Traitors vault is an amazing thing, why? because its fun and offers decent rewards for you time. Which Is more than I can say for most of your content. 10 or so runs of this and your likely to find something nice and shiny and if you dont want that one trade with others. Not to mention the other non alinor furnishings you get which arnt bad and my trader guild has been collecting these and offering them in packs for bid fundraising. People are still hungry for the old designs because the current forms of getting plans all suck and offer little reward. We dont want these to be rarer, we are fine with the economy like this and dont want to see it inflated to the point of lunacy like zos seems to want for EVERYTHING these days. Players want nice things without being a slave to boring hr upon hr, day upon day grinds that you end up with nothing or for the average non rich player to be able to purchase at a sane price. Its not hurting the economy its making things accessible for more player which its a good thing. Also If your crown packs of furniture cant stand on their own without you needing to make things rarer just so we get fed up trying to find items then maybe their not worth selling? Quit trying to be a vampire of money ringing the last drop of blood out of your victims to the detriment of fun things and your game.
RAGE!!!!!!!!!!! *FLIPS DESK*
Edited by ezio45 on July 12, 2018 9:22AM