Stovahkiin wrote: »
Till now the strategy of release new DLC every 3/ 4 months with new pve zones did work well to keep players always bussy, but this will not work forever, the people will eventually get tired of "always the same" and they will reclaim real innovations.
Also there is a small portion of the population that is still waiting for some miracle in the pvp, the potential is there, but i think from the marketing perspective it is risky to invest effort and resoucerments in something that they know it may not work with the experience they have already with Imperial City.
I think they really have to start brainstorming if they want to keep the ship afloat. In my opinion there is already enough of pve content, specially for new players and it is time to say if we can not make pvp fun at once, then we have to start with small steps but with a real impact in the game.
If it would be me, i would take what we have already that is Cyrodiil and i would remake it. In the case of the Battlegrounds, they are ok, but are not so much fun. I remember my days in WoW and the most simplest bgs were my favourites, for example Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm and Warsong Gulch.
Battlegrounds in my opinion could be one of the most strong pilars of this game. They don't have to be something new that you never seen before, they have to be just "fun", the same as Cirodill, where the 90% of the time you are stuck in loading screens, mounting running in your horse, dead and waiting while besieging the castles.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »
Having an opinion is fine. That PvP was neglected for so long (and yes, I appreciate the changes finally coming with Update 18) isn’t something you can really defend other than by saying “it’s not important to me”. There are many people still who enjoy PvP. It has a place in the game and therefore should be looked after just as PvE is.
But PvP hasn't been neglected for so long. There's been dueling and battlegrounds plus constant attention to performance and balancing. The trouble is that whenever ZOS introduce something new that PvPers have been asking for it immediately gets trashed by players with comments like "IC? That's not proper PvP", "Dueling? Not proper PvP", "Battlegrounds? Not proper PvP". This thread is a classic example, Update 18 is bringing Battlegrounds to the base game in a few weeks and yet the OP is asking when PvP will get some attention!
Stovahkiin wrote: »I can’t speak for all PVP players, but I think a lot of us have just been wanting to fix Cyrodiil rather than add gimmicky side-pvp activities like battlegrounds.
Agreed.Is what someone who has never tried PvP and just read the horror stories would say
Last weekend, I went into PvP to "test it out", only to find myself sucked in I played both Saturday and Sunday. I freaking loved it.
Most of the misconceptions about PvP seem to be based on one player's experience, which somehow translated as PvP in general, and thank goodness those misconceptions are just that.
I'm only CP450, and despite not having "BiS", I had a blast. Everyone (even one enemy!) was awesome and helpful, throwing me free seige gear to help out (I left mine in the bank because I wasn't sure how it was used).
Oh, that enemy? Yeah, allow me to share because this is a story which can represent the true PvP playing field.
My Dominion faction took a farm. A few of us started doing daily quests. Once most were done, the faction "herd" rode off to take another keep. I stayed behind to finish up my quest.
Then, a lone Daggerfall player strolled in, and took the flags solo. I watched as he single-handedly took out the "defenders" set up by the game.
After it was said and done, he came to me and started a whisper.
Him: "Why didn't you attack me?"
Me: "LOL. Right, as if I had a chance after I saw what you just did."
Him: "New, then?"
Me: "Yep. Came to see what PvP was about. You can kill me whenever. Those are the rules, right?"
Him: "LOL. Not if I don't want to. Class?"
Me: "NB. Trying to learn rotation to stay alive. Working to get Vigor."
Him: "Good choice. Get Caltrops, too. Where's your team?"
Me: "Don't know. Took off about 5 minutes before you took the flags."
Him: "Are they coming back?"
Me: "Don't know that either. Not sure how they communicate. No one's on headset."
Him: "Probably on party. Where you going now?"
Me: "A castle. Supposed to do a spy quest."
Him: "Well, best get going. My team's about to get here and they'll kill you if they see you."
Me: "Thanks. Heading out now. Going to Ebonheart area. We'll see how long I last."
