**Some Summerset MQ spoilers in post**
So I get it, when Morrowind came out ZOS wanted new people to experience the new content right off, and it kinda made sense, Morrowind was technically the "Official" start of the Daedric Triad but with Summerset out now the new tutorial is on Summerset and basically has you start the Summerset MQ, and I get it, Summerset is new, ZOS want's people who bought the game for Summerset to be able to play right off. I feel this robs people of the whole story. Case in point I had a friend who got into ESO with Summerset, he bought it, played the Tutorial and then Summerset and sent me questions like "Am I supposed to know who Veya is?" "So this all takes place after the Morrowind and Clockwork City DLC?"While he still plans to play ESO, he feels he missed alot of story and when he does play the other DLC it won't be as..immersive? To me playing Summerset MQ first with a new Character is like watching Return of the King and then watching Fellowship/Two Towers, you have no idea who these people are, and when you go back you already know how it ends and who is alive/dead. I think ZOS should give a new player a choice, like how they give you a choice to skip the Tutorial. Like "You made a new Character, where would you like to start? Summerset, Morrowind or Coldharbour"
That's just my 2 cents though, anyone else agree? Disagree?