A "walking" dungeon run.....

Who's in?? I think it would be a blast.....
  • DieAlteHexe
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Who's in?? I think it would be a blast.....

    And the screams of the speed-runners resounded. :)

    I'd have to be in the right frame of mind for it.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Shawn_PT
    Fang Lair would likely take well over an hour to complete.
  • VaranisArano
    If that's what you want, advertise in zone or guild, and I'm sure you'll find a willing group.

    Typicaly something like "LFM for a relaxed dungeon run. Questers welcome." should work fine.
  • Sting864
    If that's what you want, advertise in zone or guild, and I'm sure you'll find a willing group.

    Typicaly something like "LFM for a relaxed dungeon run. Questers welcome." should work fine.

    Or in the forums perhaps.???? truly, yours is a dizzying intellect....
    Edited by Sting864 on April 25, 2018 8:30PM
  • karekiz
    Sorc + Dash spell = OP Class.

    Sorry, there are too many class imbalances for this to work. You would have players zipping past others not able to catch up. The game would require a complete rebalnace of class abilities and CP points. Lets not mention the OVERLY P2W Summetset ability to reduce sprint by 50%. You might as well quit if you don't own it.
  • Aliyavana
    Casting rapids and wearing gear that increases your speed would be op in this.

    For these type of run I recommend looking for a bow build skyreach grinder that only slams light attacks and occasionally snipe
    Edited by Aliyavana on April 25, 2018 8:39PM
  • Sting864
    karekiz wrote: »
    Sorc + Dash spell = OP Class.

    Sorry, there are too many class imbalances for this to work. You would have players zipping past others not able to catch up. The game would require a complete rebalnace of class abilities and CP points. Lets not mention the OVERLY P2W Summetset ability to reduce sprint by 50%. You might as well quit if you don't own it.

    What?? How does that even relate?? You know how to toggle walk/run, right?? Is there a difference in walking speed??
  • notimetocare
    Sting864 wrote: »
    karekiz wrote: »
    Sorc + Dash spell = OP Class.

    Sorry, there are too many class imbalances for this to work. You would have players zipping past others not able to catch up. The game would require a complete rebalnace of class abilities and CP points. Lets not mention the OVERLY P2W Summetset ability to reduce sprint by 50%. You might as well quit if you don't own it.

    What?? How does that even relate?? You know how to toggle walk/run, right?? Is there a difference in walking speed??

    The joke
    Your head

    The summary of what just happened
  • redspecter23
    The OP is looking for like minded people for a dungeon run. I don't think those kind of players would be going out of their way to try and go faster with rapids or class speed boost abilities. They would, by definition, not be the type of players that are interested in this type of content preference.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Like RP walk walk?

    That wouldn't be a dungeon run. That would be a guided tour with monsters and bosses.

    (Would that mean you were not allowed to sprint during combat, as well?)

    InB4 Roll Dodge only dungeon run.

    OP, if you do it, someone would watch it. Perhaps you should even get an achievement for it (one I most certainly will never have.) To each their own and best of luck!

    I would like to see more trap/puzzle mechanics, beams to walk across, etc. I think they're vastly underused for the potential they have. (Oblivions' traps were Epic and added so many possibilities.)
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • VaranisArano
    Sting864 wrote: »
    If that's what you want, advertise in zone or guild, and I'm sure you'll find a willing group.

    Typicaly something like "LFM for a relaxed dungeon run. Questers welcome." should work fine.

    Or in the forums perhaps.???? truly, yours is a dizzying intellect....

    Thing is, you'd be in the wrong forum for that. You want the Looking For Group forum. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/LFG

    Doing it here makes it look like you are throwing chum in the waters you've already stirred up with several threads. If the wasn't your intent, this really belongs in the Looking For Group forum.

    But nice Princess Bride quote, I always enjoy seeing those.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    I Don't run I walk like a badass
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Sting864 wrote: »
    If that's what you want, advertise in zone or guild, and I'm sure you'll find a willing group.

    Typicaly something like "LFM for a relaxed dungeon run. Questers welcome." should work fine.

    Or in the forums perhaps.???? truly, yours is a dizzying intellect....

    Thing is, you'd be in the wrong forum for that. You want the Looking For Group forum. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/LFG

    Doing it here makes it look like you are throwing chum in the waters you've already stirred up with several threads. If the wasn't your intent, this really belongs in the Looking For Group forum.

    But nice Princess Bride quote, I always enjoy seeing those.
    This, coupled with the sheer impossibility of actually entering a dungeon while on the forums...

    Gotta agree with @VaranisArano on this one.

    (OP, was this truly intended to be a troll thread? Because if it was, it was so subtle I missed, and I generally don't miss it.)


    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Merlin13KAGL
    I Don't run I walk like a badass
    Like that story about his janitor friend in Good Will Hunting?

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • madchuska83
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts [snip] about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    [Edit for censor bypass.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 25, 2018 10:36PM
  • Gilvoth
    finally get a chance to actually "look" at the scenery.
    instead of just a blur.
  • Gilvoth
    Phage wrote: »
    Vote kick OP.

