Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – January 15, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Swords Of Valor recruiting [No Dues]

About Us:
We are a pve and pvp guild. We Offer advice and in-game help, we are friendly not casual meaning we expect members to at least be semi-active. We plan on having a guild trader in the future as soon as we have over 50 members!
Our Alliance:
We are based in Daggerfall covenant and at the moment he guild is still voting on the server we will main on, so far Vivec is in the lead. We have just started dipping into the pvp aspect of this game so we are definitely looking for more experienced pvp players to help get things going, we eventually plan on making a weekly large pvp run once we have the forces to do so.
Our Pve:
At the moment we are 34 members strong, so we plan on making trials runs soon, the plan is to run trials once a week once enough of us get our builds together well enough to run them, that being said we could always use more pve players and will more than welcome them to the guild.
Weekly Events:
At the moment we are saving up for a guild hall and have over 500,000 gold going towards it, with that in mind there are no dues in this guild. All funds come from donation and every 1,000 gold donated goes towards a raffle entry and each member can have a max of 10 entrees. We draw a name every Saturday for the raffle. We also have other events from time-to-time, this weekend we are attempting to host a guild dueling tournament.
Our rules:
We don't have to many rules in the guild, just 1.) Be generally active, 2.) Be respectful and 3.) Join us on discord. It's that simple.
As stated above discord is required, by all of us using discord everyone in the guild can stay the most up-to-date on all guild information and find groups much easier. It is also the place that our guild council votes on major decisions and members can find groups and chat.
How to sign up:
If you have read this far I thank and applaud you, and if this seems like the guild for you than we are more than happy to have you. If interested or have questions either comment here or message me on xbox, my gt is TheGrimHarvest
Swords of Valor looks foward to hearing from you soon!
Edited by MrGrym on May 6, 2018 7:27PM
  • MrGrym
    Keep in mind you can join regardless of faction but we will be running pvp as dc, but if you're looking just for pve content then alliance doesn't matter.
  • Suddwrath
    If you are still recruiting, I would be interested in being invited. All of my toons (healer, tank, dps) are vet trial ready.
  • MrGrym
    @SaltySudd sure thing, i'll send an invite when I hop on later today.
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by USMC03CURT on May 10, 2018 12:19AM
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by USMC03CURT on May 10, 2018 1:20AM
  • wbernardo24
    Still recruiting I’m Xbox NA server stam DK cp 200 , I’m interested as u guys seem cool and up and coming GT crabby 666
  • MrGrym
    We are at 38 members now and still recruiting, we still need q12 for trading!
  • MrGrym
    After a vote on the issue we have recently changed our theme and entire rank system to be themed around privateers! So if you're looking to join a crew Guns Of Valor is sailing for fame and glory! And riches, obviously riches.
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