Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
- problems with server - lag - is old in ESO. There are billions of threads about the same problem. I do not think I need to repeat here what has been repeated billions of times.
In BDO, they changed the service provider, something I expect from ZOS.
@Iskras same problem here... i dont know what is happening with the game right now, but since the last xp event, this game is impossible to play right now.... im having random red ping +999 all the same.-
Before this two xp events my game was working just fine.-
Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
I do not think I need to repeat here what has been repeated billions of times.
Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
Only for you it seems as I am fine here in Aus
Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
- problems with server - lag - is old in ESO. There are billions of threads about the same problem. I do not think I need to repeat here what has been repeated billions of times.
In BDO, they changed the service provider, something I expect from ZOS.
Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
- problems with server - lag - is old in ESO. There are billions of threads about the same problem. I do not think I need to repeat here what has been repeated billions of times.
In BDO, they changed the service provider, something I expect from ZOS.
VilniusNastavnik wrote: »
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
and nodody owes an answer to this thread then. what do you think the information would be used for? making coasters? what contribution do YOU have? since you asked. There is nothing here to indicate its a ZOS issue. because no information was given.
im going to go with family watching youtube. hey, its as good an answer as any with the information provided.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
Ummm..... @GeorgeBlack , it was sarcasm, did that go over your head? Everyone knows the game lags badly, this is the 50000000000009th thread on it. Gets old.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
Ummm..... @GeorgeBlack , it was sarcasm, did that go over your head? Everyone knows the game lags badly, this is the 50000000000009th thread on it. Gets old.
Why participate in it since it gets old?
What did you hope to find?
Or are you here to whiteknight?
GeorgeBlack wrote: »GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
Ummm..... @GeorgeBlack , it was sarcasm, did that go over your head? Everyone knows the game lags badly, this is the 50000000000009th thread on it. Gets old.
Why participate in it since it gets old?
What did you hope to find?
Or are you here to whiteknight?
I'm here just to entertain myself on the forums. That is all. Nothing else to do at work. Last I checked this is the internet after all lol
Edit: now that's a game I miss, whiteknight chronicles!!
@Iskras same problem here... i dont know what is happening with the game right now, but since the last xp event, this game is impossible to play right now.... im having random red ping +999 all the same.-
Before this two xp events my game was working just fine.-
and yet people playing on the other side of the world arent getting this. im going to pretend we play on the same server, because there was so much information provided on this issue that it should be obvious.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Well said. I really enjoyed the well thought out and detailed description of the problem. The sentence structure and punctuation were on point. Well laid out thought process giving important details to ZoS.
10/10 would read and agree again
Nobody ows you an epic. Title speaks for itself. What other information do you possibly need?
Will you use the source for a thesis?
What contribution do you have for this topic?
Get over yourself. Zos needs to work on their platforms performances.
so are you telling me you never lag on eso ??
, u never long load screens??,
u never random disconnect ???,
u never stuck at "Requesting Character load" ???
, u never random Red Ping Spike ??