thomas1970b16_ESO wrote: »I am a little worried that the game will turn out to be for a very small percentage of people who have access to the best gear. Will it be perhaps 1% of the players? The skin and title should be enough incentive to do hard modes and achievements in trials . Zos said early on that crafted gear would be as good as dropped gear. I feel cheated out of that.
thomas1970b16_ESO wrote: »MehrunesFlagon wrote: »Seraphayel wrote: »@Bbsample197 why should the already powerful become even more powerful? Do they need it?
Why should the already 'doing good' get better gear when they don't need it for the content they're doing?
Leaderboard scores.
Well if noone had perfected versions the playing field for score runs would be much more even, and skill would be what seperates people?
Bbsample197 wrote: »
so you want every best items to be handed to with little effort? ye no, wheres the fun in that?
so youre pointing that coordinating and practicing with people on a harder content on an MMO isnt fun?
there are alot of alternatives for players who couldnt do it like myself the difference in power is minimal, is that just alot of ppl wants what they dont have
EDIT: no one is forcing you to do the harder content, "play the way you like", not "get the BiS items the way you like" theres a big difference
veloSylraptor wrote: »Bbsample197 wrote: »
so you want every best items to be handed to with little effort? ye no, wheres the fun in that?
so youre pointing that coordinating and practicing with people on a harder content on an MMO isnt fun?
there are alot of alternatives for players who couldnt do it like myself the difference in power is minimal, is that just alot of ppl wants what they dont have
EDIT: no one is forcing you to do the harder content, "play the way you like", not "get the BiS items the way you like" theres a big difference
When has anyone asked for the best items to be handed with little effort? The only points being raised in this thread merely states concern over being artificially crippled because of their playstyles.
Again, those challenging content can have their unique things, so long as the effective power difference is minimized by the availability of perfectly viable alternatives elsewhere. The way things currently are, and with the Summerset update closing the gap between Trial weapons and other setups, I'm sure a lot of people find reasonable. The main concern being raised is to not make those an absolute insurmountable BiS.
Lets not be disingenuous here, if those items are made into a clear BiS without roughly equal alternatives, then yeah, you are effectively being forced into doing it. The structural facts of grouping (in Dungeons), where players may punish you for not having BiS items (again, if the disparity is large enough) and PvP will make your gameplay experience a lot worse without the clear BiS items. To say you can play the way you like with the existence of such systems conveniently ignores the structural and systemic pressures that will coerce people to do it.
Bbsample197 wrote: »
theres really no point on acquiring better gears if the power is too minimal as what you said, the game will dry out too fast, thats the problem were currently having right now, most ppl wont do harder content like vAS hm if the difference in power are so minimal, why even bother creating Hard mode if everything would just have a minimal differences
Bbsample197 wrote: »best items should be rewarded to the best players even if its just 1% of the playerbase
You dont need a perfected item sets if youre just playing casuals, you dont need gold items if your just doing normal content in the game
if you want to get a perfected item then be ready to put an effort to it, if not then be happy from what you get, i dont get why alot of players are complaining about that best items being locked on harder content ie vMA or vAS HM (heck the perfected verions of asylum isnt that far to the imperfected ones)
Yea let's put the best pvp weapons (in some cases) behind 100s of hours of pve
Bbsample197 wrote: »veloSylraptor wrote: »Bbsample197 wrote: »you know why the best gear are locked in harder content?? it not for the top players only
its for everyone to continually achieve that goal! i myself is still trying hard to succeed on vMA and other DLC dgn content on the game, if the rewards on those harder content will be worth it then im sure going to strive harder for it!!
this game isnt giving best items to TOP players to make them more powerful, theyre still learning the mechanics on every new content like us!!
what differs the TOP players from others is their dedication and their persistent practice on the said content! theyre no better than us really they just practice more and more!
someone argues that they dont have much time to play, and so be it! dont chase with the high end gears!! you dont have that time to play after all, im an example on this im to busy on my studies and my ping is too high to go through those hard content. i dont have the time to do vMoL or vHoF but i just sucked it up knowing i wouldnt get it.
i love games who reward their players through their efforts and devotion and not through their wallets
So the point is to coerce people into doing something they may not enjoy? yeah, no.
