I have been meaning to mention this to the community for some time.
Over there last few years there has been a lot of confusion as to the state of the controller support.
When I wrote the initial Mac Os version of ESO, the game pad supported was only ever tested and designed to work with a PS4 controller hooked up over a USB cable.
At the time, ( and this is 3 years ago now ), I don't remember there being a standard way for the bluetooth controller to talk to the Mac OS properly.
So please try a USB cable.
PS. I no longer work for ZOS... been gone 3 years now.
I hope this helps.
Thanks. But MACOS natively supports XBOX1 and PS4 controllers now over bluetooth (since Catalina release). Just confirming as of today neither controller works over bluetooth, they must be plugged in which is a little annoying:
ps4 - L1 blocks and L2 does nothing.
xbox1 - you can move but none of the buttons work.
At a time of chaos and turmoil, children from all across tamriel have been taken by an evil Argonian Thieves guild. They were raised in captivity, forced to learn their captors evil ways and endured the harsh environment of Black Marsh. The intentions of the evil guild is still unknown till this day.
Amisdt the events surrounding the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, a brave few has escaped their captors and ran off as far away as they can, eventually landing on the shores of khenarthi's roost.
Armed with the skills and the scars they have endured during their captivity, these brothers and sisters in chains has vowed revenge on their Argonian captors and their allies.
They kept the names branded to them by the evil reptiles as a reminder of all the pain and torment they have suffered, and have joined the Aldmeri Dominion as a means to an end... Paint Tamriel with Argonian blood.