Heavy Attacks not Picking Up a Target

I've noticed for a little while now(not sure if it was pre-Summerset or not) that my heavy attacks haven't been landing. For example, if I hold RT after my rotation, sometimes it doesn't actually target the enemy that I'm facing while it used to. I have to actually release the trigger, then depress it again to get the game to realize that I want to attack that enemy. I've only encountered this with staves since all my characters are magicka based, no idea if it happens on stamina characters and melee combat.

I'm partially wondering if it's a physical controller issue, but figured I'd post here to see if anyone had similar issues. I had heard that there was recent heavy attack nerfing, so wondered if that had anything to do with it whether it be intentional or a byproduct of some other game mechanic changes that had happened. If devs would like me to get a video of it happening, I'd be more than happy to try out, just let me know - thanks!
  • Defilted
    I am having the same issue with lighting or resto staves.. Started after Summerset.
    XBOX Series X

  • Drakkdjinn
    Seen this new bug as well; seems to affect my templar and warden more than my nb or sorc for some reason.
  • Texecutioner187
    Sorry that we're having the issue, but glad to know it's not me. For the ZOS record, it is happening with my Sorc using a Lightning staff.
  • Arkhaine687
    Been happening with both heavy and light attacks for me. In werewolf form and using 2 handed axe. Introduced after summerset.
  • firedrgn
    Ya me too its like they changed the hit box is way smaller and if your camera view is not straight itwont
  • Koolio
    Type In Heavy Attack Bug in the search bar.

    You’ll only see 10k threads about it lol
  • Texecutioner187
    Koolio wrote: »
    Type In Heavy Attack Bug in the search bar.

    You’ll only see 10k threads about it lol

    Yeah, there are a lot of threads with people talking about heavy attacking, but this is the only current thread about this specific issue that I was able to find. Would be nice if @ZOS_JessicaFolsom would be able to chime in and identify if this is expected behavior or is in fact some sort of bug.
  • Drakkdjinn
    Koolio wrote: »
    Type In Heavy Attack Bug in the search bar.

    You’ll only see 10k threads about it lol

    Yeah, there are a lot of threads with people talking about heavy attacking, but this is the only current thread about this specific issue that I was able to find. Would be nice if @ZOS_JessicaFolsom would be able to chime in and identify if this is expected behavior or is in fact some sort of bug.

    D'aww - good luck with that lol
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Same issue from my thread here explaining it well: heavy attacks with restoration lightning staves still have issues firing#latest
    That includes a link to my PTS thread where it started and was much worse.
  • Tagonius
    Soul Shriven
    It would be nice if they at least told us if this is a bug or a change of behaviour. I hope it's the first, because if not, they've made the game worse.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Tagonius wrote: »
    It would be nice if they at least told us if this is a bug or a change of behaviour. I hope it's the first, because if not, they've made the game worse.

    It's definitely a bug.
    Heavy attacks are supposed to fire at the target, not just not fire.

    It was much worse on PTS in my above linked post, but they made it better. It's still not perfect.
    I have no idea what they changed to cause this in the first place as there was nothing related needing a change, but they obviously didn't fix it completely.
  • Texecutioner187
    Tagonius wrote: »
    It would be nice if they at least told us if this is a bug or a change of behaviour. I hope it's the first, because if not, they've made the game worse.

    It's definitely a bug.
    Heavy attacks are supposed to fire at the target, not just not fire.

    It was much worse on PTS in my above linked post, but they made it better. It's still not perfect.
    I have no idea what they changed to cause this in the first place as there was nothing related needing a change, but they obviously didn't fix it completely.

    I thought they did some sort of heavy attack nerfing. Not sure, just something I heard. Regardless, I agree with the earlier poster... if it's a bug, it should be identified... if it's intended behavior, someone needs to get fired. :smiley:
  • rumple9
    Me too. Struggling to heavy attack with lightening staff since summerset
  • idk
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Sorry to tag you again but it seems this it not just an anomaly. I have noticed targeting with some staves HA a little off.
  • dragonz868
    I created a post about this bug awhile back. It received no attention. Right after summerset is when it started. I thought it was my controller but it did the same thing at my friends using his brand new controller. Plus another friend that uses KB/MOUSE is having the same issue.

    I even went as far as thinking they were trying to force us to learn to weave lights because half the time my heavy's will not work unless I hit 1-3 lights first. Very aggravating when soloing WB's or running dungeons. I wish they would say something about it as I am seeing more and more posts about it with no responses and no fixes!
  • Gnortranermara
    These bugs are a serious detriment to DPS.

    One thing I've noticed is that the problem happens most often when "precasting" the heavy attack before the previous animation is complete. It used to be that I could cast an ability, then hold heavy attack before the animation was complete to smoothly transition straight into the heavy attack. Now heavy attacks are much less reliable when used that way. Even when waiting for all other animations to be completed, it still seems to happen. Maybe it's just psychological but it seems to happen less when you wait for all other animations to end. I think it was the Dragon Bones patch that broke this.

    The other bug, light attacks transforming themselves into heavy attacks, has been around for as long as I can remember.
  • Gprime31
    Lightning heavy for sure is bugged
  • dragonz868
    Is it just me??? My HEAVY'S seem to be working better today finally. I didn't do a whole lot but was on a toon I rarely play testing something and it seemed much better so I went back to one that I play a lot which has had major issues for a few mins and it seemed much better too!
  • coffeediction
    Dont worry, its soon in crown store :)
  • C0L0SSUS
    Same here
  • Texecutioner187
    It's still happening - no change. I wish that @ZOS_JessicaFolsom or @ZOS_GinaBruno would speak to this, even if nothing is going on with it.... at least someone say something so we know it's on the radar, they are investigating, we need more people to comment to indicate it's an issue... etc...
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