DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »3000 crowns sounds good. finally no rip off in game for 5-8 million gold and even looks better than the vAS HM drop imo
DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »3000 crowns sounds good. finally no rip off in game for 5-8 million gold and even looks better than the vAS HM drop imo
Soul_Marrow wrote: »
3000 crowns is like 25ish bucks, dude. How does that sound good? or better than fake currency earned in the game?
Does not compute.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »
Seeing as I was looking at this stuff just now anyways (total gold for an account with at least 1 level 50)...
- XB1 - 90th percentile - 412k gold
- PS4 - 90th percentile - 459k gold
- PC - 90th percentile - 890k gold
It's not the top 1%, but it gives you an idea.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Compare the time it takes the average player to earn $25 spending money for crowns with the time it takes the average player to earn a couple million gold to buy the polymorph container or to run the trial themselves to earn it.
Oh, right, 1 million gold is right about the 90th percentile of player wealth on PC (I'd have to go searching for the dev comment about that some months ago to get the exact number, but it was a little less than 1 million of PC and less for consoles.)
As far as I know, we don't have stats on trial completion either, but I'd make a good guess that $25 is much more achievable and much quicker to obtain than a couple million gold or completing the trial.
Or, since you want computations, I can earn roughly 100k in a day so it'd take me...roughly 50 days to earn 5 million in game gold. I can earn $25 spending money in that time easily, but its a moot point since I don't intend to buy either one. I just like math questions.
My guess is that it will cost 5000 Crowns. I hope my guess is wrong.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Compare the time it takes the average player to earn $25 spending money for crowns with the time it takes the average player to earn a couple million gold to buy the polymorph container or to run the trial themselves to earn it.
Oh, right, 1 million gold is right about the 90th percentile of player wealth on PC (I'd have to go searching for the dev comment about that some months ago to get the exact number, but it was a little less than 1 million of PC and less for consoles.)
As far as I know, we don't have stats on trial completion either, but I'd make a good guess that $25 is much more achievable and much quicker to obtain than a couple million gold or completing the trial.
Or, since you want computations, I can earn roughly 100k in a day so it'd take me...roughly 50 days to earn 5 million in game gold. I can earn $25 spending money in that time easily, but its a moot point since I don't intend to buy either one. I just like math questions.
Soul_Marrow wrote: »
You are under-earning. Up to 5 guild slots, 30 item slots a piece, gold from quests, theieve's guild line with personal fence, and so on. The list goes on and on. My main point was that I play the game for fun, but I go to work to earn money. I'd rather spend fake money on fake items and my real money on real items...especially considering that I can not spend said fake money on items outside of the game. an hour or 2 of work is not equal to a few hours of fun with my buddies.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
But what if it drops and no gold involved at all? Someone who was actually just doing the trial because they enjoyed doing the trial. God Forbid those who don't class playing the game as work.
Soul_Marrow wrote: »
3000 crowns is like 25ish bucks, dude. How does that sound good? or better than fake currency earned in the game?
Does not compute.
They're seriously putting this in the crown store?? Why couldn't they just put a new polymorph in the crown store? Just lazy...
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
He's comparing it to the price of what the polymorph boxes are selling for, so "easier" might be a more accurate word.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Meh. I...actually don't care that I'm "underearning." I have 3 trading guild, 1 PVP guild, and one friends guild, so I have a satisfying social life in the game, plus I don't spend a ton of time farming. When I do spend time farming, I make about 100k a day. Which, I do find farming fun, but its not what I do all the time. I'm earning at a rate that is comfortable and fun for me - that's a success in my book.
That being said, if I chose to farm the way I want to farm and still have fun playing the game, it would take me about 50 days or so to make the 5 million gold. That's assuming I wasn't willing to spend any of the 4 million or so that I already have. Again, that's quite a lot compared to the average player, 90% of whom have less than 1 million gold.
Ultimately, you can spend your money on whatever you like just like I can spend my money how I like. My point was that ZOS made this decision rightly assuming that $25 spending cash is much more accessible to the average play than the trial completion or buying it with in-game gold.
What do you guys think will be the price for this?
Set aside the imperfections of meat and bone, adopt the perfected form of a Factotum, and move with clockwork precision. This Polymorph will also override any currently equipped Personality. Alters the /idle, /sleep, /bow. /twiddle, /wave, /hammerwall, /hammerlow, and /dance emotes.
The Factotum Polymorph will be available for a limited time on all platforms from April 12 to April 16 at 3pm BST.
Cant wait for it!!!
What do you guys think will be the price for this?
Set aside the imperfections of meat and bone, adopt the perfected form of a Factotum, and move with clockwork precision. This Polymorph will also override any currently equipped Personality. Alters the /idle, /sleep, /bow. /twiddle, /wave, /hammerwall, /hammerlow, and /dance emotes.
The Factotum Polymorph will be available for a limited time on all platforms from April 12 to April 16 at 3pm BST.
Cant wait for it!!!
Soul_Marrow wrote: »
I thnk we need to keep assumed statistics out of this because these are your assumptions and nothing more. Telling you that you are underearning wasn't an insult in any form and your perception of my comment was skewed. My point was that it is so incredibly easy to make gold in this game that you don't HAVE to farm. You CAN continue playing the way you play and still do it, but the point was missed entirely. If you think it would take 50 days to earn the gold then you are underearning, not because you are farming wrong, but because you don't know how to earn quickly and easily in this game yet. I absolutely HATE the "spend your money how you wish" argument. Leave that the hell out because it has no point in the conversation. Light your money on fire for all I care, it's your wasted time, not mine...but it does affect the rest of us because then a company can justify a 25 dollar price tag on a fake outfit for fake people.
Soul_Marrow wrote: »A CEO gets to sit around counting his REAL money in his REAL mansion that he bought with the money you spent on your fake mansion and that is both comical and disturbing to me. We need to keep things in perspective. PLEASE.