To sum up my thoughts, I like realistic houses with "credible" landscape and furnishing, "custom places" that can match with actual outdoor spaces of Tamriel. Moreover, I'm quite fond of Altmer (my main charas and other alt are high elves) and the global design of Summerset Isle seems
right to me.
So I was really wanting to buy a big house in Summerset. But given this choice of design... I may not buy, idk
Sure, the Colossal Grotto will find some public for it, since some people are voting "fantastic !"
But I'm disappointed that ZOS design team chosed this one for
La house of the summerset chapter. Well, to speak frankly, this grotto is underwhelming for some reasons.
The current item limitation to 700 slots (with ESO+) , you know that already.
- still making such huge projects a bit pointless...
- moreover this space is not divided between interior-exterior, making it harder for
later solutions...
The dark "roof" of rock all over the bay
- the biggest problem as I see it
- bad feeling of confinement / Sword of Damocles over
- blatant
lack of sunlight and sky for a house meant for
Altmer !
- "unrealistic" impression, but not in a good sense...
- the place would be beautiful and scenic if it were a simple or multiple
arch(s) instead (and overhangs, like in Shark's Teeth Grotto)
Examples of real-life grottos in Vietnam - compare the "amount of sky" over the place

The dungeon-like design
- wrecks, wrecks everywhere ! Oh my auri-el ! ... it is a landfill !!
- with its insane height, its paths, the grotto mimics the public dungeon on the north coast. Could count as a good point
- but the nice "adventure zone!" feeling is pointless with the current furnishing system and its lack of any tool for actual "sandbox/player content"

The "building-friendliness" : very low
- all vertical
- very few paths
- almost not any "free ground" to use
- will incite owners to put unrealistic "levitating" plancks everywhere ; if I want to build a credible scaffolds, I can't see how, with the current material
The ship-themed house mixed-up together with dungeon-cove at once instead of any more relevant estate for Altmer
- okay such a place may seem legit lorewise, but there were soooo many estates that would have been more relevant
before this one
- so, with the new inn room and Alinor Crest townhouse, no house is even providing us with GARDENS in Summerset?!
- not any actual
estate in Summerset?!
- I mean, ZOS, what were you thinking?

We will be waiting for a redguard-themed ship homestead
- people looking for a ship didn't ask for such an "overkill" home
- like many players I was expecting a pirate themed house to be focused on Redguard context
- I'm in love with the
Shark's Teeth Grotto (one of your best designed place imo) for its ambient, the "patina" of its buildings (cob, stones...)
- so, with the "choice" of an aldmeri grotto..... it may never happen now ...and that's feeling sad

* of course - to end with - the foreseeable overprice (for a mere virtual sub-content of an expansion etc. etc.) that will be weighing up on par with a not-so-good impression about the product...