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What does Endgame mean to you?

What does "END GAME" mean to you?
I found two lines of thought about what gamers and game makers say about End Game Content.
#1 You completed everything the game offered and its time to move on.
#2 Developers continue to add new content.Playable after beating last Boss.
I would like to suggest that there is a possible #3.
#3 The abilty of players to entertain themselves by creating within the game, a sub game.
Which I see happening with some of the great imagination of guilds that offer their members various activitys and opportunities.
To me the life blood of a game comes from the ability of 3 main participates continualy commun icating to each other to keep the game fresh and fun.
#1 This one people dont consider much, but if the communitys of players cant convince the Publishers, that we the players are willing to commit to a game
they will not realse the funds to the developers, who want to give us what we are asking for.
#2 People forget this game is a developers Baby, they have to play the same game ever day more then we do.You really think they enjoy a broken game?
They cannot do anything with out funds, which comes from the Publishers.
#3 Players can hurt a game by bad mouthing, instead communicating whats the proble. A developer goes to the publishers to ask for more money to
include new stuff, publishers say...Gee Bob I been reading Players are saying the game is dead, maybe we need to keep our money. The developer says
if we upgrade our stuff that will keep us ahead the rest industry. Publisher pulls out his calculator, Each Chip cost $10,000 dollars for each servor.
Silence...Pay To Play games. Did you know before any game is made someone had to pay for it and commit millions dollars they my or may not see again?
The Publishers are Our Friends, They got the game to us to begin with. The Developers are our Friends. The game is their baby, if nothing else
they want to prove to their Peers who the best. Then there' is us players, that make a choice in an area with so many incredible choices, we sometimes dont
know what we want.
I apologise for not being technical and I am certainly no authority about the industry, but in the last 2 months I have gone all the way back to
the earlyist days of blogging on the web, from what developers, gamers, and the console, pc makers were saying to each other,
and I started seeing what they werent saying to each other.
In every case it was COST.
For the Publisher who put the money up front it was an investment.
For the Developer it was an opportunity to create something that they have a passion for.
For the Player it was always better be faster, greater, cheaper and more entertining then the competition.
So how did so many good games that came out fail so quick?
I blame it on Us players for not realizing the limitations placed on the Publishers and Developers, We wanted too much with out offering alot help
in return.
End Game became a matter of players sitting on the sidelines doing nothing to be part of the games life blood, when the whole concept depended
not only on their finacial commitment, but now they have to be able to keep a game alive by communicating what the experiance has become, and how to help
adjust the game. How many people that play MMORPGS take th time to learn how it work? Not many. I've used the comparison of how many people understand
how a combustion engine works? Not many. But they can use one.
I dont want to get too long winded, so here is a brief on how to keep a game you like from dying.
#1 Publishers. Its so important to the people with the Wallet that you The costumer continue to make money for them. Thats just reality in any industry.
#2 Developers. I dont think any thing is more frustrating for a Game developer than be told The money They need next is on hold. (Thats just reality)
#3 Players. We are at the stage so many games and new ideas are being thrown at us We becoming jaded and actually delusional about what we want.
Pick a Game. There really isnt any thing out there thats better or more entertaing then the Game You help.
Elder Scrolls Online to Me at 60 and 25 years playing is probally My last game, I dont see anything out there thats any different experiance then
every thing I already played. I am looking at way in game to create Sub Universe that is alomost what you would get going to an amusement park.
I touched on it at the beginning and How Guilds were holding events. That factor alone makes for so many things that will Kep ESO alive long after
other games. I seen Maze contest, Fashion shows,Social events, the potential is there, The Players opportunity to make the game now.
Housing contest like jhart Luxury Furnishing, Guilds that become more speacialized in certain areas. Housing.Teaching,Guilds like ETU that regulary
hold Fan appreacation day and offer free services and crafting. Guilds that form alliance of 3-4 Trader Guilds, giving away $Million Gold Lottery.
Im just saying out loud what I read about the 20 years of Online Gaming was like.
Thank You for Your time, and if you have an opportunity to see the other persons point, even if you disagree, just say.
Thank You!
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • VaranisArano
    For me, end game is "I'm done with all the questing, what now?"

    So dungeons, trials, and PVP, along with anything you like to do once there are no new quests to do.
  • DuskMarine
    endgame to me is the game is finally getting to the point of super hard and finally makes building up to it actually worth it
  • karekiz
    The credits screen
  • AndyMac
    Vet content
    Andymac - Magicka DK - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror
  • idk
    #1 This one people dont consider much, but if the communitys of players cant convince the Publishers, that we the players are willing to commit to a game
    they will not realse the funds to the developers, who want to give us what we are asking for.

