dwemer_paleologist wrote: »you are talking about Evolution as in the living organisms that are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of Nirn?
if that is what you meant then the falmer is what comes to my mind being touched somewhat in Dwemer history and delves, but most of that is complete nonsence based on the downgrade in Lore by anything that came out of elderscrolls AFTER the release of morrowind.
and yes that includes expansions of morrowind because the creators of es titles were removed at that time and new management took over and destroyed its base.
although many today still see what they want to and glorify its false Lore.
Like I wanted to know if anyone had any theory's about it, I know there’s a few about Kaliah in Skyrim because of her purple eyes. And also just if there’s any I’m game books that discuss the topic.
Tucker3711 wrote: »Man + Mer = Breton
... What has one purple-eyed Dunmer to do with evolution?
There's plenty of change in the TES universe but it's usually explained by supernatural means, i.e. a god/daedra or beings of sufficiently godlike powers. It may be that those changes - or some of them - are only post-fact explanations of a natural process by the inhabitants of Tamriel who have no idea about evolution.
The Falmer are an interesting case because their change is said to have been brought about by working with "toxic fungi". That's not exactly a Daedric curse or something. We would call that process mutation, one of the most important factors for evolution. What's missing here is some form of selection for better adaptation; it's mostly just hereditary mutations. Although you could argue that it has led to a new species, different from what the Snow Elves once were. It's probably your best shot at an evolutionary process in the TES universe.
And then there's some "background evolution" - adaptation to specific living conditions. Isn't it nice that the Nords in their cold climate are cold resistant? That the Dunmer are fire-resistant in their land full of volcanoes where magma flows in the open? What a coincidence...
vegabondgamer wrote: »I believe Nirn only belonged to the Mer. For some reason Nirn became a habitable planet that many aliens coveted from far away star systems. Several species arrived to Nirn and all claimed it belonged to them. The Mer were thought of as primitives by the standards of space faring species.
At any rate the space aliens to the world of Nirn were the Humans, Sload, monkey people, Tsaesci, Argonians, Khajiti, Aedra and Daedra, ect... These space faring powers waged war in the heavens for control of Nirn and the Mer were simply in the way. In the end the world was devastated the Aedra barely won the conflict with the Daedra holding their own. The rest crashed landed on the planet in their respective starting localities. The Ayleid civilization was destroyed as a result.
Time moves on and the arrival of warring aliens was forgotten and the technology that the space aliens once had is no more. Except that of Magika of knowledge that got eroded over time. Only the Aedra and Daedra have some of their technology operating and this is how they were able to set themselves up to be gods on Nirn.
vegabondgamer wrote: »I believe Nirn only belonged to the Mer. For some reason Nirn became a habitable planet that many aliens coveted from far away star systems. Several species arrived to Nirn and all claimed it belonged to them. The Mer were thought of as primitives by the standards of space faring species.
At any rate the space aliens to the world of Nirn were the Humans, Sload, monkey people, Tsaesci, Argonians, Khajiti, Aedra and Daedra, ect... These space faring powers waged war in the heavens for control of Nirn and the Mer were simply in the way. In the end the world was devastated the Aedra barely won the conflict with the Daedra holding their own. The rest crashed landed on the planet in their respective starting localities. The Ayleid civilization was destroyed as a result.
Time moves on and the arrival of warring aliens was forgotten and the technology that the space aliens once had is no more. Except that of Magika of knowledge that got eroded over time. Only the Aedra and Daedra have some of their technology operating and this is how they were able to set themselves up to be gods on Nirn.
vegabondgamer wrote: »For some reason Nirn became a habitable planet that many aliens coveted from far away star systems. ... space aliens ...
vegabondgamer wrote: »Science and wizardry are two words to describe the same idea. Wizardry just mean's that people are unable to explain the science behind the magic. It's the Aedar and Daedra fault. Their technology transcended the boundary of space time. In the ensuing conflict of space tech vs. space tech the knowledge was gifted to the world of Nirn to become what is now Magika. Lorkan might of been the last of the Aedra that knew this, maybe not. The survivors of that cataclysm simply regressed in technology and knowledge to the only tech available. That of the Ayleids middle age.
Nano probes are what infest everything on nirn and this makes magic possible. Yet there are no scientists on Nirn so everyone is limited to craft of witches and wizards in how to understand these gifts. The only civilization that almost discovered the real forgotten secret was the Dwemer. For this they were removed from time space.
Nice Dr. Who reference.CHIMCHIMCheree wrote: »[...]timey-wimey.
AgmarTheUnrestful wrote: »Nice Dr. Who reference.CHIMCHIMCheree wrote: »[...]timey-wimey.British? Or just simply a fan?
vegabondgamer wrote: »Reading between the lines you can consider the creation story of Nirn like a early space saga.
vegabondgamer wrote: »I believe Nirn only belonged to the Mer. For some reason Nirn became a habitable planet that many aliens coveted from far away star systems. Several species arrived to Nirn and all claimed it belonged to them. The Mer were thought of as primitives by the standards of space faring species.
At any rate the space aliens to the world of Nirn were the Humans, Sload, monkey people, Tsaesci, Argonians, Khajiti, Aedra and Daedra, ect... These space faring powers waged war in the heavens for control of Nirn and the Mer were simply in the way. In the end the world was devastated the Aedra barely won the conflict with the Daedra holding their own. The rest crashed landed on the planet in their respective starting localities. The Ayleid civilization was destroyed as a result.
Time moves on and the arrival of warring aliens was forgotten and the technology that the space aliens once had is no more. Except that of Magika of knowledge that got eroded over time. Only the Aedra and Daedra have some of their technology operating and this is how they were able to set themselves up to be gods on Nirn.