Ok, I get that you put a skill for each tree on your bar to level said tree, and the more of that tree you have slotted the more it will level. Also, you can have say, a bow skill on while not using a bow and that will level as well. My question is this...do I have to morph the slotted skills in order for the tree to keep levelling? Or, can I just put the unmorphed skill on my bar and leave it there and keep going, i.e. saving my points? Or are the skills required to be morph in order for tree level to advance?
Make any sense? I think I am "wasting" skill points and thus slowing down my levelling process my using all my points as they come available and morphing skills I really don't need but think I have to put points into in order to advance the skill tree. Granted, some skills you do want to morph in order to help with levelling and killing, etc., but can I stop there and wait until the tree hits like level 42 and a skill I need unlocks? Or do I have to keep unlocking them all?
Hope this makes some sense to folks and if not, no worries. Thanks!!