MajesticHaruki wrote: »Why why why why not the bookcase with BOOKS? WHY DO YOU HATE US?
Serious question. What do you mean the bed is animated? I assume it is a similar levitation animation to the psijic books.
DirkRavenclaw wrote: »Awesome, no Cuala Lanqueur needed but, have you seen, for example the Bookcase needs 11 wax lol
bellatrixed wrote: »Why is the bookcase called "full" if it's empty? I hope this is a bug because we really need a full version of it. It's way too huge to fill up with the item limit as it is...
The new 125 voucher furniture plans from the Wolfhunter PTS. (didn't see anyone else post them on here yet)
bellatrixed wrote: »Why is the bookcase called "full" if it's empty? I hope this is a bug because we really need a full version of it. It's way too huge to fill up with the item limit as it is...
My guess is that the "full" in "Alinor Bookcase, Grand Full" means that it's the full-sized bookcase, as opposed to being a partial, smaller bookcase. Similar to how the "Alinor Bed, Polished Full" is a queen-sized bed, as opposed to a twin-sized bed, or how a "Dwarven Pipe, Full Column" is longer version of "Dwarven Pipe, Half Column".
Like many other posters, this makes me sad. That bookcase - and the gorgeous "Alinor Bookshelf Wall, Timeworn" - have the potential to be really useful, but filling up all those shelves from scratch is an item count nightmare.
I get that the item count can't be changed; I'm not starting that argument. The way to improve the item count situation is by creating more "combination" items - like bookshelves with books already on them. (And vases with flowers in them, a combination quill/ink pot, wine racks with bottles in the slots, scroll cabinets that have scrolls in them...) The Alinor items make good progress in this direction - thank you so much for the full place setting and the plant-and-pots, etc. Keep doing this.
Please change this before release - give us a version of that Alinor bookshelf with books on the shelves.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »@Jayne_Doe Ask and ye shall receive!
Carbonised wrote: »I still think that the requirement of 2 Night Pumice on ALL of these new recipes is a wet slap in the face.
If ZOS is worried that people are stocking up on too many vouchers, then perhaps they should give us something WORTHWHILE to spend our vouchers on, instead of simply forcing us to waste vouchers to buy Ebony style mats every time we want to make soemthing cool.
Doesn't even make a sliver of sense to craft Alinor and Psijic furniture with Ebony style mats..
RE: Night Pumice
The inclusion of Night Pumice in the recipes makes so little sense that I believe it was a mistake. This information is from the PTS, where things are tested, mistakes are found, and feedback is given - that's why the PTS exists.
RE: masterwrit drops
@Jayne_Doe - masterwrit drops increase the more investment the crafter has in the skill. That includes the number of FULL motifs learned (or # of purple & gold recipes for Provisioning), most of the skills in the crafting line, most of the skill's achievements, and the number of traits researched. That's per character, not account. I'm not guessing on this - this drop-rate info was in patch notes.
I only do daily writs with 3 characters; the time/mats it takes for the other characters aren't worth (to me) the gold they get. When I learned about the investment factors, I started increasing all those things on my primary and secondary crafters, and over the months I've seen their masterwrit average climb up and up.
Pretty much no matter what you're farming in the game, in order to be successful the character needs to be set up to farm that thing, which usually takes some prep work. If you feel like you aren't getting the results others are getting, ask why. It might just be RNG, but it might also be something you can fix.
RE: masterwrit drops
@Jayne_Doe - masterwrit drops increase the more investment the crafter has in the skill. That includes the number of FULL motifs learned (or # of purple & gold recipes for Provisioning), most of the skills in the crafting line, most of the skill's achievements, and the number of traits researched. That's per character, not account. I'm not guessing on this - this drop-rate info was in patch notes.
I only do daily writs with 3 characters; the time/mats it takes for the other characters aren't worth (to me) the gold they get. When I learned about the investment factors, I started increasing all those things on my primary and secondary crafters, and over the months I've seen their masterwrit average climb up and up.
Pretty much no matter what you're farming in the game, in order to be successful the character needs to be set up to farm that thing, which usually takes some prep work. If you feel like you aren't getting the results others are getting, ask why. It might just be RNG, but it might also be something you can fix.
@Zells Thanks for the tips, but I'm already a master crafter with all motifs learned through Dragon Bones. I don't know all the motifs with SS yet. I also have all traits researched AGES ago, reagents/runes/etc, all provisioning recipes. Basically everything for years (outside of JC, of course). I also do all top tier writs on 5 add'l characters, about all I can really handle. They know 8 traits, all reagents/runes/etc., but only a handful of full motifs.
So, I'm having a really long streak of bad luck. I hope it'll get better soon, but it's so tiresome to get 6 gear MWs in a day that are all worth 5-7 vouchers. I'm getting the writs, which is based on all the things needed to increase the CHANCES. I'm just not getting anything good. Now, if all this "mastercraft" knowledge affected the chances of getting BETTER writs, then that would be helpful. But, clearly it doesn't. Again, I'm not having any problems GETTING MWs, only in getting ones worth more than 7 vouchers. That's not something that all the knowledge I have seems to affect.
Carbonised wrote: »RE: masterwrit drops
@Jayne_Doe - masterwrit drops increase the more investment the crafter has in the skill. That includes the number of FULL motifs learned (or # of purple & gold recipes for Provisioning), most of the skills in the crafting line, most of the skill's achievements, and the number of traits researched. That's per character, not account. I'm not guessing on this - this drop-rate info was in patch notes.
I only do daily writs with 3 characters; the time/mats it takes for the other characters aren't worth (to me) the gold they get. When I learned about the investment factors, I started increasing all those things on my primary and secondary crafters, and over the months I've seen their masterwrit average climb up and up.
Pretty much no matter what you're farming in the game, in order to be successful the character needs to be set up to farm that thing, which usually takes some prep work. If you feel like you aren't getting the results others are getting, ask why. It might just be RNG, but it might also be something you can fix.
@Zells Thanks for the tips, but I'm already a master crafter with all motifs learned through Dragon Bones. I don't know all the motifs with SS yet. I also have all traits researched AGES ago, reagents/runes/etc, all provisioning recipes. Basically everything for years (outside of JC, of course). I also do all top tier writs on 5 add'l characters, about all I can really handle. They know 8 traits, all reagents/runes/etc., but only a handful of full motifs.
So, I'm having a really long streak of bad luck. I hope it'll get better soon, but it's so tiresome to get 6 gear MWs in a day that are all worth 5-7 vouchers. I'm getting the writs, which is based on all the things needed to increase the CHANCES. I'm just not getting anything good. Now, if all this "mastercraft" knowledge affected the chances of getting BETTER writs, then that would be helpful. But, clearly it doesn't. Again, I'm not having any problems GETTING MWs, only in getting ones worth more than 7 vouchers. That's not something that all the knowledge I have seems to affect.
I used to be like you, but then I bit the bullet and made 4 crafting alts. Level every crafting skill to 50. Enchanting and Alchemy are easy to max, just learn the ingredients and runes. Provisioning I don't bother learning other than the cheap recipes, and for the other crafts, I learn the traits, all my crafting alts are now nearing 8 traits on all items (I don't bother with nirn). Let me tell you, the difference is noticable. I now have more vouchers than I know what to do with. Even these "stupid" crafting alts with no motifs learned but the basic blue and base game purple books, pull a large load of writs home, which I then make on my mastercrafter main.
I'm not sure how many alts you run daily writs on, but I find that doing it on 5 is a sweet spot. Gives me enough vouchers (and a large load of surveys and gold mats too), but any more than that would be too time consuming.