I don't really play your game anymore, which you should know for starters. Why? Because you have 2 settings. 1. "Faceroll Easy Mode" for all questing and 2. "Gouge Out My Own Eyes With A Grapefruit Spoon Too Hard" for all end game, trials, and many hard mode dungeons which are the only things that yield the items and dyes I really want. Not to mention the mind numbingly boring repetition of it all to get gear. I miss Doshia being scary. I miss the vampire and werewolf quests being challenging. And let's face it, you never have given us anything worth having from questing so there's absolutely no reason to do it past level cap. You've basically wrecked the game for most casual players.
So what DO I give you my subscription money for? Roleplay in the Elder Scrolls setting. The pretty graphics. Player Housing. Yep, that's pretty much it... I still enjoy your far more expensive version of The Sims that I can play with friends. That's all you've got left going for you now as far as I'm concerned. And you keep ruining even that with gamble box exclusive items, limited time items, shoddy craftsmanship on costumes far too often, limited dye options, and prices for pixels that defy description in their lunacy.
So, let's talk about Morrowind. When I saw the furniture I was incredibly excited. It was so much nicer than anything else you had in the game. I was fully prepared to go nuts and spend the endless hours required harvesting mats to make it. BUT you made getting the plans so incredibly RARE AND DIFFICULT TO ACQUIRE that I was forced to give up. I don't even bother venturing into Vvardenfel anymore even though it's a really cool zone. I can't get what I want there so why bother? You basically refused to let me get the only thing I was excited for from Morrowind. I'm still salty about it. And it's the reason I have bought NONE of the houses from Morrowind even though I initially wanted ALL of them with the exception of your gross "Tumor Tower."
Now, I am checking out Summerset on PTS. Holy moly but you've finally knocked it out of the park on the player housing. The houses AND the furnishings are absolutely phenomenal. Kudos! Give your dev team on that a raise! And yet, I am absolutely terrified that you're just going to pull another Morrowind on me here and I will NEVER be able to recreate the things I am doing in PTS. Because not only will your prices for the furnishings on the crown store be completely unreasonable and literally insane... but you're going to make acquiring the plans to MAKE those furnishings incredibly rare AGAIN, aren't you? Seriously, if you're just going to make everything as impossible to achieve as you have with Morrowind why should I even bother? I am fully prepared to lay out the stupid amount of cash I already know you're going to ask for both houses.... AND with the new furnishings I even WANT to buy one of the old Notable homes as well. But what's the point when you're just going to ruin any enjoyment I might have in those places with your insanely BAD RNG????
Please, please, PLEASE do NOT ruin Summerset for me the same way you ruined Morrowind. I'm literally begging you here.
Update as of 7/12/18:
Well ZOS you did it. You've ruined Summerset just like you ruined Morrowind for those of us who actually give you vast sums of money for player housing. You just did it by a slightly different road this time around. Instead of making the plans for the Alinor furnishing nearly non-existant like you did the ones in Morrowind (though I hear you are planning to nerf the drop rates so "good job" there!) you've introduced a new style material for them that can only be obtained by mindlessly running the same daily over and over until your brain melts from sheer boredom. And to add insult to injury, while you only get ONE style material from this quest of COURSE each piece of furniture demands multiple of them. So crafting Alinor furniture is actually WORSE than crafting Morrowind furniture. This was incredibly sneaky and underhanded.
I will finish the project I started thinking that you were going to act in good faith this time and that you had actually listened to your player base and were going to do something ethical. But since that's not the case I will know in future not to buy anything else because it's no more than yet another bait and switch to get me endlessly into the cash shop ON TOP of your already exorbitant house pricing.
I never thought I'd see the day I'd give up my sub on my main account. But that day is coming.
Edited by MornaBaine on July 13, 2018 5:32PM PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!