I love Alinor and the whole zone of Summerset, definitely something I want to spend time in, so I thought it would be a good idea to give my two cents on how to make Alinor just a bit better of a main hub! After exploring and looking at the city for awhile I believe there is one thing you can improve and that is to move the wayshrine + guild traders a bit more towards the center of the city, to where the Reman's Plaza Currently is.

The wayshrine would stand where the statue currently stands... the merchants standing there right now would simply switch place with the guild traders. Close to the wayshrine you now also have the daily quest giver for convenience.
I also drew lines on the map of the City so you can see more clearly
- Red = locations moved/changed.
- Green = Places you (might) visit the most.
- Yellow = Travel routes

This Change would basically shorten the way to in general all things you might visit in the city since it is more centered focused. The shorter the travel distances is the more people will enjoy it and the more time people will spend in the newly created awesome content! That is why I believe that this change would be really good and help increase the population of Summerset/Alinor. Many People seem to agree that the wayshrine needs to be moved somewhere, this suggestion is a good way to do it without having to move or even redesign structures such as the bank to better work with where the wayshrine gets moved to.
Also look at the view you get once you enter the city from this way!
Edited by Volsers on April 19, 2018 5:59PM