UppGRAYxDD wrote: »Don't forget about Selenes and Veli...
Emma_Overload wrote: »Zaan has finally started showing up in the Imperial City, and it's worse than I expected...
Why? Because most of the builds using it are tryhard STAMINA builds!
LOL, it's like these guys are so mad that Viper and all those OP stamina monster sets got nerfed, they couldn't wait for another proc meta to emerge, even if it meant using a magicka set.
I have a suggestion for each:
1) Skoria: when it procs the position of the target it proc'd on is now static with a red AoE present. After one second it will land at the appointed location. This gives the players the opportunity to get out of the way if they react quickly enough.
2) Caluurion: when this ability procs the user will glow brightly for one second then the projectile will be released. This gives melee combatants the opportunity to react. Currently this set is an amped version of Viper.
3) Zaan: When this set procs a pillar of flame will come down (notifying everyone that this set has proc'd). From this pillar the beam from Zaan will come forth to attack the target it proc'd on. The beam no longer comes from the user, but from this beam; giving the person on the receiving end the opportunity to get away.
Both Red Mountain, and Viper have less burst potential than Skoria. And though Selenes' and Veli hit harder; they were more difficult to land, and they didn't auto-target your opponent like Skoria; not to mention Skoria can't be dodged.
You're now comparing 5 set's to an MS whilst acknowledging that the actual stamina MS's were always more powerful.
Selenes and Veli were more difficult to land for who? They VERY often landed as part of a gap closer-stun combo and originated at the attacker who was on top of you; with that, auto-targeting was kinda built in and you actually had some control over who it hit.
You have little control over Skorias destination once there's multiple targets (granted, AOE) and whilst it can be strong in 1v1, there are better, more powerful options.
Zaan needs tuned down big time.
The Zaan+caluurion+soul assoult blades are going strong in BGs. And for the cooldown there is cloak
Bad players need to be able to get kills somehow or they’d quit the game.
Eventually they’ll be shamed into playing something more skill based. And what they’ll find as they improve is that the more skill-based the build, the more adaptable their play style can be and the more effective they’ll be in various situations.
brandonv516 wrote: »
I very much like the Zaan and SA combo on my NB and don't feel the slightest bit ashamed. I'm pretty sure a message here or there isn't going to get me to change my mind either.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Zaan has finally started showing up in the Imperial City, and it's worse than I expected...
Why? Because most of the builds using it are tryhard STAMINA builds!
LOL, it's like these guys are so mad that Viper and all those OP stamina monster sets got nerfed, they couldn't wait for another proc meta to emerge, even if it meant using a magicka set.
I usually see 1-2 Skoria procs on my death recap every time I die in BGs. It's clearly over performing.
Statements like this really show the different ages of folks on here, the level of reasoning they can handle. Can you explain what you mean by this and how it supports you standpoint or was this meant to be an utterly ridiculous, provoking statement as i was hoping and not sure why you would want ppl to see it.
This set is over performing. PPl calling for its complete removal are overacting much like your statement. The way i see it proc sets should help make a new or less experienced player compensate to be more competitive but should not be powerful enough to grossly tip the scales where skill is removed and not rewarded.
Some adjustment to damage and it will be fine.
I'm not asking for it to have a damage nerf, but I would like it to receive the same treatment that Selenes' received. A red AoE, and I would like its determined destination to be static rather than attached to the target.
The shame won’t come from people you kill. It’ll come from people you group with. Eventually you’ll realize that being relevant only once every 30s and having to hide in between makes you useless in groups. A proc set providing most of your dmg means your burst windows are fairly unpredictable which makes you A bad teammate.
Proc set dmg means you’ll be strong against solos, but you’ll be useless against any semi-organized group. Also useless in objective play. If you want to group up with good people they will reject you because you provide nothing to the group, and THAT is where the shame will come from.
Salt messages from enemies are nothing to be ashamed of
If zaan worked well against the infestation of Stam NBs I’d be all for it.
But of all the classes, Stam NB has the best suite of counters for it.
I’m excited for sloads. It’s cheese for sure but it’ll help with this overpopulation problem. Darn NBs are breeding like rabbits.