This is a fairly trending topic in the Social Media outlets. In particular with the one’s that cover gaming. Now i hear that there is an actual comission called the Fair Player Alliance or as it soon to be called (The FPA); joining developers and industry known leaders together in fighting “Toxicity among Gamers”.
So, My question to you, my fair ESO community, what is your opinion on the matter?
As for me, well. I was around when the ESRB was introduced. I’ll never forget the game that did it, The infamous “Mortal Kombat”. When the president of the United States publicly denounces a video game, $#!% has hit the fan. But, for as much as the ESRB tried, Video Games remained the same. Now, with the FPA on the horizon, competitive play will be totally restructured. For starters there will be heavier penalties for ‘Taunting Players”. They will even go as far as perma banning any player for repeat offenses. Think of the time and money invested in video games today. Loot Crates, Hours of leveling weapons, gear, skills, characters, all on the risk of being lost due to what the FPA standards will be for tolarable and intolerable behavior.
I remember the best part about online gaming was telling another player “Momma Jokes” whenever i would be on a takedown run. Or having another player take my self confidense and destroy it as i saw my character oblitirated by his lower level character. Those challenges and fears are what makes online competitive gaming fun. Now, i know there are limits. For example: Telling someone that you will ping their IP, find their house, and show up to cause harm is obviously beyond that limit. But, anything other then that is simply “Competitive Taunting” which has been around since the caveman learn to play rock known as baseball.
What do you think guys? Should there be limits on what we can and cannot say to each other in competitive play? Like my granny used to say “If you cant handle the heat, GET THE HELL OUT of the kitchen!”