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Internal conflict.... second character?

Whats up guys?

So I am almost leve 50 with my stamblade (first character). Questing and side questing my way through the daggerfall covenant (completing all delves, world bosses, and dolmens). Now, I am getting itchy and almost wish I made a mage for my first char. I am not sure what to do now given I am 5 zones deep, horse stats leveled up a ton and all. I really do want to make a mage but not sure how to go about it. I would obviously use my first char for crafting since its leveled up a ton. Mage sorc just looks super fun to play and I am so bored with my stamblade.

What are your opinions? How should I go about this? I just feel like it was wasted time now other than all my researching I have done.

Now if I do start a mag sorc, how should I go about leveling? Should I go through each zone for 100% completion since I didn’t finish with my first character? Or should I power level it?

Best Answer

  • Anotherone773
    sanzz18 wrote: »
    Awesome guys thanks for the advice. So I made my mag sorc. I have enough research done to where I could craft most of my seducer and magnus set gear with training on it and what I cant my friend will fill in missing pieces for me.
    I do have a few questions though.

    1) Should I really waste the resources on improving my gear to green if I am going to be making gear at 16,26,36,46?

    2) My first char is my crafter (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing) but is not leveled up yet. Should my first char deconstruct all my gear I get from my magsorc?

    3) Which leads me to this next question, should my first char do ALL crafting? Or should I use my sorc to do provisioning, alchemy, and enchanting?

    Thanks for your help guys.

    No need to craft gear. Run fungal grotto, get spider cultist set, works great. Want to heal your way through dungeons for faster leveling? Run banished cells, get sanct set. Keep them updated.
    Answer ✓
  • VaranisArano
    Whichever you want.

    If your goal is to do dungeons and other end-game content with your 2nd character, I'd powerlevel. I recommend picking up skyshards so you have the skill points you need so you can have a well-rounded character.

    If, on the other hand, you want to experience the game, I'd try questing through different zones. My main character was a Pact Dunmer, so I made my 2nd character a Dominion Altmer to play through those zones from the perspective of someone loyal to that alliance. Another character of mine was an Imperial agent of Abnur Tharn who roleplayed through the Reach that she was playing a triple agent for the Nords, the Reachmen, and the Worm Cult on Tharn's behalf.
  • Juju_beans
    I have one main NB and several alts.

    My main is doing all the quests for achievements, access to achievement stuff and all crafting.
    So there's my "completionist". I've done Cadwell's silver and gold on this character.

    My alts though are of different factions (for pvp) and are doing the main quests in each zone, skyshards and lore books (for mag classes) and then whatever I feel like doing.
  • antimawkish
    Having multiple characters will offer many benefits, with the option to play different styles being an especially valuable one, so definitely go for the alt. What you do with it will depend on your interests, of course, but in terms of just catching it up I'd suggest taking advantage of the double xp event and getting started right away. Make sure you get your daily random normal dungeon with the pie xp bonus on both characters (the champion points are account-wide, so your level 50's experience will benefit all of your characters). It's definitely worth it to use your leveling time to also farm mages books, public dungeons, the main quest, and skyshards (including delves) so that your character arrives at level 50 with a functional amount of skill points and access to useful skills. Otherwise, you get to spend that time running around getting them anyway after you hit 50.

    While you're at it, you might consider just creating one character of each class (mind your race choices, of course, as those passive will affect their utility a bit in different roles) so that you can start training their mount speed/capacity. That way, they'll be ready to go when you get the alt itch again.
    Edited by antimawkish on April 1, 2018 6:08PM
  • Anotherone773
    I did something similar, very similar except i planned on my bowblade being a support character for my other characters. He does crafting, stealing, assassinating, and open world. I made a magsorc which i use pretty much only for combat. I temporarily converted her to healer because instant dungeon queues during an xp event.

    I still play both. When you get past level 50 and into champion points, it doesnt matter for leveling. You can gain 100k CP XP on your magsorc and log in your stamblade and he will be the same level with the same xp. Get more xp on him and log in to the magsorc and same xp.

    The only real issue is collecting shards, leveling guilds, and collecting various skillpoints again. But it adds a lot of variety to play. I enjoy working on two characters at the same time a lot more than playing the same character all the time. Who knows i might make a third after summerset drops.

    BTW unless an item is character bound, and very very few are( mostly level up rewards), all bound items are bound to account. So most things can be shared between characters even after being bound. That offers some advantages as some characters are much better at some things than others.
  • sanzz18
    Awesome guys thanks for the advice. So I made my mag sorc. I have enough research done to where I could craft most of my seducer and magnus set gear with training on it and what I cant my friend will fill in missing pieces for me.
    I do have a few questions though.