Like I said, I don't mind a little bit of incentive being given to complete those content, but there is a difference between incentives and coercion. Making unique builds that perform a bit better than gear obtained outside of those difficult content, yeah sure that's an incentive (kinda). But to make those items a definite BiS and then hold them hostage to certain content is no other than coercion.
That's not even considering pvp yet, where power disparity enforced by a totally unrelated system is a bad idea.
Which is still not even considering players which may for whatever reason are not able to complete the content.
so yeah, you can argue that its not being done to give content to the top players, but that is the effective consequence of this, so it really doesn't matter whether or not that is why its being done, only that it is being done this way, and it is having this consequence.
Again just to clarify, I don't mind those content having some special items for them, so long as there are perfectly viable alternatives for players who cannot or just don't want to complete them.
so you want every best items to be handed to with little effort? ye no, wheres the fun in that?
so youre pointing that coordinating and practicing with people on a harder content on an MMO isnt fun?
there are alot of alternatives for players who couldnt do it like myself the difference in power is minimal, is that just alot of ppl wants what they dont have
EDIT: no one is forcing you to do the harder content, "play the way you like", not "get the BiS items the way you like" theres a big difference
Bbsample197 wrote: »@Bbsample197 why should the already powerful become even more powerful? Do they need it?
well theyve deserved to get it, theres really no point on complaining if you would just do the harder content isnt that right?? im not saying its easy to obtain them thats why there should be more incentive on harder conten to actually do them, lets be honest here the perfected items on vAS is not that far on the imperfect ones so theres no point on doing it aside from score runs but after that no point in grinding.
same question goes for casuals like me or the majority of the player do we really need those perfected items?
Bbsample197 wrote: »
you know why the best gear are locked in harder content?? it not for the top players only
its for everyone to continually achieve that goal! i myself is still trying hard to succeed on vMA and other DLC dgn content on the game, if the rewards on those harder content will be worth it then im sure going to strive harder for it!!
this game isnt giving best items to TOP players to make them more powerful, theyre still learning the mechanics on every new content like us!!
what differs the TOP players from others is their dedication and their persistent practice on the said content! theyre no better than us really they just practice more and more!
someone argues that they dont have much time to play, and so be it! dont chase with the high end gears!! you dont have that time to play after all, im an example on this im to busy on my studies and my ping is too high to go through those hard content. i dont have the time to do vMoL or vHoF but i just sucked it up knowing i wouldnt get it.
i love games who reward their players through their efforts and devotion and not through their wallets
Bbsample197 wrote: »
theres really no point on acquiring better gears if the power is too minimal as what you said, the game will dry out too fast, thats the problem were currently having right now, most ppl wont do harder content like vAS hm if the difference in power are so minimal, why even bother creating Hard mode if everything would just have a minimal differences
Bbsample197 wrote: »best items should be rewarded to the best players
thomas1970b16_ESO wrote: »Zos said early on that crafted gear would be as good as dropped gear. I feel cheated out of that.
Bbsample197 wrote: »i love games who reward their players through their efforts and devotion and not through their wallets
If this stuff doesn't already drop BoE, perhaps it should. Then high end players could sell off the pieces they don't want to players that don't want to do the content and make a small fortune in the process. But then why bother to do the content if you could just buy the pieces? Soon no one would do the content so the argument would be irrelevant anyway.
As a casual, I have no problems with getting rewarded for the effort you put into something. Therefore, if there is another way to get it, the alternate method should be just as difficult as doing the trials. Otherwise it's a big middle finger to those who actually worked to earn it.
There needs to be zero option to buy PvE gear with AP. There also needs to be zero option to buy PvP gear with gold.Most_Awesome wrote: »I'm fine with high end PvE gear dropping in hard mode trials aslong as it would have no effect what so ever in PvP, make them like the Marksman set but only against NPC.
Or give us the option to buy them with AP
MehrunesFlagon wrote: »doesn't bother me much,but do think the perfect should drop from vet versions,and not just the hardmode.
thomas1970b16_ESO wrote: »I am a little worried that the game will turn out to be for a very small percentage of people who have access to the best gear. Will it be perhaps 1% of the players? The skin and title should be enough incentive to do hard modes and achievements in trials . Zos said early on that crafted gear would be as good as dropped gear. I feel cheated out of that.