Looking at the numerous topics as "I've watch the twitch but got nothing" I see a little problem in miscommunication during the various giveaway events with delayed prize from ZOS.
It happens on twitch drops. It happened on "crates for logging in" giveaways. I swear it will happen on crates giveaway next weekend.
What are the stages people participate in such events:
1. I got the note about event
2. I got the information how to participate and what will I have for it
3. I've made some actions to participate
4. ... < = here is the problem
5. I got the prize
Problem is: when I finished my actions for event, I mostly have nothing that notifies me about the result. Something like "You won the prize. You'll get it during this week".
I don't know if I did all things properly or should I check it again to get what I want. This state of indefiniteness is frustrating and demotivating. And the simple notification, simple message could calm me down and allow to kindly wait for my prize.
Please, ZOS, if you could implement this little feature just to notify people about their prizes, it would be splendid, simply splendid.