The problem with those kinds of group finders is they are automatic. There is no player communication in those game. I have found you can run an entire dungeon without anybody ever speaking a word to each other. I kind of like the old fashioned way of getting to know your group.
Bad idea. Most of the players would use this option, and the max cp elitists would not let lower cp players in the group, make it harder for them to join a group.
The problem with those kinds of group finders is they are automatic. There is no player communication in those game. I have found you can run an entire dungeon without anybody ever speaking a word to each other. I kind of like the old fashioned way of getting to know your group. When games like Wow first came out you found your groups via the chat channel. It was awesome.
Peekachu99 wrote: »What the heck is wrong with people wanting better social tools? Some of you are ridiculous. Don’t use new (hypothetical) features if you don’t want them, but don’t deny others a better UI just out of spite (while facetiously loading your PC with addons to correct all of ZOS’s other oversights with guilds, UIs, Skyshards etc.).
Game needs more options for grouping than shouting in zone or using a terribly broken tool. Arguing against this is like arguing against common sense.
Peekachu99 wrote: »What the heck is wrong with people wanting better social tools? Some of you are ridiculous. Don’t use new (hypothetical) features if you don’t want them, but don’t deny others a better UI just out of spite (while facetiously loading your PC with addons to correct all of ZOS’s other oversights with guilds, UIs, Skyshards etc.).
Game needs more options for grouping than shouting in zone or using a terribly broken tool. Arguing against this is like arguing against common sense.
What one thinks might be a better social tool someone else may think is bad for the game.
Everyone is entailed to their opinion and it is inappropriate to bash those that disagree merely because they disagree.
The Group finder in WOW is pretty automatic if you ask me...and that is the one he referenced. If I remember right and it has been a while since i played the game so I could be mistaken you simply pick the parameters of your group and it automatically makes it for you. there is no communication between players i do not believe.I could be wrong about the way it functions however as it has been awhile. Have you ever played Final Fantasy XIV. That one is even more automatic. Everything about it is automatic. You select the dungeon indicate your role and it plops you in a group wiithout a word spoken.
Forgive me if I get nostalgic. I have been playing MMOs since the beginning. I purchased the original Everquest as well as the Original WOW on release day In those days it was an adventure. Everything was new to everyone. MMOs infact where a new thing. Finding Groups involved getting on the chat channel, advertising and forming a group and having a good time together. People would chat and figure out things as we went along. MMOS have changed. Its no longer a social adventure for most. I really miss that.
Peekachu99 wrote: »Peekachu99 wrote: »What the heck is wrong with people wanting better social tools? Some of you are ridiculous. Don’t use new (hypothetical) features if you don’t want them, but don’t deny others a better UI just out of spite (while facetiously loading your PC with addons to correct all of ZOS’s other oversights with guilds, UIs, Skyshards etc.).
Game needs more options for grouping than shouting in zone or using a terribly broken tool. Arguing against this is like arguing against common sense.
What one thinks might be a better social tool someone else may think is bad for the game.
Everyone is entailed to their opinion and it is inappropriate to bash those that disagree merely because they disagree.
My grandpa still prefers a rotary phone too (God bless him for his antiquatedness). That’s doesn’t mean he’s relevant. If you don’t like the fictional tool, don’t use it, and worry about far more overt and toxic elements in the game like its increasingly proliferant and necessary cash shop.
I’m not bashing anyone, but I’ve yet to hear a reasoned argument against improving the game’s social tools—which are objectively poor by any and all industry standards. Probably because there isn’t one. We’ve just accepted that they’re bad, but we love the game and its lore so much that many of us don’t care. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Or that ZOS is off the hook.