SilverIce58 wrote: »Why? Just wear one set as armor, and 3 jewelry and one staff as another set.
If threads like this keep popping up, ZOS will stop giving us nice things.
If threads like this keep popping up, ZOS will stop giving us nice things.
If threads like this keep popping up, ZOS will stop giving us nice things.
ZOS makes a change that makes one of my staffs useless & requires me to farm another, and you expect me not to mention it on their forums?
I feel like this topic has more relevance than the threads about master/vma weapons not being BIS anymore.
Hi, I'm not sure I understand that can you give us the set examples (sorry am not really with It today)
Nothing about this change makes anyone's gear useless. You're confused.
ZOS makes a change that makes one of my staffs useless & requires me to farm another, and you expect me not to mention it on their forums?
I feel like this topic has more relevance than the threads about master/vma weapons not being BIS anymore.
Sure, my magSorc currently runs 5 piece Spinners on front bar and 5 piece Lich on back bar, with 2piece Illambris. I have two lightning staffs, one Spinners and the other Lich. I only have 5/5 of the set whos staff is out, other set is 4/5 until I swap weapons.
This setup works because Lich is a proc set that triggers when casting a magicka ability, so when I switch to backbar to use buffs it can proc. And most of my attacks are on front bar so the penetration from Spinners applies to those.
With the change to two handed weapons counting as two set pieces I cant use staffs from two different sets anymore. I mean I could, but I wouldnt benefit from the 2 piece change.
I am going to have to find another Spinners staff and replace the lich staff. Along with swapping out a spinners ring for a lich. Not the end of the world, but all my stuff is golded out. So its a loss none the less.
DocFrost72 wrote: »
In that situation, couldn't you swap out one spinners and one lich piece on the body, replace them with torug's, and be where you are today with 129 extra spell damage?
Yeah, that is possible. But I have always wanted spinners on the backbar to be honest. I have curse and mages fury back there.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »How is this even a complaint? Your build will benefit so much from the change. You'll be able to keep 5 spinner, 5 lich, and 2 Ilambris active on both bars. Or you could do 5 spinner all the time, 2 Ilambris all the time, 5 lich back bar, and front bar weapon could be a Master or Asylum Destro or a Willpower for 1400 magicka.
Sure, my magSorc currently runs 5 piece Spinners on front bar and 5 piece Lich on back bar, with 2piece Illambris. I have two lightning staffs, one Spinners and the other Lich. I only have 5/5 of the set whos staff is out, other set is 4/5 until I swap weapons.
This setup works because Lich is a proc set that triggers when casting a magicka ability, so when I switch to backbar to use buffs it can proc. And most of my attacks are on front bar so the penetration from Spinners applies to those.
With the change to two handed weapons counting as two set pieces I cant use staffs from two different sets anymore. I mean I could, but I wouldnt benefit from the 2 piece change.
I am going to have to find another Spinners staff and replace the lich staff. Along with swapping out a spinners ring for a lich. Not the end of the world, but all my stuff is golded out. So its a loss none the less.
Lich is triggered then low on magic it don't hurt by being always on.
Sure, my magSorc currently runs 5 piece Spinners on front bar and 5 piece Lich on back bar, with 2piece Illambris. I have two lightning staffs, one Spinners and the other Lich. I only have 5/5 of the set whos staff is out, other set is 4/5 until I swap weapons.
This setup works because Lich is a proc set that triggers when casting a magicka ability, so when I switch to backbar to use buffs it can proc. And most of my attacks are on front bar so the penetration from Spinners applies to those.
With the change to two handed weapons counting as two set pieces I cant use staffs from two different sets anymore. I mean I could, but I wouldnt benefit from the 2 piece change.
I am going to have to find another Spinners staff and replace the lich staff. Along with swapping out a spinners ring for a lich. Not the end of the world, but all my stuff is golded out. So its a loss none the less.
Colecovision wrote: »When you have two weapons sets on one bar, you farm it twice and gold it twice. Dagger + Axe = 2 drops and 16 tempers. That's 112k in gold temper. You wasted 30k tops on Rosin, but less than that if you're a decent shopper.
Do you have a logical explanation to split the bonus that doesn't have you farming twice? I don't. So ideally ZoS would give you what you want and turn your full staves (one drop) into half staves (2 drops) for the front bar and you can start over on the back . Then use 16 Rosin to fix your situation instead of 8 and you'll have it just like us DW and S+B users.
Be careful what you wish for.
Or they could just do something simple like let us equip dual staffs(in dual wield slot) and only count them as 1 piece towards their respective sets. Then I would have to farm 2 more staffs and gold them out, but at least it would allow us to mix sets per weapon.
It would mean more farming for gear on my part, but at least with that solution two handed weapons would work exactly the same as 1 handed.
N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »I’m still confused how this will work with vma staff.
Let’s say I run 5 burning spell weave, 2 valkyn, 3 willpower and a destro front and a Resto back bar.
How will this change? I know it now counts as two pieces instead of one, but vma staffs are a one piece set.
So would it better to run two torgues pack staves to get the two piece bonus? I’m still confused how this will help people who use vma, master or asylum staves.