It is true without pvp many would leave the game it doesn't get the respect it deserves with updates and fixes this is especially true for console players pvp is trash right now on ps4 and is unplayable pvp should be one of the main focuses in my opinion
DuskMarine wrote: »It is true without pvp many would leave the game it doesn't get the respect it deserves with updates and fixes this is especially true for console players pvp is trash right now on ps4 and is unplayable pvp should be one of the main focuses in my opinion
alot of people dont go into pvp to actually pvp fyi. those pops mean jack..........
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Ain' bringin' me together.
Also, no real PVP fallacy.
PVP dont sell. It's why the game quickly abandoned said updates aside from battlegrounds.
DuskMarine wrote: »It is true without pvp many would leave the game it doesn't get the respect it deserves with updates and fixes this is especially true for console players pvp is trash right now on ps4 and is unplayable pvp should be one of the main focuses in my opinion
alot of people dont go into pvp to actually pvp fyi. those pops mean jack..........
Cyrodiil was never meant for PvP (Zergs, zergs). Now on the other hand Imperial City was real PvP.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Ain' bringin' me together.
Also, no real PVP fallacy.
PVP dont sell. It's why the game quickly abandoned said updates aside from battlegrounds.
Mate, every big MMO has PvP in it's endgame. Saying that PvP doesn't sell is madness if you compare how many MMO's have excellent PvP ingame.
Imperial City was the only PvP update since release.
We want more updates like Imperial City which only focuses on PvPing.
This is a Great game with alot of content and amazing features. But it really needs to focus on bringing PvP players to play the Game.
Imperial City was the only PvP update since release.
We want more updates like Imperial City which only focuses on PvPing.
This is a Great game with alot of content and amazing features. But it really needs to focus on bringing PvP players to play the Game.
Gotta disagree. Group PvE has brought me and my friends together more than any PvP ever has.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
But it really needs to focus on bringing PvP players to play the Game.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Ain' bringin' me together.
Also, no real PVP fallacy.
PVP dont sell. It's why the game quickly abandoned said updates aside from battlegrounds.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Ain' bringin' me together.
Also, no real PVP fallacy.
PVP dont sell. It's why the game quickly abandoned said updates aside from battlegrounds.
Mate, every big MMO has PvP in it's endgame. Saying that PvP doesn't sell is madness if you compare how many MMO's have excellent PvP ingame.
Mate, every big MMO which has prioratized PVP as it's driving force has died. Warhammer Online. Shadowbane. It's just a matter of history.
This game prioratized it up until a year in, when it realized that it just wasn't puting in the numbers needed for content production.
Disbelieve it if you want, call me crazy if you want, but PVP specific MMO's just dont tend to do well.
But it really needs to focus on bringing PvP players to play the Game.
The MMO industry is littered with the ashes of failed PvP-centric MMOs. ALMOST every single successful MMO in the western market has been PvE centric.
Warhammer is the most telling example of what goes wrong when you focus on PvP, but it's not alone.
Far from bringing players together, PvP tends to create petty hostilities and negative communities. It's brings in players with the mindset of games like the League of Legends community, and changes existing players conduct to match.
MMOs need to find a way to divest themselves of PvP, to reduce toxicity and attract more lore and roleplay focused players. Western players tend to focus on 'light raiding' (not the hardcore style that caused Wildstar to fail, but the 'casual that pretends to be hardcore that has held up WoW for so many years), casual PvE you can do in short bursts, fashion-play, lore that hey can obsess over, and often roleplay - every MMO in the west seems to gather a huge fanbase of roleplayers that then get soundly and utterly ignored by the developers...
Western players, as a larger whole; seem to prefer their PvP be in Mobas and FPS games: where toxic community has no 'other side of the game' to infest.
Eastern players... I'm not sure either way. I'd have to look at how popular something like 'Black Desert' (with forced PvP) is in the East. It has held in the west - so a PvP based MMO can work here, just not as a top tier game...
- I know the Eastern MMOs I know best, FFXIV and Blade and Soul - seem to be mostly PvE based (then again I haven't gotten to Blade and Soul endgame). FFXIV's PvP is so underfocused it was basically tacked on after the fact and then, largely ignored... But both of these are NOT top tier games in the East. FFXIV is maybe the #2 or #3 MMO in the west though (this depends on whether or not you let WoW count it's Chinese players, and let FFXIV count their Japanese players - when arguing how strong they are in the west. Remove WoW's Chinese players and it becomes a likely smaller game than ESO... But most of FFXIV's players are NOT Japanese).
- The top tier game in the East is Lineage, which I know almost nothing about...
G1Countdown wrote: »I want to see exactly ZERO PVP DLCs or Chapters. ZERO. They need to fix the servers to handle PVP first. It's a disaster. Then we can talk about PVP DLC or Chapters.