About an hour later, he's now in my friend list on XBox.
So yeah, PvP isn't as bad as many make it out to be. You get out of it what you put into it. Sure, some people are griefers, but that's true for any multiplayer game. Shouldn't let the few spoil it for anyone.
Can't wait until Saturday gets here.
Agreed.Is what someone who has never tried PvP and just read the horror stories would say
Last weekend, I went into PvP to "test it out", only to find myself sucked in I played both Saturday and Sunday. I freaking loved it.
Most of the misconceptions about PvP seem to be based on one player's experience, which somehow translated as PvP in general, and thank goodness those misconceptions are just that.
I'm only CP450, and despite not having "BiS", I had a blast. Everyone (even one enemy!) was awesome and helpful, throwing me free seige gear to help out (I left mine in the bank because I wasn't sure how it was used).
Oh, that enemy? Yeah, allow me to share because this is a story which can represent the true PvP playing field.
My Dominion faction took a farm. A few of us started doing daily quests. Once most were done, the faction "herd" rode off to take another keep. I stayed behind to finish up my quest.
Then, a lone Daggerfall player strolled in, and took the flags solo. I watched as he single-handedly took out the "defenders" set up by the game.
After it was said and done, he came to me and started a whisper.
Him: "Why didn't you attack me?"
Me: "LOL. Right, as if I had a chance after I saw what you just did."
Him: "New, then?"
Me: "Yep. Came to see what PvP was about. You can kill me whenever. Those are the rules, right?"
Him: "LOL. Not if I don't want to. Class?"
Me: "NB. Trying to learn rotation to stay alive. Working to get Vigor."
Him: "Good choice. Get Caltrops, too. Where's your team?"
Me: "Don't know. Took off about 5 minutes before you took the flags."
Him: "Are they coming back?"
Me: "Don't know that either. Not sure how they communicate. No one's on headset."
Him: "Probably on party. Where you going now?"
Me: "A castle. Supposed to do a spy quest."
Him: "Well, best get going. My team's about to get here and they'll kill you if they see you."
Me: "Thanks. Heading out now. Going to Ebonheart area. We'll see how long I last."
About an hour later, he's now in my friend list on XBox.
So yeah, PvP isn't as bad as many make it out to be. You get out of it what you put into it. Sure, some people are griefers, but that's true for any multiplayer game. Shouldn't let the few spoil it for anyone.
Can't wait until Saturday gets here.
DieAlteHexe wrote: »@Doctordarkspawn
So, PvP players should just be grateful and accept the state of the game? That’s an peculiar view of things.
Also, yes, healing is an issue in PvE. Or why else do you think that healers get judged by how well they buff the group? Overhealing is what makes PvE healing so easy.
Don't argue with these snowflakes, they're the type to have only once stepped foot into Cyrodiil, get ganked and then cry back to pve where they can beat on the same mobs they've killed over and over again one hundred times before. This is why theirs a lot of pve salt when pvpers bring up anything remotely related to improving an aspect of the game.
Also, Pvers say pvp isn't relevant but go on twitch and there's maybe only 1-2 big pve streamers, alcast being the only really big one. Look at all the other streamers in the past who through their PVP content have brought exposure to the game through reasonable sized views (sypher, Kodi, fengrush, blobs). When I tune into their streams there's always new players coming in interested in the Pvp content and wanting to try the game out.
So yes, pvp also generates interest.
I just love it when sweeping generalisations are made.
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool PvEer. I couldn't PvP my way out of a wet paper sack BUT I support those who enjoy it. Well, at least the non-jerks which is most of 'em.
But I am pragmatic enough to understand that PvPers in what is essentially a PvE game are not going to get the attention they want strictly due to the numbers. It sucks, it's frustrating but it's the reality.
The numbers you say? Nobody has them except ZOS. So arguing with them is not really valid. There may be more PvE players. There are also a lot of players who do both regularly. It’s not as white and black as some people would have you believe.
I don't mind the lack of attention to PvP.
