The house in Mournhold that is right next to the crafting and writ turn in area. It is empty, but it is nice have a free port to Mournhold whenever I need.
Looking at the furniture cap I would say one oh those super small ones like Captain Margaux's place because it's 100 slots WITHOUT eso+.
I would advice you to NOT get Twin Arches because it's only 100 slots for non eso+ aswell, but is a lot bigger than Margaux's place. Also you cannot build to access the roof so that's a shame.
xAk_MoRRoWiNdx wrote: »
Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret? Isn't that the free EP house?? If so, that's as tiny as the other apartments lol.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
no, its the apartment that costs 11k I think? is about the size of one of the rooms in the EP large hom (its sort of moon shaped), has fairly high ceiling (so second floor is very doable) and has 50 slots furnishing limit (100 with ESO plus).
FloppyTouch wrote: »If you dont have gold ever dont get into housing. I'm not being mean but housing is a gold sink and its huge. Even the smaller homes can cost a lot to finish. The 400 slot ones I spend close to 2mil on furnishing them.
Now if you just want to buy a home not do anything with it but storage and target skeleton then anything cheap with a yard will do.
My advice is if ur struggling to get gold to buy a house ur not going to want it bc it will stay empty for a long time.
Exorcised Witches Coven in Glenumbra. It was out last Halloween event. It has land, water, inside, outside, and plenty of furniture slots. More than I can fill. If you want to look cozy and crowded, this is the one.
xAk_MoRRoWiNdx wrote: »
How was the price on it though?
And I totally agree with the first line for your signature. It's under my wishlist
xAk_MoRRoWiNdx wrote: »I'm thinking about getting a house, but I hardly ever have any gold and I would rather not to drop close to $100 (if not more) on one.
I really really like the Lake Amaya house in Vvardenfell, but it's super pricey. But I'm really thinking about getting either Twin Arches, Cyrodiilic Jungle Home, or Sleek Creek House (REALLY looking at that one!)
Does anyone have any input?
Exorcised Witches Coven in Glenumbra. It was out last Halloween event. It has land, water, inside, outside, and plenty of furniture slots. More than I can fill. If you want to look cozy and crowded, this is the one.
Autumn's-Gate was my first home.
xAk_MoRRoWiNdx wrote: »
You can't build to the roof? Lame.