vamp_emily wrote: »You should group with me for a few days. That is if you don't have me on ignore yet.
VaranisArano wrote: »So the first piece of advice I can give you as a new PVPer is to read Joy_Division's Guide To Midyear Mayhem. Its geared toward the event, but has a ton of great advice for surviving and fighting in Cyrodiil.
For gear, whatever you wear at level 20, you'll outlevel quickly. You do want Impenetrable trait gear, which reduces enemy critical attacks and really boosts your survivalbility.
For Crafted sets (since you are low level), I would recommend something like Fortified Brass, Shacklebreaker, or Whitestrake's Retribution.
I don't have much experience with a StamDK in PVP. Basic info I can give you is that you'll want to unlock Vigor from the Assault War line as fast as possible and self-heal proactively. On my stam characters, I usually use a bow for ranged fights (great for learning if you are running with a group or a zerg) though you will want One hand and Shield as well for tanking.
The best advice i can give you is pay attention to how classes play against you.
Mag sorc’s typical burst combos, nightblade’s incap+following damage, DK’s reflects. Classes usually go on the attack or defensive in a similar fashion, reguardless of builds. If a templar is at full health and hasn’t used an ultimate for some time, it usually means they will punish you any coming moment. When you feel thats about to happen, its time to stop DPSing and make sure your buffs are up.
Nightblades typically follow up with big damage after incap, so block, roll, CC them until that debuff is off you.
These are just a couple examples. Without know how other classes play, it will be difficult so for now, try to pay more attention to what your enemies are doin more than what you are doing. From there, you can figure out what you need to be doing
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Welcome to PvP !
You are going to want to get some 5 piece sets while leveling to help you survive . 7th legion and Werewolf Hide are both good for DK and can farmed in PvE zones pretty easy . Bankorai world bosses , dungeon bosses and treasure chests drop 7th legion set . The Dolmans drop the jewelry . Glenumbra drops werewolf hide set the same way in that zone . You will want all impenetrable traits on armor for survivablility .
DK's rely on ingenious shields for protection and dots (damage over time) to assault enemies . Roots like talons are good to slot . Talons are good for dmg and heals . Noxious breath is good dot for stamina DK . Speaking of which this whole advice is for stamina DK not magic . So put all attributes points in stamina but maybe a little in health too until you learn .
Vigor will be a great heal once you unlock it in PvP . You can also use two handed weapon and unlock rally for another good heal .
Those guides posted will help too from the others and Vamp Emily is a nice player with valuable advice . Running with her will help learn a lot . Wishing you luck in battle !
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »I’m definitely NOT a noob but I’m redownloading ESO right now and have played, I think, twice in the last calendar year after no-lifing the crap out of ESO for years.
If anyone has any tips on things I’ve missed please let me know.
There is a hundred percent chance that I simply dust off my CP600+ magplar, do a respec, and queue for PVP without a group like a true lunatic. Has anything been added in the last year that would make me go “what the f was that” or is it still similar enough to 12 months ago where I’ll be fine?
No idea what the current meta is, and nerfs never really hurt my guy cause I always had the most OP magplar imaginable - it’s essentially a fake sorc with better healing - so that aside, any heads up you can give me would be appreciated.
VaranisArano wrote: »THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »I’m definitely NOT a noob but I’m redownloading ESO right now and have played, I think, twice in the last calendar year after no-lifing the crap out of ESO for years.
If anyone has any tips on things I’ve missed please let me know.
There is a hundred percent chance that I simply dust off my CP600+ magplar, do a respec, and queue for PVP without a group like a true lunatic. Has anything been added in the last year that would make me go “what the f was that” or is it still similar enough to 12 months ago where I’ll be fine?
No idea what the current meta is, and nerfs never really hurt my guy cause I always had the most OP magplar imaginable - it’s essentially a fake sorc with better healing - so that aside, any heads up you can give me would be appreciated.
AOE caps have been removed. D-ticks now give you credit even if you leave the grounds as long as you haven't attacked a new keep/resources superstructure. CP NPC guards have been buffed.
JumpmanLane wrote: »Forget Kyne. Go to Vivec. I went straight to Vivec at level 10 and died and died and died. Most of the people you encounter, whatever their alliance are usually pretty cool. Some will even stop and give you tips.
You’ll learn most from the very best players and they are in Vivec. Though, you can’t go wrong with the advice from the forum here. Good luck and keep at it.