PvP is a dung-heap anyway.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Gotta think like a proper company here though, is the financial effort (staff, time, advertising, maintenance, etc.) worth it to please a minority of the gamer base?
Personally I’d rather they just leave PvP as is because I dont want to pay for it. And to all those who say “some PvP’ers hate PvE” I say this, why are you playing Elder Scrolls, a historically and thematically PvE game then?
Seriously. I'll never understand this attitude of I hate pve but I'm choosing to PvP in a game primarily built around pve. PvP centric game? Nope, not interested. They are basically throwing mud on the wall to see what sticks but this is the game you choose for pvp? Baffling.
On top, if all you do is pvp, I find it hard to believe you subscribe, or spend any real funds supporting the game. Why would you? I know I wouldn't. Pure speculation, but what is there to buy for a dedicated pvper? Probably have one, maybe two toons, maybe a few costumes to hide their gear and maybe 2 mounts.
In comparison I own 90% of the costumes, at least 20 mounts and been subbed since day one. Which type of customer would you cater too?
Miss me with I don't pvp, bet your sweet pumpkin pie I do, but after only a couple of hours or so I'm bored shitless, don't know how one could get hooked on it but they do.
Please dont ask how someone can get hooked on pve in a primarily pve game. Didn't even know eso had PvP until I was looking for a heal for my nb many years ago.
And still only issue I have is the vast majority of threads in general discussion are complaints by, you guessed it. They have combat, alliance, PvP, but nope, they flood gen. Irritating it is.
<snip> On ps4 only 12.3% of players have reached the rank of recruit and all you have to do is set foot in cyro to get this trophy.
Out of that 12.3% what % only went to cyro to check it out and never returned? How many went in to grab the free skillpoints and never returned, for vigor?
I won't pretend to know, but for the sake of discussion let's just drop about 4% off, and I'm being generous. Now assuming the other platforms have similar numbers, can we agree pvper's make up around 25%? And this number includes players like me who do both. I'd wager for dedicated #s it would be far far lower. <snip>
You are wrong about PvP hurting PvE. It is very much equal. PvE nerfs:
Any non tank resource changes (Wrobel wanted harder to sustain rotations with more focus on regen to stop powercreep vs bosses. Power creep player vs player doesn't matter, since they balance out, people only wanted tanks nerfed, and no CP campaigns exist already... yet CP and light/med sustain were nerfed, not really what PvP asked for is it?)
The proc set crit nerf: It did nothing for PvP. Impen exists, and people don't build high crit, so the changes were minimal. It was to stop sets alone pulling 4k DPS at a time where 35k buffed was high. (Then they added zaan because melee mag was doing awful. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Offbalance changes: The recent changes that nerfed all DPS all around, and bled through to PvP putting a hard cap on whip
I would even say, at launch, PvE and PvP were completely equal. The game was highly marketted around massive sieges, openworld battles, fast paced combat, systems like dynamic ultimate designed around numbers of players that wouldn't exist in PvE content. And the PvE content was a little sparse, story zones, and for endgame a few dungeons. This was prior to vet, which was added over time and only as II expansions. There was no trials, crag didn't exist etc.
The game was designed around equal PvE and PvP. And it should stay that way.
EDIT: Even the cinematics had a massive focus on the alliance war aspect.
<snip> On ps4 only 12.3% of players have reached the rank of recruit and all you have to do is set foot in cyro to get this trophy.
Out of that 12.3% what % only went to cyro to check it out and never returned? How many went in to grab the free skillpoints and never returned, for vigor?
I won't pretend to know, but for the sake of discussion let's just drop about 4% off, and I'm being generous. Now assuming the other platforms have similar numbers, can we agree pvper's make up around 25%? And this number includes players like me who do both. I'd wager for dedicated #s it would be far far lower. <snip>
I've no idea what the figures are, but on your assumptions I don't know where you get 25% from. Surely if 12.3% of one platform's users have visited Cyrodiil at least once, and the numbers are the same for the other platforms, then 12.3% of all players across the platforms have visited Cyrodiil at least once?
jasonthorpeb14_ESO wrote: »Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Gotta think like a proper company here though, is the financial effort (staff, time, advertising, maintenance, etc.) worth it to please a minority of the gamer base?
