Zenimax, I have been playing this game since BETA on PC and I mainly play a NON CP BG's and these 2 abilities have far and beyond out performed any other skill's I've encountered whilst playing.
Soul Assault:
Soul assault by far the strongest ult in the game, but why? This skill is by far the most unbalance single target ability in the game. In non CP battlegrounds the average soul assault is 20k damage. You can't interrupt you can CC the caster, it slows you down so LOS is very difficult not to mention LOS is super situational especially in BG's and open world PVP. I believe this has to get a huge damage reduction or some sort of realistic counter. Blocking SA will leave you with zero stam and still hit like a truck through block. Over all there is no balance to this skill what so ever if this skill isn't adjusted then this game will never succeed in BG's. And since you are putting BG's to full game I'm guessing you want it to do well.
Radiant Destruction:
The only execute in the game that acts like a single target damage ability, there is no reduce damage if you have 100% health or 25% health this skill needs to be reworked and bug tested to make sure it's working inline with other executes. It is the only execute in the game that can do 10k+ damage even if you have 100% health it happens time and time again. Damage reduction and amend the execute range because clearly this skill is not working as intended and is over performing by 10 fold on other executes.
I realise this is a slight rant but it's so frustrating playing your combo's and timing attacks and someone can just press 1 button and instantly kill you with no viable counters.
I want what's best for this game and currently with these two skills how they perform are borderline game breaking.
Please provide positive feedback to this post. I realise templar's and SA users will hate this because who want's there build nerf'd but for a better overall PVP and BG's experience surely it's worth it. Surely pressing 1 button for instant dealth can't be good for the game. I just want to promote skill based PVP.
Just my opinion at the end of the day and would be interested to hear from Zenimax and the rest of the community.
I run a Stam Sorc in Non CP BG's with 5 Medium, 1 light, 1 heavy. So yes i'm not super tanky with 7 heavy but why should I have to, just not to get 1 shot by SA?
Thanks for reading if you did and will be happy to read feedback.
Radiant Destruction [...] is the only execute in the game that can do 10k+ damage even if you have 100% health it happens time and time again.
Just as predicted Templars and SA users hating... I'll just get my coat and forget trying to improve this games PVP...
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Complaining about radiant in 2018?
I'm a templar that uses radiant: I would willingly trade it for literally any other class execute.
Just as predicted Templars and SA users hating... I'll just get my coat and forget trying to improve this games PVP...
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Complaining about radiant in 2018?
I'm a templar that uses radiant: I would willingly trade it for literally any other class execute.
Shhhhhhh...... i wouldnt trade my execute for the warden execute.... at least we can say warden execute is way worse than templars
Just to clarify as stated in my original post....
Just to clarify as stated in my original post....
Really?? Radiant doing more than 10k in NonCP bgs with full health????
I would love to see that....
Unless of course you are absorbing like 10 secs of RD and you are looking at the death recap... this is the only way Ill believe you that it does 10 k dmg
On Soul Assault,
Name me 1 other skill, ultimate or not that can 1 hit someone? not even a gank nightblade can 1 shot with incap...
Yes if you block it you will likely survive but you will have 0 stam after, yes you could fight back but with no block you will die. If you're in a position to LOS then sure it's easy but that is far to situational for that to be the only counter.
On Soul Assault,
Name me 1 other skill, ultimate or not that can 1 hit someone? not even a gank nightblade can 1 shot with incap...
Yes if you block it you will likely survive but you will have 0 stam after, yes you could fight back but with no block you will die. If you're in a position to LOS then sure it's easy but that is far to situational for that to be the only counter.
SA is not one hit. I can name you a bunch of combos that can kill you in 4 seconds. Your point is moot.
On Soul Assault,
Name me 1 other skill, ultimate or not that can 1 hit someone? not even a gank nightblade can 1 shot with incap...
Yes if you block it you will likely survive but you will have 0 stam after, yes you could fight back but with no block you will die. If you're in a position to LOS then sure it's easy but that is far to situational for that to be the only counter.
SA is not one hit. I can name you a bunch of combos that can kill you in 4 seconds. Your point is moot.
You just made your entire comment redundant you said "Combos" I don't care if i get killed from a well timed combo that takes skill and SA is in non CP at least a 1 shot