Toxicity In Games

This is a fairly trending topic in the Social Media outlets. In particular with the one’s that cover gaming. Now i hear that there is an actual comission called the Fair Player Alliance or as it soon to be called (The FPA); joining developers and industry known leaders together in fighting “Toxicity among Gamers”.

So, My question to you, my fair ESO community, what is your opinion on the matter?

As for me, well. I was around when the ESRB was introduced. I’ll never forget the game that did it, The infamous “Mortal Kombat”. When the president of the United States publicly denounces a video game, $#!% has hit the fan. But, for as much as the ESRB tried, Video Games remained the same. Now, with the FPA on the horizon, competitive play will be totally restructured. For starters there will be heavier penalties for ‘Taunting Players”. They will even go as far as perma banning any player for repeat offenses. Think of the time and money invested in video games today. Loot Crates, Hours of leveling weapons, gear, skills, characters, all on the risk of being lost due to what the FPA standards will be for tolarable and intolerable behavior.

I remember the best part about online gaming was telling another player “Momma Jokes” whenever i would be on a takedown run. Or having another player take my self confidense and destroy it as i saw my character oblitirated by his lower level character. Those challenges and fears are what makes online competitive gaming fun. Now, i know there are limits. For example: Telling someone that you will ping their IP, find their house, and show up to cause harm is obviously beyond that limit. But, anything other then that is simply “Competitive Taunting” which has been around since the caveman learn to play rock known as baseball.

What do you think guys? Should there be limits on what we can and cannot say to each other in competitive play? Like my granny used to say “If you cant handle the heat, GET THE HELL OUT of the kitchen!”
  • Aebaradath
    It gets quite tiresome to see how easily people get offended these days....
  • Mystiqq0099
    It gets quite tiresome to see how easily people get offended these days....

    I totally agree. I mean, if you’re playing an online game, you’re playing on a public forum. Its just like any other public forum in where if you do not like what they are saying, leave. The people that were there before you, should not have to change simply becase “You” the “New Player” showed up.

  • thedude33
    The only guideline that people should follow ... in any online forum, game, social media .... is don't say anything that you wouldn't say to someone face to face. The anonymity empowers too many people to embrace their inner jerk persona.

    [edited for profanity masking]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on March 24, 2018 12:36AM
    1v1 Win/Loss Record in PvP.
    1 Wins - 392 Losses (guy was AFK)

  • Juju_beans
    Edited by Juju_beans on March 23, 2018 10:00PM
  • Libonotus
    Maybe you should change your attitude and grow up a little. I expect toxic behaviour from 15 year old who don’t know better, not 18+ who should know better
  • Mystiqq0099
    thedude33 wrote: »
    The only guideline that people should follow ... in any online forum, game, social media .... is don't say anything that you wouldn't say to someone face to face. The anonymity empowers too many people to embrace their inner jerk persona.

    The only thing with your argument is that by nature, we play online games because of the “Anonymity” that the game provides us. We can swing a bat, throw a basketball, fire of a missle, or even channel a level 4 arcane spell into one another never knowing who we really are. Never knowing that in “Real Life” some of us have never held a basketball in our hands. And the “Inner jerk” wants instant recognition as if he/she was lebron james for throwing that basketball so perfectly in the final 3 seconds of the game.....

    Now you, a sour player who just got “Whooped”, decide that my celebration talk is more then you can handle, obviously because im rubbing the stinch of victory in your face, you know decide to write me up as if what i just did is a “Crime”.... Thats the issue at hand here.

    [edited for profanity masking]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on March 24, 2018 12:22AM
  • Mystiqq0099
    Juju_beans wrote: »

    Oh im sorry. I was looking to see if anyone had commented on this issue but could not find a forum topic on it. Thanks for pointing it out.
  • DieAlteHexe

    The only thing with your argument is that by nature, we play online games because of the “Anonymity” that the game provides us. We can swing a bat, throw a basketball, fire of a missle, or even channel a level 4 arcane spell into one another never knowing who we really are. Never knowing that in “Real Life” some of us have never held a basketball in our hands. And the “Inner @$$hole” wants instant recognition as if he/she was lebron james for throwing that basketball so perfectly in the final 3 seconds of the game.....

    Now you, a sour player who just got “Whooped”, decide that my celebration talk is more then you can handle, obviously because im rubbing the stinch of victory in your face, you know decide to write me up as if what i just did is a “Crime”.... Thats the issue at hand here.

