Formula is wrong anyway. Login and doing all crafting dailies on a toon nets you 4k Gold in 5 minutes, no master writs or surveys considered as they add time. This means you can do twelve writs within an hour and puts effective farming to at least 48k gold per hour.
There are other activities in ESO which consistently bring ~200k gold per hour, but I'm obviously not gonna elaborate on those.
Formula is wrong anyway. Login and doing all crafting dailies on a toon nets you 4k Gold in 5 minutes, no master writs or surveys considered as they add time. This means you can do twelve writs within an hour and puts effective farming to at least 48k gold per hour.
There are other activities in ESO which consistently bring ~200k gold per hour, but I'm obviously not gonna elaborate on those.
Dapper Dinosaur wrote: »I do wish the dungeon pages didn't drop in these. While I'm all for getting another way to earn motifs that any pleb with hands can earn eventually through repetition of simple tasks, I don't think people that lack the skill to acquire the dungeon pages should have any other way to get them. The pages are supposed to be an incentive for players to better themselves so they can clear the harder content, and events like this ruin that.
So you don't think the pages should be tradeable either? If you want only skilled players earning them through completing the dungeon, they'd have to be bound so no one could trade (unless the pages worked like other dungeon loot tradeable only for x amount of hours with players that did it with you) or sell.
Somehow, I doubt that's what you mean. Usually these kinds of posts are "I can't sell my pages for exorbitant prices to the plebs who are less awesome than me and it's really cutting into my profits"
Seriously, this event is awesome. I can't play everyday and definitely don't have the time (or when I do it's the wrong time of day) to run hard mode content. I barely have enough time to play at all during the week. This event lets me log in and do writs, which I try to do every day anyway, and earn motifs that my main crafter is still missing. I'm trading what I can to fill gaps. I've got a huge stockpile that I'm hoping to trade to complete some sets! I'm not worrying about cutting into anyone's profits.
NoTimeToWait wrote: »
yep, but you need characters trained in crafting to be able to do that. So you can't use it as a base line, because it has prerequisits to be met.
On the other hand you could get 20k per hour just gathering nodes with a single character (maybe even low level char when using an efficient route)
Bonzodog01 wrote: »Worth noting that prices for tempers and wax are now dropping due to the increased number of people doing the crafting dailies, and the market is getting flooded with them.
This is false, you can do 6 tier1 crafting writs on any level50 and get 4k per day. The most you need to do is the certification quest to get them going, you dont even need to put any skill points towards the crafts.
It is true that doing max level writs will give you better item rewards, but it comes with a big investment in leveling, skill points and materials. I personally only do max level equipment writs on about 3 or 4 characters despite having max level and extra skill points on most of my 15 characters. I do mostly tier1 equip writs because ancestor silk is expensive, master writs arent anything to write home about, you still get tempers and surveys which can be given to max level crafter to harvest ancestor silk. I do writs to make gold, using expensive materials to do writs seemed counter productive.
Jute, maple and iron are dirt cheap, so if anyone has any characters who are over level 6 and not doing writs, thats a lot of wasted potential, especially during this event.
NoTimeToWait wrote: »
That was not the point. We were discussing the baseline measurement. And while you can do low lever writs with one character, it doesn't make much sense, because that will be below baseline. And having more than one 50 lvl char is a prerequisite. We could assume that any player can have 1 50 lvl char and 7 6th lvl chars (which is not much of a prerequisite). You would get around 1.3k gold per low level char and 4k for high lvl, so it would be around 13k gold which is a candidate for a baseline. So among all farming candidates that any player could do without any initial effort (like doing dolmens which nets you around 15k gold per hour), gathering mats is probably the best.
So, the point is that you could make on average 20k gold per hour having only one 50 lvl(or even less) character by gathering mats. (Sure, one could get as much as 40-50k gold per hour gathering mats with gear/skills for speed or by knowing good routes but it is a prerequisite)
That 1.3k number doesnt seem accurate.
Also, there is prerequisite to farming materials just like writs. Go farm on a level 50 cp160 with no points into crafting, half the stuff you farm will be tier1 cheap stuff. So you are going to want max level crafter to maximize that farmimg time.
If a player started today and wanted to choose between writs or mat farming to make money I would recommend the writs because the money is good right off the bat.
Starting fresh farming mats would leave you picking nirnroot and other flowers until you can level your character to CP160 and also leveling up your ctafts and putting points towards them. Then you also have to join a trade guild or spam zone to move the product, and research prices to know what to ask for it.
On the other hand you can quickly create 8 characters and level them to 6 in the first couple days. Do the writ certifications and be making consistent gold everyday. Without the need for a trade guild or zone spamming. You also get intricate items to help level you master crafter, and tempers for when you join a trade guild and need extra money.
To each their own, but if I farmed mats for gold I would still do my writs first everday. Farming mats does have the one advantage of not being time restricted.
Mannix1958 wrote: »
Wrong killer of was killed because of all the free fragments as writ rewards for so long. I often sold extras and saw those drop over reason they no longer drop and now must be purchased.