to tailor the guild to met the needs of their members and maintain a positive environment to create fun for the members. This in turn means people want to stay and play in a game that they can feel good about logging into.

    I've asked before in other channels why there is no separate Guild section and the over whelming response I got was that ZOS does not care about Guilds, their QoL or players needs. What is really sad about that, not a single response was made by ZOS.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • XxCaLxX
    I agree 100%. It’s simple to ban someone from traveling to your home so the same option for guild would be nice. There are so many things that are needed to improve the guild and trader experience and seeing as how they are a crucial part of the game idk how certain things haven’t already been addressed.
  • Grimm13
    XxCaLxX wrote: »
    I agree 100%. It’s simple to ban someone from traveling to your home so the same option for guild would be nice. There are so many things that are needed to improve the guild and trader experience and seeing as how they are a crucial part of the game idk how certain things haven’t already been addressed.

    The number of GM's are a minority in the game so they get drowned out by the majority. ZOS needs to take this into account and start offering Guild QoL updates to all platforms.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Grimm13
    Again, where is the QOL for Guilds? All we got is...

    Guilds & Guild Features

    Fixed an issue where depositing or withdrawing several different types of items in rapid succession from a Guild Bank might cause the error "No Permission: Item No Longer Exists" to display.
    Fixed an issue where listings at a Guild Trader with identical prices could display on multiple pages, or none at all.

    Those that use and need the tools for Guilds is small but it effects a vastly greater amount of players without their knowledge. With a new UI Dev this year, I had really hoped we would have seen this sooner rather than put off once again.
    Edited by Grimm13 on September 18, 2018 11:05AM

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

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