Ectheliontnacil wrote: »PVP discussion.
Magblades, an underdog class (Don't dispute me on this, there's less than 5 truly successful magblades on EU, it's the class with the most hardcounters in game, it has the weakest defense outside of cloak etc.), have their spammable nerfed into uselessness, while most other classes receive moderate to huge buffs. Magdk is among the heavily buffed classes, even though it has always been strong in 1v1 scenarios and in openworld pvp too. Now I would be able to accept all of that, however there is one change that I simply cannot comprehend: Magdk is getting snare removal!
Why is a class that is designed to "protect it's house" getting snare removal (best means to increase mobility) added to their toolkit? And why aren't magblades, an already weak class, getting snare removal instead. Magblades need this buff sorely, as they aren't a defensive class and lack mobility in the current snare meta. Besides snare removal would be the best way of buffing magblades in pvp and not in pve!
I am really disappointed about this change. I have been hoping that magblade gets snare removal for ages now.
NOTE: Don't get triggered...shadow image buff is nice, as is the 2h change. Still feel like magblades are being passively nerfed (by buffing everything else unnecessarily) and the unwarranted strife cost increase.
@Kadoin lets be real here, nobody in pvp likes snares at all. XD
@Kadoin lets be real here, nobody in pvp likes snares at all. XD
I do, but only when I'm that person in the back of a zerg spamming ice clench with cost increase/drain stam poisons
To be honest, I don't even notice them anymore since I'm always snared...I just hold up block until it wears off on my DK, cleanse on my templar, or on mag NB wear Stendarr and cloak until it or mutagen procs and cleans off the snares (actually a reliable way of doing this is to cloak and use healthy offering with mutagen on, with enough healing your hp will be topped in 1-2 seconds and mutagen will clean the snare off before your cloak is broken. Keep that top-secret). I don't ever slot purge in PvP.
How can a magblade mitigate snares:
Cloak plus Shadow Image to break combat and heal up because of forced crit heals.
Mist form, which does have the magicka drawback, but is somewhat mitigated by having acces to a magicka return skill.
Going 2h and running forward momentum, which also gives a spell damage buff, and has almost no drawback as nightblade has a plethora of offensive class skills, and has no need for Rally heal.
Yep, magblade definitely needs snare removal in their kit.
We should add it to cloak, because it's not like that skill is very good or anything.
Ectheliontnacil wrote: »@Kadoin lets be real here, nobody in pvp likes snares at all. XD
I do, but only when I'm that person in the back of a zerg spamming ice clench with cost increase/drain stam poisons
To be honest, I don't even notice them anymore since I'm always snared...I just hold up block until it wears off on my DK, cleanse on my templar, or on mag NB wear Stendarr and cloak until it or mutagen procs and cleans off the snares (actually a reliable way of doing this is to cloak and use healthy offering with mutagen on, with enough healing your hp will be topped in 1-2 seconds and mutagen will clean the snare off before your cloak is broken. Keep that top-secret). I don't ever slot purge in PvP.
I find it very hard to take you seriously after what you just said.
1. Confirmed zerger, snare spammer and poison abuser.
2. You hold block until it wears off? How is that helping you with snares? Besides most snares don't wear off as they are constantly recast.
3. Stendarrs embrace is a unique set option and I respect your choice to use it, but it's no viable counter to snares.
4. Mutagen removes 1 effect, realistically you've got 5+ debuffs applied to you in most fights. Also your malevolent offering trick will bring you dangerously low on health...just to remove 1 effect that will prolly be reapplied immediately.
Haha you did make me light up! You have enough stam to block on your magblade? Dude I'd like to see you stand there holding block while the zerg jumps on you. In fact I don't think you could sustain block for any period of time unless you're using 1h/s or the frost staff (both of which are questionable decisions for nbs).
1. Can't take a joke? Lighten up, it might help you actually enjoy the game or do you take losing so hard it breaks your spirit?
2. Actually, to be specific, I have enough stam to block and roll on my mag NB; I cut my damage to do so. The result? Snares are no real issue for me and neither are stuns. With the bonuses that mag NB get to magicka and the sustain, the mag loss is not even noticeable to me.
The real counter is mutagen?3-4. It's not just Stendarr that is the counter. The real counter is mutagen. With both mutagen and healthy offering on, even if a zerg drops my health low, they will clean the snares off for me because I will spam mutagen and get that heal and debuff removal repeatedly. Also, healthy offering is not really all that dangerous behind a damage shield when its first tick with mutagen is giving you back more hp than you put in. Healthy offering is nowhere near dangerous to use if you have mutagen on you, and I find it useful for saving magicka in a prolonged pvp fight that I have to shield up in anyway.
