How exactly will it be as cheap as alloy?It's the first week of the patch, prices will stabilize at a lower amount. Give it a few months and they will probably end up as cheap as tempering alloy.
How exactly will it be as cheap as alloy?
The material takes a bit longer to get and also harder to get and requires 10 of something to make 1 of. I don’t get how it would end up cheaper it will stay the most expensive material
Oakmontowls_ESO wrote: »The two ways of getting gold upgrade mats is deconstructing existing jewelry at a 50% rate or from refining raw materials at around a 5% rate. This means that to get the 80 that you need to upgrade a single ring you need to refine around 14k raw materials or do 80 hard mode veteran trials (160 gold jewelry).
How exactly will it be as cheap as alloy?
The material takes a bit longer to get and also harder to get and requires 10 of something to make 1 of. I don’t get how it would end up cheaper it will stay the most expensive material
3,600,00.00 Gold gone for 3x Jewelry. Solid playing experience.
Confirmed gold jewelry is easier farmed through AP and trials than it is from buying the mats or a lifetime grind for 80 grains.
ESO used to be about consistency and you didn't need to refine materials to get a greater material for armor and weapons. Now they add this it makes making even purple quality jewelry a bad experience. ZOS next time you decide to add in some new weapon line we will need to research for, or some new crafting system like you did with jewelry lets keep it consistent with the original ones and not go off into some Asian mmo grind fest for items.
Its bad enough i wasted time getting the parts of that emote that was incredibly lackluster.
(the big eared cat made up for the terrible emote, the cat is adorable).
/end rant.
DanteMR1995 wrote: »
Because demand will fall once the veteran players in the game get their jewelry crafting and research up, and the amount of people needing crafted jewelry goes from the WHOLE player base to just a couple of new players or people trying a new build every now an then. Basically when it takes more time to sell the mats, people will mark them down to get quicker gold, and the price will drop.
3,600,00.00 Gold gone for 3x Jewelry. Solid playing experience.
Confirmed gold jewelry is easier farmed through AP and trials than it is from buying the mats or a lifetime grind for 80 grains.
ESO used to be about consistency and you didn't need to refine materials to get a greater material for armor and weapons. Now they add this it makes making even purple quality jewelry a bad experience. ZOS next time you decide to add in some new weapon line we will need to research for, or some new crafting system like you did with jewelry lets keep it consistent with the original ones and not go off into some Asian mmo grind fest for items.
Its bad enough i wasted time getting the parts of that emote that was incredibly lackluster.
(the big eared cat made up for the terrible emote, the cat is adorable).
/end rant.
In the time it took you to rant you could have farmed that much more mats, less QQ more playing, the guild stores are brimming with these mats just go shopping around.
DuskMarine wrote: »this stuff is easy to come by you can decon the heck out of rings and get more than youd ever need very quickly
TheCyberDruid wrote: »
You are a very poor troll. Saw your posts in some other threads and it's just pathetic. Had to be said.
DuskMarine wrote: »im not trolling im already sitting on zircon just from farming dolmens. try it yourself its not hard to get it. also im alot smarter than alot of the community in alot of the other posts just no one likes change so its like who the heck cares anymore to be nice to people.
Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO wrote: »The only thing Jewelry Crafting is good for is to research the traits you want then transmute to the desired traits on pre-existing jewelry. know...the actual crafting of jewelry part.
TheCyberDruid wrote: »
You didn't even bother to read the title of the thread, did you?
kyle.wilson wrote: »with the %difference between purple and gold jewelry, I'm selling every upgrade mat I find. Players that have to be gold now deserve to pay the markup.
DuskMarine wrote: »i dont have to when replying to someone specifically on a certain post in the thread. it still pertains to this.
TheCyberDruid wrote: »
No it doesn't.
Oakmontowls_ESO wrote: »The two ways of getting gold upgrade mats is deconstructing existing jewelry at a 50% rate or from refining raw materials at around a 5% rate. This means that to get the 80 that you need to upgrade a single ring you need to refine around 14k raw materials or do 80 hard mode veteran trials (160 gold jewelry).
DuskMarine wrote: »
im not trolling im already sitting on zircon just from farming dolmens. try it yourself its not hard to get it. also im alot smarter than alot of the community in alot of the other posts just no one likes change so its like who the heck cares anymore to be nice to people.
we are talking about the gold plating mat