PhoenixGrey wrote: »Proc sets are one of the ways to balance mag classes against stam in no cp. Mag is currently severely gimped in no cp due to lack of stam which means no roll dodge and bad mobility.
Even though I do not use them nor support them there are a necessary evil atm.
Stam resource management isn't a viable excuse with Shackle breaker and Amberplasm in the game.
PhoenixGrey wrote: »
I was waiting for someone to say that:D
If you are gonna wear sustain sets, where do you think the damage is going to come from if not from a proc.
They exist to bridge the gap between players who understand their rotations and can adapt on the fly in combat, and players who are just getting their feet wet, or are too lazy to figure out the mechanics of pvp.
Make Zaans suffer the same LOS penalties as all other ranged attacks, and that's a start. It could even level it out an acceptable place in pvp. As it sits now, no self respecting player should use this set and not admit that they are phoning it in.
I have to wear a sustain set for my stamina characters as well. It's not like magicka gets a pass.
Though I don't think Nightblades are as overpopulated as you're portraying, I'm glad I won't have to invest in detection pots anymore
brandonv516 wrote: »
There's another type of player that uses proc sets. The player that understands rotations, can adapt on the fly in combat, and wants to fight smarter not harder. I like it when the fight ends faster!
If you aren't using proc sets, you might be an idiot. I'm sure that will be edited but it needs to be said.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Proc sets are the opposite of smart, it rewards brainless players with no skill. This goes for damage and sets like earthgore. Sure they make it “easier” to kill but that doesn’t mean you should play like a cheesy bitchh just to get a kill.
The devs have catered to thumbless players for so long to the point we’re now at the point where people take pride in using proc sets and cheesy builds as if it’s next level. What a time...
We must play on different Servers. You can watch my stream to get an idea of how overpopulated they are on PC NA. I count them out before every match.
Gimping yourself on purpose by not using certain sets is just "false pride", it won´t do you any good. You´re not less skilful just because you use certain sets.
If the important thing is to perform well in PvP, you´ll use the best/appropriate tools available. Failing to use "BiS" is a sign that you lack skill (not implying Zaan is BiS, since I find the set quite underwhelming).
And the term "cheese" is overused these days. There´re people out there that even consider DK´s talons or blocking "cheese", so excuse me if I´m a bit sceptical towards the word. If you want "fair" and "skilful" PvP go and duel someone and apply 200 rules of what you can and can´t use. But in Cyrodil or Battlegrounds, the reality is something different. You either use the best tools for the job, or you don´t.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Whatever makes you feel comfortable my man but I rather kill someone based off of my skill not a set doing 20k , you know more than some people’s full rotation.
I rather die because I got outplayed and xv1ed not out procced. X
It’s has nothing to do with pride or ego , it’s about wanting feel challenged and wanting to kill people on your own rather than letting the set do it. Bone pirate, ravager, shackle, transmutation etc. is bis. When we start to consider things like zaaan bis we really skew what it means to be bis and open up more room for sets like it. A line needs to be drawn...
Proc sets like Zaan still aren’t BIS. Its long cooldown means it’s rarely relevant, and the fact that it’s a proc means you can’t coordinate its burst with a teammate.
A proc set like zaan gives a bad or mediocre player a chance to score a kill on a good player, but that proc set user will never be as effective as a good player because the bad player will have to play around the proc timing, rather than playing around the dynamic combat situations. The proc set wearer will be annoying to one person, but they won’t take out a group.... and BGs are 4v4, not 1v1.
Will zaan + cloak pad the user’s K/D? Yes. Will it help them beat a team of good players? No.
Diddly_D_Potatoes wrote: »
Unless everyone on the tean has zaan. Even being on the receiving end, I can't help but find the hilarity in a zaan zerg. Its up there with having a group all run meteor to "make it rain" or all running soul assault to RP ghostbusters by "crossing the streams".
Diddly_D_Potatoes wrote: »
Unless everyone on the tean has zaan. Even being on the receiving end, I can't help but find the hilarity in a zaan zerg. Its up there with having a group all run meteor to "make it rain" or all running soul assault to RP ghostbusters by "crossing the streams".
ShadowMonarch wrote: »
Everyone on the team needs Earthgore not zaan!!!