    Literally what I'd do.

    that's why "Kicking People" from group should be Removed.
    its very insulting!

    you don't like what is in the group, then make a new one, plain and simple.
  • VaranisArano
    Edited by VaranisArano on April 25, 2018 9:54PM
  • zaria
    We did fang lair and Scalecaller in story mode with guild group, no not walking but explored everywhere and listened to dialogues, all the pugs in Scalecaller put me on the plague guy with 5M health in normal, other replacement said, *** is this vet :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Kalgert
    I think I have created a monster...
  • Sting864
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts b¡tching about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    Good god man, I'm a pedestrian... not a sprinter....
    It isn't the way it should be done 'cause it's my way...
    it's my way cause it's the way it should be done....
    ESO is the best in its genre because it provides exceptional content...
    If people just rush through... what incentive does ZOS have to continue providing top-shelf content??
  • redspecter23
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts b¡tching about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    Good god man, I'm a pedestrian... not a sprinter....
    It isn't the way it should be done 'cause it's my way...
    it's my way cause it's the way it should be done....
    ESO is the best in its genre because it provides exceptional content...
    If people just rush through... what incentive does ZOS have to continue providing top-shelf content??

    You were so close and then you have to go post this nonsense again. Time for thread #4 now, huh?
  • Sting864
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts b¡tching about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    Good god man, I'm a pedestrian... not a sprinter....
    It isn't the way it should be done 'cause it's my way...
    it's my way cause it's the way it should be done....
    ESO is the best in its genre because it provides exceptional content...
    If people just rush through... what incentive does ZOS have to continue providing top-shelf content??

    You were so close and then you have to go post this nonsense again. Time for thread #4 now, huh?

    Close to what?? How is that nonsense??
    Edited by Sting864 on April 25, 2018 11:20PM
  • redspecter23
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts b¡tching about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    Good god man, I'm a pedestrian... not a sprinter....
    It isn't the way it should be done 'cause it's my way...
    it's my way cause it's the way it should be done....
    ESO is the best in its genre because it provides exceptional content...
    If people just rush through... what incentive does ZOS have to continue providing top-shelf content??

    You were so close and then you have to go post this nonsense again. Time for thread #4 now, huh?

    Close to what?? How is that nonsense??

    The part where you say that the only right way to run a dungeon is your way. You lose all credibility as soon as you dismiss the legitimate playstyles of people who play differently than you do.

    I'm sure you'll post back that you just don't see it or dismiss this comment in some way. You don't personally need to see the insult (or admit that you wrote it) for it to be insulting to people.
  • madchuska83
    Sting864 wrote: »
    Good God, man! Find a guild and stop making forum posts b¡tching about dungeon finder. If you're queuing in on the dungeon finder you obviously have your own reason for using it, you want to casually stroll through the dungeon absorbing everything. Guess what. Everyone else using dungeon finder also has their own reason for doing so. Whether it's farming gear, XP, or doing the quest.

    Why do you feel others should adapt to your playstyle when everyone is there for their own selfish reasons. If you want to run with people who share your goal your only choice is to find a good guild with friendly members to help you

    Good god man, I'm a pedestrian... not a sprinter....
    It isn't the way it should be done 'cause it's my way...
    it's my way cause it's the way it should be done....
    ESO is the best in its genre because it provides exceptional content...
    If people just rush through... what incentive does ZOS have to continue providing top-shelf content??

    The thing is, these people aren't rushing through the content. This content people have been playing for months and years. I have personally played through, read, explored, and enjoyed all of the dungeon content. So now I am free to blaze through them to farm any gear or xp I need. I'm not going to spend 3 hours in Darkshade farming Automaton gear when I can solo it in 15 minutes.
  • Jameliel
    Like RP walk walk?

    That wouldn't be a dungeon run. That would be a guided tour with monsters and bosses.

    (Would that mean you were not allowed to sprint during combat, as well?)

    InB4 Roll Dodge only dungeon run.

    OP, if you do it, someone would watch it. Perhaps you should even get an achievement for it (one I most certainly will never have.) To each their own and best of luck!

    I would like to see more trap/puzzle mechanics, beams to walk across, etc. I think they're vastly underused for the potential they have. (Oblivions' traps were Epic and added so many possibilities.)

    Adding to this, would also like to see skills for disabling traps etc. Make them a must have for certain dungeons. This would expand roles for people who wish to play rogue type characters. All the devs really need to do is go play DDO for a few days. It has outdated graphics, but out of all the mmos I have played, still has the most comprehensive classes/skills/role diversity. Implement some of of this into ESO and it would = pure win.
  • AlienatedGoat
    Phage wrote: »
    Vote kick OP.

    Literally what I'd do.

    that's why "Kicking People" from group should be Removed.
    its very insulting!

    you don't like what is in the group, then make a new one, plain and simple.


    If you come into my group and make a dumb suggestion like "hey guys, how about we walk it?", you're getting das boot.
    PC-NA Goat - Bleat Bleat Baaah
  • Waffennacht
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Sting864

    You were so close and then you have to go post this nonsense again. Time for thread #4 now, huh?

    Close to what?? How is that nonsense??

    The part where you say that the only right way to run a dungeon is your way. You lose all credibility as soon as you dismiss the legitimate playstyles of people who play differently than you do.

    I'm sure you'll post back that you just don't see it or dismiss this comment in some way. You don't personally need to see the insult (or admit that you wrote it) for it to be insulting to people.[/quote]

    ACTUALLY, I don't have to dismiss it, because it never happened....
  • Sting864
    The thing is, these people aren't rushing through the content. This content people have been playing for months and years. I have personally played through, read, explored, and enjoyed all of the dungeon content. So now I am free to blaze through them to farm any gear or xp I need. I'm not going to spend 3 hours in Darkshade farming Automaton gear when I can solo it in 15 minutes.

    The thing is if you rush through content... you skip some content... Let's take Fungal Grotto... If you're grouped with a rushin' he'll be too far ahead and you wont get to put the Goblin King's head on the stake... That's a really cool visual... I also let the Dreaugh out of their cages to kill them because fun... some people skip a whole horde of crabs... so they miss content...
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