the title says it all ;/ for a few days now I've been experiencing all those problems, many times when i try to log in it gives me an error, if I insist for long enough (10-15 times on the best days) I will eventually manage to log in but after I do I try and load a character and it will just get stuck on the "Requesting Character Load" (today I did an experiment to see if it was just slow and I let it there while I hanged out with some friends and family) it was still there when I came back like 6-7 hours later. On some days I manage to get in my character (although if I log out and try and pick another it gets stuck again) but when I'm it I often get stuck in infinite loading screens (my usual loading time is 30 seconds to 1 minute) in those cases I just shut down the game and open it again but then all the previous problems happen. And the last, and least relevant problem, sometimes (rarely) I get DCed especially in Summerset zones.
I've tried to run a repair and uninstalled all my addons but the problems persist.
Any idea?
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