Help with Tanking

Hello everyone. Recently i joined a guild that is active and do trials, dungeons, dailies everyday which is awesome. One requirement they ask of tanks is to run a staff back bar. I play a warden tank, and have been running double sword and board for months now. I dont have alkosh but i run ebon and dragon for higher warhorn uptime. One thing i have noticed on tank pov videos is they only use their skill. As a tank are not suppose to light attack in between skills? I have always played dps and i guess its muscle memory but i never understood the whole staff back bar for higher uptime until i noticed that. I light attack between skills unless its a heavy high incoming. I tried to switch it out and farmed a ice dragon staff this past weekend. (Hours of grinding and only got that). Can someone teach me da wey!!! Sorry for long post. I wanna start tanking vet trials but i wanna learn the staff back bar.
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    You can't block and light attack at the same time.
  • Liofa
    Staff back bar is used for utility. Crushing Shock for 28 meter interrupt and Blockade for Crusher uptime. These are for Frost Staff. In fight where you are comfortable, you can swap to Lightning Staff and your Blockade will apply Off Balance to the target.

    Tehese are really the only reasons why Staff is preferred on back bar. Even though they seem small, can make quite a difference.
  • Checkmath
    first off, since you now have an ice staff, put it on your backbar and also slot elemental blockade. thats the skill which is necessary as tank with a staff. additionally you should choose, if your blocking on the ice staff bar should consume magicka or stamina (if it should consume magicka, make sure to not have the tri focus passive skilled).
    now for the basics: you said you use a lot of light attacks and weave between skills. thats not bad, since light attacks provide a high uptime of the weapon enchants. tanks mostly use light attacks to proc the enchants, since dps wise their light attacks actually doesnt really matter. you said, that lot of tanks do not use them, thats because in some trials a lot of blocking is a must to survive. while blocking you cant do normal light attacks.
    so what does matter for you: choose which resource will be drained by blocking on your staff bar, slot elemental blockade (this is very important to add effects like minor maim or roots (with an ice staff) or offbalance (with a lightning staff), also elemental blockade helps you proccing your weapon enchants, very important next patch, since it will proc the enchant from your staff then), learn when weaving light or heavy attacks is important (proccing enchants or restoring resources) and when you shouldnt weave, because you are in danger (then blocking or shielding up is important).
  • WickidMexican
    I see. Yea i didnt understand the whole staff back bar fuss if you can just light attack to proc your enchant but i understand a little better. Sometimes you cant light attack or your moving around. Thanks. Now for trait wise its infused right?
  • Liofa
    I see. Yea i didnt understand the whole staff back bar fuss if you can just light attack to proc your enchant but i understand a little better. Sometimes you cant light attack or your moving around. Thanks. Now for trait wise its infused right?

    Yeah infused is best. To see how to get better uptimes on your enchants, check this thread:
  • Checkmath
    infused as long as you dont go for a lighting staff (there a charged one can be very effective for more concussed and offbalance uptime).
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