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Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 8:44PM

moved 140 votes

vailjohn_ESOKovaitsfatbassYulsDracaneYusufAzuryaAimoraVriendaAlienSlofAndfernekuromori303Zachary_Shadowjevans1342nub18_ESORavenSwornkimaerilStreegaAdernathstabbykittehTitansteele 56 votes
AcrolasBelegnoleGreevirSigtrickendellking_chaosb14_ESOOsteosWhiteCoatSyndromeIruil_ESOGythralfredrumMaster_FluffUloIwinatwowub17_ESOLarsSTeridaxusHortator Indoril NerevarElsonsoTroneonUvirythIluvrien 69 votes
Savos_SarenWingsrfrogg23yiasemiNolaArchSanguis_TiberiusLysetteElusiinSilverIce58LikeAMichRaulhnajeraSchokoladeDoctorESOEnokarielrewjack 15 votes
  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 9:41PM
  • DanteYoda
    No i think if i were to live anywhere in ESO it probably would be Auridon.
  • logarifmik
    If I had to choose between Summerset and Russia, I would stay in Russia.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • lihentian
    bad neighbour, monster every where, island may sink any time.....definitely not
  • Betsararie
    No, I'd rather live in one of our beautiful rural places.
  • Geraldusdelangport
    Soul Shriven
    I do live in Somerset, land of the Wurzels and fantastic cider. Not sure if I'd move to Summerset though, don't fancy fighting Griffins every time I go for a pint!
  • AuldWolf
    The altmer need to become more worldly; Exposure to khajiit like mine would certainly help them. Many altmer, once they get over their xenophobic issues, can be incredibly pleasant. Their xenophobia seems to be cultural, though not quite so ingrained and entrenched as that of the culture they're based on. I mean, after all, this hasn't lead to Sumexit and their withdrawal from the Dominion, eh?

    Initially wrote that without the u or the m, would've lead to too much confusion and expected suggestion of innuendo where there was one, might even have raised the hackles of one of our tireless moderators, thus giving them even more work than they already have on their plate. Can't have that.

    And no, ZOS, you're not allowed to pull a Sumexit. With the Alt-Right presence in Europe and Brexit, the Aldmeri Dominion and Summerset Isles storylines already hit a little too close to home. I don't need to be even more ashamed of Auld Albion than I already am. Which is, suffice it to say, very. I'm going to offer my apologies to Europe, now, and slink away as I've lost my train of thought and I think I'll leave it at that.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    yeah I love being submissive
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller & ghost hunter
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Elusiin
    Roseanne is an Altmer.
  • AuldWolf
    I do live in Somerset, land of the Wurzels and fantastic cider. Not sure if I'd move to Summerset though, don't fancy fighting Griffins every time I go for a pint!

    I have to do that almost every day whenever I go out for one. And if it's not the griffins, it's the werewolves, or the draig (who're understandably upset about their bastardisation by a certain Rome-assimilated organised religion). Which unfeasibly, unrealistically peaceful region of our fair realm do you hail from?
  • Azurya
    sure and alternate the year between my house on morrowind and the townhouse in Alinor, awesome!
  • Uviryth
    With those weird racist golden slimy high societyelfs everywhere?

    I only visit there to search for offerings to the Night Mother....
    Edited by Uviryth on May 30, 2018 6:11AM
  • Lylith
    good place for a vacation home.

    see the sights, kill the beasts, drink some local wines, catch a play or two, fish on the beach...

  • Yinmaigao
    It is too damn bright and hurts my eyes!

    Need more forests!
  • Iluvrien
    I do live in Somerset, land of the Wurzels and fantastic cider. Not sure if I'd move to Summerset though, don't fancy fighting Griffins every time I go for a pint!

    Wilts here (until I moved to Japan). All hail the west country!

    ...back on topic... Vvardenfell, please. In a tower like Tel Uvirith ( :D ), definitely not like Tel Galen ( :s ).
    Edited by Iluvrien on May 30, 2018 7:19AM
  • Enslaved
    I like other type of climate. Summerset has tropical feel to it, most beaches look like world war aftermath with explosion of petrified corals and similar. For a race of mer that claim they steer toward perfection they could learn thing or two about making beaches less messy. Add there other foolish things like zoo keeping animals used to cold climate in a much hotter one and ugly voice of a sload... No, I would rather live in Eastmarch like I do ever since buying Windhelm house. At least ppl are drunk there and there are no sloads under toilet stalls trying to invade your private parts.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Nah, I prefer trashy societies.

    Khajiit have the most appealing lifestyle. Sleeping and doing drugs. Don't need anything else.

    Summerset is by far the best looking zone though (along with Hew's Bane).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on May 30, 2018 7:26AM
  • DPShiro
    Yes, would move in a heartbeat.
    Why shouldn’t we look down on the lesser races? They are but tools to suit our means and further our agendas.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Ajintse
    Yinmaigao wrote: »
    It is too damn bright and hurts my eyes!

    Need more forests!