Personally I’d rather they just leave PvP as is because I dont want to pay for it. And to all those who say “some PvP’ers hate PvE” I say this, why are you playing Elder Scrolls, a historically and thematically PvE game then?
Seriously. I'll never understand this attitude of I hate pve but I'm choosing to PvP in a game primarily built around pve. PvP centric game? Nope, not interested. They are basically throwing mud on the wall to see what sticks but this is the game you choose for pvp? Baffling.
On top, if all you do is pvp, I find it hard to believe you subscribe, or spend any real funds supporting the game. Why would you? I know I wouldn't. Pure speculation, but what is there to buy for a dedicated pvper? Probably have one, maybe two toons, maybe a few costumes to hide their gear and maybe 2 mounts.
In comparison I own 90% of the costumes, at least 20 mounts and been subbed since day one. Which type of customer would you cater too?
Miss me with I don't pvp, bet your sweet pumpkin pie I do, but after only a couple of hours or so I'm bored shitless, don't know how one could get hooked on it but they do.
Please dont ask how someone can get hooked on pve in a primarily pve game. Didn't even know eso had PvP until I was looking for a heal for my nb many years ago.
And still only issue I have is the vast majority of threads in general discussion are complaints by, you guessed it. They have combat, alliance, PvP, but nope, they flood gen. Irritating it is.
Uh bro I hate to break it to you but a dedicated pvper loves cosmetic mounts. Buy every DLC to get BIS gear and most complete every vet trail to get the best weapons in the game. I have PvP friends who have dropped thousands on this game so They have a good house and every crafting set inside it. The only content creators for this game are PVPers who draw in more players then even the best advertisements. You are painfully wrong on your view of pvpers.
The entire morrowind sustain changes were mostly because of pvp.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Doctordarkspawn wrote: »
Sure they can, else I wouldn't have posted mine
You didn't really post an opinion. You posted speculation on someone elses opinion.Semantics aside, people can play the PVP in this game, and other MMO's, and find it wanting. I personally dont like PVP in MMO's, I prefer something like Overwatch where it's the soul focus of the development.
Brian Wheeler (PvP lead) said on ESO Live they're not looking to add things to Cyrodiil until they've got a better handle on stability issues. He also hinted at more stuff this year in regards to information about PvP.
<snip> On ps4 only 12.3% of players have reached the rank of recruit and all you have to do is set foot in cyro to get this trophy.
Out of that 12.3% what % only went to cyro to check it out and never returned? How many went in to grab the free skillpoints and never returned, for vigor?
I won't pretend to know, but for the sake of discussion let's just drop about 4% off, and I'm being generous. Now assuming the other platforms have similar numbers, can we agree pvper's make up around 25%? And this number includes players like me who do both. I'd wager for dedicated #s it would be far far lower. <snip>
I've no idea what the figures are, but on your assumptions I don't know where you get 25% from. Surely if 12.3% of one platform's users have visited Cyrodiil at least once, and the numbers are the same for the other platforms, then 12.3% of all players across the platforms have visited Cyrodiil at least once?
Key word-visited.
That 12% drops down to 7 or 8% who stayed, at best. From there it's simple math. 7x3=21 8×3=24. You are completely discounting the number of players who got what they needed from cyro and never returned.
I KNOW you aren't insinuating that the entire 12.3% stayed and are now dedicated pvper's? My claims are easily verifiable. ANYONE on Xbox can chime in and state their numbers as well as pc, if pc has some sort of tracking like trophies or achievements. I like using REAL numbers whenever possible, this isn't my opinion. Start a poll yourself and see how many of that 12.3 only went in for a specific need and never returned.
I'll wait.