    We do? I sure don't. Anonymity does not necessarily equal fantasy. I behave online identically to how I behave offline. I never saw any reason to differentiate.

    I do agree that many folk DO behave differently.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • esotoon
    It gets quite tiresome to see how easily people get offended these days....

    It’s also tiresome how easily some people go straight from zero to “I’m going to be as offensive as possible”, when communcating with other people, just because they are hidden behind a monitor.

    Not sayng the FPA model is the answer, especially when some of the companies involved use payment models that psycologically are specifically designed to cause jealousy and envy within the player base. I’m just saying you can’t sweep it all under the carpet as people being too easily offended.
  • Kel
    We live in a day and age where there is no such thing as civil discourse. If you have an opinion that differs from another person, it's instantly a personal attack, or you get attacked back for it.
    Gaming is no different. In some cases, because of the anonymous nature of the internet, gaming can be far far worse.
  • KingYogi415
    Is asking a cp 30 to drop deathmatch BG’s toxic?

    Or is it toxic when they spew hateful comments back in chat?
  • Cheveyo
    This is what happens when people who have never competed in their entire lives, pretend to be interested in something that is built around competition.

    They get met with smack talk and cry into their blogs about how mean the evil gamers are. Then start demanding we change to accommodate them.

    Video games should not bow down to people. Either they toughen up or go away.

    [edited for inappropriate commentary]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on March 24, 2018 12:28AM
  • Elsonso

    What do you think guys? Should there be limits on what we can and cannot say to each other in competitive play? Like my granny used to say “If you cant handle the heat, GET THE HELL OUT of the kitchen!”

    These limits are already in place, and have been for a very long time. Whether the games choose to articulate and enforce the limits, that is question.

    Edited by Elsonso on March 23, 2018 10:18PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • ParaNostram
    It gets quite tiresome to see how easily people get offended these days....

    I agree. I mentioned the other day in guild chat that I was trans and you should have seen the guild chat after that. Mention qu*er representation in this game on the forums and everyone loses their minds!
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • smacx250
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    We live in a day and age where there is no such thing as civil discourse. If you have an opinion that differs from another person, it's instantly a personal attack, or you get attacked back for it.
    Gaming is no different. In some cases, because of the anonymous nature of the internet, gaming can be far far worse.
    You might be hanging around the wrong crowd, as I've had a different experience - excepting certain online forums.
  • Mystiqq0099

    These limits are already in place, and have been for a very long time. Whether the games choose to articulate and enforce the limits, that is question.

    You are right. Most ULA and UEA’s specifically outlines how other players will behave with each other. But up until now, the enforcement of such behavior has been limited to severe taunting. The FPA is looking to create a Gaming Universe where anything negative said to another player can result in suspension or even banishment from said game.

    In other words, the QQ’s are going to have a legal right to cause your account to get banned simply because you schooled them on the battlefield.

  • PlagueSD
    thedude33 wrote: »
    The only guideline that people should follow ... in any online forum, game, social media .... is don't say anything that you wouldn't say to someone face to face. The anonymity empowers too many people to embrace their inner !#$hole persona.

    This also goes beyond Online gaming and public forums. Anyone remember the backlash that AMC got for their show "The Walking Dead" when the character Glenn was killed? At the beginning of the episode and at the end of EVERY commercial break was the notice "
    Cheveyo wrote: »
    This is what happens when people who have never competed in their entire lives, pretend to be interested in something that is built around competition.

    They get met with smack talk and cry into their blogs about how mean the evil gamers are. Then start demanding we change to accommodate them.

    Video games should not bow down to the pearl clutching pansies. Either they toughen up or go away.

    Sort of. Competition isn't really completion when EVERYONE gets a "participation" trophy. That's what's wrong with kids these days. They don't learn "defeat" and how to lose because every day they are told they're a winner. Well Sonny, welcome to the real world!!!
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Ah, a thread all about toxicity...and how the people who ask for less are the bad ones and should leave.

    Irony at it's finest.
  • Kali_Despoine
    If ur game is toxic stop playing it. It wasn't meant for u.
    Try a game that is not multi-cultural and diverse with leaderboards as u can't handle it.
  • ZOS_CoriJ
    While we understand where the intention was in the opening topic, the way that this conversation is presented has created a discussion that has very little to do with ESO. As a result it has generated quite a few comments that were off-topic and/or were starting to get offensive. For this reason we are closing this thread. While it may be partially the topic of this discussion it is very possible for this conversation to be carried out without breaking forum rules.
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