    And more shadow (depth).
    "The moon is my sun, the night is my day, blood is my life and you are my prey."
    Ajintse - (Magicka Vampire Nightblade)
  • Lysette
    Well, on one side, Altmer are smart, but even they cannot outsmart a khajiit - they have plenty of wealth and khajiit will care about and for it. But then on the other side, as pleasant as this place might look like, there are these nasty griffons in the air and khajiit does not want to end up as feed for a griffon's young. And this one has somewhat the right size to end up like this.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Ajintse wrote: »
    Yinmaigao wrote: »
    It is too damn bright and hurts my eyes!

    Need more forests!

    And more shadow (depth).

    Reshade has you covered fam:
  • veloSylraptor
    Yes, the queen has opened the borders by decree, and those caught committing crimes against newcomers have been punished or arrested like the Aldarch and Sapiarch in Shimmerene. With a strong progressive queen welcoming newcomers and giving clear signals that they are under her protection, I can see myself trying to fit in and adapt there. The rest is just social change that will take some time, though greater exposure to the other peoples of Tamriel should help expediate that.

    Another reason is that its just a very beautiful place in general, and I would like to live in that high fantasy setting that makes the rest of Tamriel seem more mundane.

    (Of course, this is all without knowing the distant future where a very different Thalmor will take power in Summerset. I'm going by only what I would know at this time, where the future can be seen with some optimism.)
    Edited by veloSylraptor on May 30, 2018 8:16AM
  • ArchMikem
    My wish will always be Elsweyr.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • HappyLittleTree
    I want to live in Black Marsh
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • itsJylerTAG
    I'd prefer a small home in hews bane, next to one of the rivers/oasis.
  • Lysette
    Nah, I prefer trashy societies.

    Khajiit have the most appealing lifestyle. Sleeping and doing drugs. Don't need anything else.

    Summerset is by far the best looking zone though (along with Hew's Bane).

    Summerset looks like Auridon and far too artifical for good - well it is artifical, that's why. A really awesome zone seen from the art work ZOS has put into is is IMO Grathwood - these forests look so amazing, I would not want to live there,but I really like the looks of Grathwood - I give you credit for Hew's Bane though, I really like the visuals of that zone at lot.
  • Hippie4927
    Summerset is very pretty but I'm not a 'sun and flowers' type person. I would much rather live in Vvardenfell. Plus I couldn't imagine living amongst those racist, snoody high elves.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • ak_pvp
    I mean, I could probably take the slight racism and deal with the glass ceiling things, probably just be a guard, pretty comfy tbh, walk around town, say hi to some people and tell off idiots.

    I would however hate all the effort, all those stupid customs and divine stuck up arseholes.

    Now, breton, imperial or khajiit society would be my cup of tea. Nice houses, decent weather, celebrations, etc.
    Edited by ak_pvp on May 30, 2018 8:42AM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • RaddlemanNumber7

    I really wonder why ZOS thought it would be entertaining to make xenophobia one of the central themes of this chapter. It is seriously overdone, ubiquitous, overwhelming. In almost every quest our hero is reminded that they are an outsider, often in the most insulting manner. Xenophobia is the vile theme of almost every vignette, the subtext of almost every interaction between a Summerset Altmer and anyone else. Moreover, our characters are very rarely allowed to challenge or overcome that xenophobia.

    This breaks one of the fundamental conventions of the genre. Whenever a fantasy hero encounters evil they confront that evil and defeat it (against seemingly impossible odds). In Summerset I feel my hero is left as nothing more than a mute and impotent witness to a very great evil indeed. It is not fun.

    After one week spent on the same island as the Divine Persecution I can see why the Chimer took to daedra worship and left.

    So, I will not be making a home in Summerset. In fact, after one run through all the content I doubt I will ever be going back to the island again.

    PC EU
  • Lysette
    I really wonder why ZOS thought it would be entertaining to make xenophobia one of the central themes of this chapter. It is seriously overdone, ubiquitous, overwhelming. In almost every quest our hero is reminded that they are an outsider, often in the most insulting manner. Xenophobia is the vile theme of almost every vignette, the subtext of almost every interaction between a Summerset Altmer and anyone else. Moreover, our characters are very rarely allowed to challenge or overcome that xenophobia.

    This breaks one of the fundamental conventions of the genre. Whenever a fantasy hero encounters evil they confront that evil and defeat it (against seemingly impossible odds). In Summerset I feel my hero is left as nothing more than a mute and impotent witness to a very great evil indeed. It is not fun.

    After one week spent on the same island as the Divine Persecution I can see why the Chimer took to daedra worship and left.

    So, I will not be making a home in Summerset. In fact, after one run through all the content I doubt I will ever be going back to the island again.

    But separation from the rest of the world for such a long time leads to things like xenophobia - they were not exposed to other races for a very long time, so they find it somewhat annoying to be bothered with it now - this is not different to how it is in the real world actually. Countries which just recently opened up a bit more display this kind of xenophobia as well - visit china and you will see what I mean.

    Edit: well,I should add chinese people are overall pretty friendly people, but they treat you as a foreigner no matter what.
    Edited by Lysette on May 30, 2018 10:18AM
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