So you're telling me that you can effortlessly tank up to five people, without using any ultimates at all and not even minding the defile (since you said it had to be 5+ and defile). Either you're using a complete turtle build that does 0 dmg, you're confusing the word "tank" with "kite" or you're simply lying. There is no way you can easily facetank 5 ppl without even ulting on a dmg spec. I don't know any magblade who can do that and I know the best.What if there is a huge zerg? Well, that's when you know you are dead anyway unless you have access to roll and block. I do, and that's exactly what I use to escape and cloak. Even if I'm snared or otherwise CC'd, with 2 HoTs on me Stendarr will proc anytime its off its cooldown and give me a window to escape. That's also assuming I don't just out tank the zerg if they cannot overcome my current HoTs (takes more than 5 focusing and max defile to overcome it with block and roll available). That's excluding the use of resto ult or bolstering darkness.
You function as a healer? Spam healthy offering on your grp? Sounds like a zergling to me after all. And you play in the open field while effortlessly tanking 5 people and bursting them down with ease. You do realise that this makes you prolly the best player in eso. There's very few people who can facetank 5 players without having to LoS on the "open field" and kill all of them consistently. Even less ppl can do that on a magblade.I honestly rarely die to a zerg and usually escape. In the case that I do, it's no situation where I wouldn't have died snared or not anyway (like being chased by 20+ spamming undodgeable skills and of course the execute spam). The amount of healing on NB is that ridiculous and that might be why NBs are losing crit heals from hemorrhageTemplar just so happens to be the other class I do the SAME exact thing on in light armor, and its no surprise to me here that both are getting that crit healing nerfed.
5. Although I primarily function as a healer and spam healthy offering and mutagen on a group when I'm around them (the TRUE use of Stendarr is here), alone in a 1v1, 1v2, 1v3,1v4,1v5, ..., it turns out that by being a part-time healer I am virtually unkillable and can still use soul harvest and burst them down one by one thanks in large part to the direct damage CP star and a large magicka pool. And no, I don't run and hide behind rocks or play tower whack-a-mole, I play on the open field.
Haha so you're saying that I'm the noob here? I am not. Based on what I've heard, you're very inexperienced or you just happen to be fighting lvl 10 players all the time. I'm guessing you're from consoleDoes that mean I always win? Nope, the enemies can kill me every time when they do damage equal to my HP at any instant in time. This seems to be a matter of pure coincidence, so I honestly don't really take it too seriously when I die from these instances. Most of the time they don't and can't do it not matter how much they spam snares and CC, and yes this is in light armor.
Now you know why I say mag NB is overpowered, guess the user makes the difference after all.
Ectheliontnacil wrote: »PVP discussion.
Magblades, an underdog class (Don't dispute me on this, there's less than 5 truly successful magblades on EU, it's the class with the most hardcounters in game, it has the weakest defense outside of cloak etc.), have their spammable nerfed into uselessness, while most other classes receive moderate to huge buffs. Magdk is among the heavily buffed classes, even though it has always been strong in 1v1 scenarios and in openworld pvp too. Now I would be able to accept all of that, however there is one change that I simply cannot comprehend: Magdk is getting snare removal!
Why is a class that is designed to "protect it's house" getting snare removal (best means to increase mobility) added to their toolkit? And why aren't magblades, an already weak class, getting snare removal instead. Magblades need this buff sorely, as they aren't a defensive class and lack mobility in the current snare meta. Besides snare removal would be the best way of buffing magblades in pvp and not in pve!
I am really disappointed about this change. I have been hoping that magblade gets snare removal for ages now.
NOTE: Don't get triggered...shadow image buff is nice, as is the 2h change. Still feel like magblades are being passively nerfed (by buffing everything else unnecessarily) and the unwarranted strife cost increase.
Sorry, not sure if trolling or serious. You're saying magblades need snare addition to being able to cloak, have better passive healing, have good damage, have access to major expedition longer tied to a DoT skill, have access to shades, have fear, have a ranged execute, access to major evasion without having to wear medium armor... AND have better sustain? W h a t ? Let's not even get into how cloak apparently gives you a window where damage is 100% dropped. Sounds like you don't want a weakness AT all.
Either that or its a troll post.
They kinda are
They are removing the 70% snare and giving us a 40% one.
Snare removal lmao
LeagueTroll wrote: »Magblade is underdog class? Lol then what is magwarden and magplar? Magblade is best mag atm, assassin will burst, hard cc, snare, defile, execute magblade has all. Sorc and dk don’t have defile. Magplar and magwarden barely do any dmg.
Ectheliontnacil wrote: »LeagueTroll wrote: »Magblade is underdog class? Lol then what is magwarden and magplar? Magblade is best mag atm, assassin will burst, hard cc, snare, defile, execute magblade has all. Sorc and dk don’t have defile. Magplar and magwarden barely do any dmg.
Not underdog in duels perhaps but in openworld certainly. It's not all about the dmg output.
For example sorc has better and more easily accessible burst, while being tankier. And most classes apart from sorc have more sustained pressure than magblade and are a lot tankier. Also magblades have the most hardcounters in game. If you're fighting in openworld pvp, you'll encounter these hardcounters quite often, which is frustrating and makes magblades less viable.