    1) Should I really waste the resources on improving my gear to green if I am going to be making gear at 16,26,36,46?

    2) My first char is my crafter (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing) but is not leveled up yet. Should my first char deconstruct all my gear I get from my magsorc?

    3) Which leads me to this next question, should my first char do ALL crafting? Or should I use my sorc to do provisioning, alchemy, and enchanting?

    Thanks for your help guys.
  • DaveMoeDee
    While I have never improved gear below max level, the mats to improve to green are quite bountiful. Not big loss if you use some at lower levels.
  • Checkmath
    You can split the different craftings onto different characters, since crafting needs a lot of skillpoints. But i recommend doing it with only one character, since you dont want to change character in the future to craft a full gear several times. So its easier to be able crafting everything on one. Especially if you start doing crafting writs.
  • Violynne
    sanzz18 wrote: »
    What are your opinions? How should I go about this? I just feel like it was wasted time now other than all my researching I have done.
    I have two characters which specialize in their respective crafting: magSorc is woodworking and light armor and stamBlade covers the rest.

    The stamBlade is relatively new, but I leveled her up quickly and farmed Skyshards to unlock Blacksmithing and Clothing. I received some scrolls to reduce research time, and this helped, but she's got quite a few ways to go (and my bank is filled with items ready to be deconstructed).

    I haven't hit Craglorn yet so my Nirnhoned is the only one left undone, but I'll do this in time.

    As for crafting your own to level up to green, my recommendation is don't waste the honing mats. The game is giving you an artificial boost up to level 50, so anything dropped in the game will be more than sufficient to get you the gear you "need" to level up.

    You'll find that, without tempering expertise, you'll spend far more mats than you need to, so save them!

    For the mount, that's just par for the course, I'm afraid. I'm going through the same thing, and having to wait 6 months to fully upgrade is a pain, but if you want flexibility, it's the only way to do it.
  • hellothere
    Lol we have the same character order reversed, I started with a magsorc which just got to 50 a few days ago, and was trying out a level 20 stamblade!
  • Dubhliam
    It depends.

    Are you a completionist?
    If so, simply quest as you did with your first char.

    If not, take advantage of the new 100%exp boost from the anniversary event and go grind dolmens with those large groups in Alik'r.

    I definitely recommend sorcs for solo players, either mag or stam, they are absolutely great in solo play.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • sanzz18
    Lol yeah I am def a completionist. But so far I am having a ton of fun with my sorc that I don’t even mind questing all over again. Plus it started me in vvardenfall first so it was good change of scenary.
  • AcadianPaladin
    For the long term, I'd recommend you build toward one character who can do all crafting. I used to split consumables and equipment between two characters and that worked well - until furnishing crafting got to be a thing. The requirements cross over all over each other. For example, to make 'house widget' the recipe might be a blacksmithing one that requires skill in both blacksmithing and provisioning.

    The good news is that my primary crafter has is a fully capable combat healer with all the fighting/healing skills she needs and all the crafting skills maxed. And she has over 40 spare skill points. It takes time to get them but there are plenty of skill points available in the game.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • NovaMarx
    As a person with 10 chars, 3 of them at CP, I can tell you it is not a waste.

    Having more than one character - and more than one main character - is not unusual in this game. Especially when you are new, I would definitely not get too attached to one character, as there are so many combinations of classes and races to try.

    Besides, almost all items are shareable between your characters (use your bank), and items like mounts, pets and costumes are account wide so you can use them on all your characters. So the only real "grind" is getting through the content, which is quite quick second time around, since you can speed through the quests - unless of course you decide to try another allliance :wink:

    As for researching, again you can share any gear made on your first character. So the only reason to do research on a new character would be to get achievements. Also, I always suggest for new players to level up through normal questing, and making sure to explore and do everything in every zone - especially since some quests give skill points as rewards, and that would be a shame to miss out on :smile:
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • chuckaloco
    Make a Pact Tank or Healer and a Dominion Character for the last role type to see what you like best. I’ve tried out all the classes and useful races and I’ve narrowed it down for myself to an Argonian Warden, Templar and Nightblade all healers and one in each Faction. Means you can play through the faction storylines and it’ll be different side quests and environment so you don’t feel like you’re grinding out through the same stuff. You could power level and grind dungeons also.
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