    Zos sees our commitment every month. It shows up with revenue and more specifically subscription, DLC/expansion purchases and then crown store items. Subscriptions primarily and the rest is likely in that order.
    #3 Players can hurt a game by bad mouthing, instead communicating whats the proble. A developer goes to the publishers to ask for more money to
    include new stuff, publishers say...Gee Bob I been reading Players are saying the game is dead, maybe we need to keep our money. The developer says

    The business people at Zos can plainly see by the revenue how the business is doing. They are smart enough to know most of what we see, especially in these forums, that goes off the handle saying the end is here. They can smell BS where it lays.

    While most streamers do not have much of a following, the ones that do really only affect a small group and that is a small group within PvP. The rest that like to scream and yell merely do it to try to stir up ratings to get more followers. We say that here in the forums by one small scale PvP streamer just this past week.


    Zos has held fan appreciation days. The anniversary event is about 2 weeks long. There are other events they put together for this purpose, though I would like to see some real events that is more focused, a special zone complete with real bosses including an instanced boss. Something the divines put together to defeat said boss.

    However, we do at least have some events.
  • rumple9
    End game is when you have nothing left to do so write long forum posts
  • Drdeath20
    End game is everything outside of questing
  • NeKryXe
    doing writs on all characters everyday and organizing bags, banks and stores all week.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    End game to me is watching edge lords and elitist make fools of themselves while screaming about winning something that is unwinnable.

    Harsh I know...but that is truly what I have witnessed in MMO's.

    The original concept of The Elder Scrolls was a story that never ended, not raid or die, not Doom with swords, and certainly not having your name atop a list that no one really cares about in the great scheme of things.

    But "gamers" (whatever that means this day and age) have to turn the cooperative modality into a competitive one....only you're really aren't competing for anything novel or worthwhile.

    This game doesn't end or only ends when I find something that is more fun until then it is quest (that this time I can do with my friends) exploring dungeons, and crafting while watching the greater story evolve over the years like a TES game should be.
    Edited by Rain_Greyraven on June 7, 2018 10:49PM
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • DenMoria
    I haven't put in my $20K yet so I can't answer that. My endgame, at the moment, is to die peacefully and be buried with all my stuff.
  • AlienatedGoat
    Vet trials. It's the only endgame.

    ZOS tried to make PvP the endgame but it failed. That's why we have trials now.
    PC-NA Goat
  • kts
    Complete all vet dungeon/trials achievements for the skins/titles etc and being proficient at executing my role and game mechanics

    Being really good at 1vXing
  • resdayn00
    I would say there are different kinds of endgame, depending on your playstyle.

    PvE endgame: Veteran DLC dungeon achievements, veteran trials, vMA, leaderboards in any of these

    PvP endgame: Leaderboards, getting emperor, full team battlegrounds, heavy tactical gameplay in Cyrodiil

    Trading endgame: I guess having millions of sales weekly, being a high-ranked member in a leading trading guild, influence on game economy, trading alliances

    There are obviously other aspects of the game as well: crafting, social stuff, housing, RP, questing, fishing. These don’t really have an endgame in the traditional sense. But I guess you can say: crafting endgame is achieving or getting close to Grand Master Crafter and all other stuff; social endgame would be something like being an influential player with a large network of friends, guilds etc; housing endgame could be creating houses that win competitions, organizing these events, being a master decorator/furnisher; RP endgame would be participating in professional RP, although I know nothing about the ESO RP scene.

    All in all I would define endgame as being close to or on the frontier of a certain aspect of the game.
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Resdayn Indoril, Dunmer Magicka Nightblade - Main

    Pactum Dunmeri | Ard Feainn | Aetherius Art | Kley Guild

    Achievement points: 26k+
  • Xoelarasizerer
    Here's my personal criteria for endgames... which is self contradictory if there is a plural END-games. So these are more significant milestone points of success, or where each of the credit sequences would be in a Hideo Kojima game =3=

    For PvE:
    Endgame 1: Reach Level 50, Complete God of Schemes.
    (even though nowadays you can beat God of Schemes before you even touch lv.20)
    Endgame 2: Reach Veteran 160 for the first time and complete the questlines for all three alliances.
    Endgame 3: Complete all Undaunted dungeons on Veteran difficulty and Veteran Maelstrom Arena
    (DLC dungeons on Veteran difficulty are debatable here.)
    Endgame 4: Complete all Trials and Undaunted dungeons on Veteran Difficulty, including all current at the time DLC ones, all hard modes complete. All PvE content available on all difficulties cleared.
    Endgame 5: Rank high in the leaderboards. High enough to feel validated/satisfied.

    For PvP:
    Endgame 1: Become Emperor once.
    Endgame 2: All Battleground Titles achieved.
    Endgame 3: Rank high in the leaderboards. High enough to feel validated/satisfied.
    Endgame 4: Make the sickest YouTube Pwnage PvP Montage ever like it's 2007 or something!
    Endgame 5: 2nd Era, Year 828 - Hjalti Early-Beard is born in Alcaire.
    Edited by Xoelarasizerer on June 7, 2018 11:57PM
  • DanteYoda
    Finishing all the stories and uninstalling.
  • Banana
    Someone yelling at me
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