Looking for Guild


Been playing this game for a few years off and on. Getting back into now and trying to figure all this end game stuff out. Highest character is cp270..ish.
Looking for a good group of people with none of that drama bs. Just enjoying pvp and pve. My XBox tag is didymaow.
Edited by didymaow on May 13, 2018 4:32AM
  • BadSerpico
    If you are new to trials, looking to get into trials (22k dps Craglorn)( 32kdps on 6mil for HM and above), or want to run vet trials. Ebonheart Defenders is looking for friendly team oriented players. We run Monday, Thursday, Friday Saturday gat 845est plus we run several normals. We have plenty of knowledgeable players that will help with Dps, tanking and healing plus teach mechanics in all trials. We are looking for two more Dps to fill out our core team for VMOL. We also have regular DLC HM vet dungeon runs/Skin runs, VDSA, PvP in VIVEC and other events. We use the band App communicate/organize plus Xbox Club that we post pics, vids and achievements etc . If you are interested reply here or msg GT Bad Serpico or Pv2 Slayer
  • didymaow
    While I am most certainly not geared properly(most my gear I had to buy and it’s mixed and matched) I’m always willing to progress and help anyone when I can. (Not the greatest player by any means) I do work a lot but tend be online most days. If that all sounds good, go ahead and shoot me an invite! I should be on later this evening.
  • DesirousNine
    Are you still looking to fill a guild slot we just started a new guild called vengeful knights we are looking for active players to help fill our rosters and would be glad to have you on board.
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