Need to change the style materials on the new furnitures ASAP

Hello everyone!
First of all, I want to thank you for creating Summerset with all these absolutely -fantastic- furnitures. We can build houses with all the cool staircases and walls and pillars. It's absolutely amazing!

However.. We need to get another sorce aswell as the main ingredience in all these furniture. That the Culanda Lacquer only drops from the dailys and you can only get 3 of them per day if you're lucky is -redicilous-.

I have a house I'm planning to build. I'ts going to contain 136 of the new furnitures, and that's just the structure itself without anything in it! That mean's it's going to take me 90 days. 90! just to be able to get enough Culanda Lacquer to make the basic structure. Unless ofcourse I get myself some alts and only grind the dailys.

It's just not reasonable. Sure I can try and buy some of the mats, but the prices on them are just ridicilous since everyone wants them. And I hardly find any on traders since everyone is sucking them up to craft all the new fancy things! Vvardenfell was amazing and perfect, since you needed the dunmer stones for it. Why can't we have the altmer stones for these ones? And just have the Culanda Lacquer on a few special items. It feels so frustrating to have your creativity contained like this, that I feel like why even bother? I love housing. But it feels really sad to struggle so much to craft all these super cool things, just because they are locked behind these dailys.

What will happen when the next chapter comes out, and everyone moves away from Summerset? It's going to get even more rare. It's such a shame that we have gotten all these new and fantastic furnitures, to then get ourselves limited so. :/

Atleast give us a secondary sorce for them. Perhaps have clothes which you can get the stylestones from when deconstructed drop somewhere or something?
  • Apache_Kid
    Agreed. Most of these grinds are unnecessarily painful and just make the player resentful towards the game and the devs.
  • Bleakraven
    In general, all the new stuff (including jewelcrafting) is taking an incredibly grindy route - I agree it's just too much for the new furnishings.
  • Jayne_Doe
    There is some relief in sight. The PTS patch notes for Update 19 indicate that Culanda Lacquer will be a GUARANTEED drop from SS dailies. Also, green and blue plans will cost just 1 instead of 2 Culanda Lacquers to craft.

    I think most of the building plans are green or blue, so that should cut the number required for your building project in half, at least for the structure itself.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on July 13, 2018 5:18PM
  • Respect4Elders
    Just a few tips. You can reduce your waiting time by using alts to run more than just 3 dailies. You might also consider buying some of the CL to speed things up a bit as you might be able to farm gold faster. Finally, ZOS will be reducing the amount of CL for lower level recipes from 2 to 1 next month.
  • Carbonised
    Please go to the PTS forum and support the thread I have already made about this. The more people who support, the more likely to get it changed.
  • Mix
    You can do substantially more than 3 dailies a day. You can do all 6 Delve, 6 WB and the geyser one. With the reduced cost I don't feel it will be so bad - I like that the furniture feels a bit special. The hard part is that no gear drops in this style atm (sapiarch) so no extras from deconstruction like, for instance, the Tempered Brass.
  • ShadowHvo
    Agreed 100%!
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  • Carbonised
    Mix wrote: »
    You can do substantially more than 3 dailies a day. You can do all 6 Delve, 6 WB and the geyser one. With the reduced cost I don't feel it will be so bad - I like that the furniture feels a bit special. The hard part is that no gear drops in this style atm (sapiarch) so no extras from deconstruction like, for instance, the Tempered Brass.

    But how much time will that take, Mix. It takes a while to grab a quest, go to a delve or a WB, spend time killing said boss or going through said delve, then handing back in the quest. For what, 1 Culanda, which can make half of 1 piece of furniture?
    That's excessive, and it's pretty much a waste of time.

    6 delves and 6 world bosses? That's several hours wasted.

    The change on PTS is a -small- step in the right direction, but we need Gryphon set to drop as Sapiarch as well, so you can at least decon it for a chance at a Culanda ..
  • G1Countdown
    As stated above you can do six delve dailies and six world boss dailies a day in Summerset.

    And, if I read the PTS notes correctly green and blue Alinor recipes are having the Culanda Lacquer reduced to 1 per item (with purple and gold remaining the same). Also, it is being updated to a guaranteed Culanda drop intstead of a chance of a drop. So fixes are incoming. You just have to hold out until the next update.
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