True Dunmer only enslave those that are better off that way. There is a huge difference between having some corruption and slavery in your country and your country being so beyond repair due to the corruption and decadence of its leaders that part of the population literally sees no other way than moving out to find a new home.Nelson_Rebel wrote: »Kind of of a double standard there seeing as Dunmer are arguably the most prevalent slavers in ESO lol
True Dunmer worship Azura.WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »"Praised honesty" implied to be a virture by a member of a society that follows three of the biggest liars in Tamriel.
True Dunmer worship Azura.
True Dunmer only enslave those that are better off that way. There is a huge difference between having some corruption and slavery in your country and your country being so beyond repair due to the corruption and decadence of its leaders that part of the population literally sees no other way than moving out to find a new home.
True Dunmer worship Azura.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
And Boethiah (Prince of deceit, assassination, conspiracy) and Mephala (Prince of lies, sex, and murder). Still rather thin on honesty there.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Whats funny to me is that Veloth led his people from a literal paradise to a hell on earth. Compared to how the Altmer have lived since the exodus, Veloths Chimer/Dunmer have suffered greatly time and again for turning their backs on the Aedra and embracing the "Good Daedra". More so that they've embraced just about every aspect of the society they swore to cast off when they left. Ambition, greed and decadence are all things that could easily be used to describe the Dunmer. And when you look at anyone in Dunmer society that are not on the up and up with the Houses could easily be described as impoverished, left in ignorance and in literal chains for those that fall victim of their slavers.
Source: Deshaan questline, ESO
RaddlemanNumber7 wrote: »That book is just the worst kind of propaganda. It is a blatant tissue of lies aimed at sanctifying a daedra worshipper who was a traitor to his own race, his own class and his own family. A mer who led his cult on a campaign of genocide against the Nedes in order to seize their land. That was the Chimers' "Promised Land".
So that's the best you can do? Pointing out that the Dunmer are no better? Of course, they aren't. None of the races is. However, somehow it's aways the High Elves sitting on that proverbial high horse, looking down on others. Yes, the Dunmer are overly protective of their newfound homeland. So what? The holier-than-thou Altmer are the ones that always meddle in everyone else's business. How about that super sweet Queen Ayrenn trying to flat out eradicate the Argonians of Shadowfen among other things?
The Altmer are and have always been the worst scum of Nirn.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Wait, we're competing for the worst scum of Nirn?
I'm afraid that House Dres, the Veiled Heritance, the Mythic Dawn, the 4th Era Thalmor, the Dark Brotherhood, the Forsworn, the racist Stormcloaks, vampires, Molag-Bal-worshipping Imperials, the Ayleids, and the Falmer are all going to have to compete with...
The Dwemer, who actually successfully warped the Snow Elves from black-souled Mer into white-souled creatures after convincing the Falmer to seek refuge with them from the early Nords and then harvested their souls to use in their constructs.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Veloth worshipped 3 dishonest, evil daedra (who literally embody the traits he shunned the altmer for) and the dunmer became arguably even more xenophobic and elitist than the altmer.
England Exodus to america? I cant help but notice there is a place called Somerset in england, that looks entirely like the summerset seen in the trailers. Oh the poor argonians...
Something of an alchemical clock.
The gothic look
You can go there right now, nevermind the expansion:
What you see in game looks like a place called "wells"
I like making real life parallels.
Bansidhe1965 wrote: »
Ye Gods,I live in the UK and actually googled Bath Architechture this morning to confirm it reminded me of Summerset !
2nd picture above,mind you a lot of ESO names are plays on England : Balmora-Balmoral etc.
TelvanniWizard wrote: »
Well, dunmer have prejudices against other races, yes. But almer think themselves better than everyone, not having a single problem to torture and kill anyone who opposes to their beliefs.
MythicEmperor wrote: »
We also don’t need our beliefs as an excuse to torture and kill; entertainment value is justification enough
psychotrip wrote: »Can we just cut the BS?
The only reason so many people give dunmer a pass for being such unrepentant, arrogant, racist ass holes is because they're edgy and "cool". Don't get me wrong, I love dunmer as much as the next guy, but it's always been funny to me how the same people who bash the altmer for being pompous seem totally fine with the dunmer.
Of course, this was before I knew that everything interesting about the altmer was a trancription error, so I guess they really are just primitive hypocrites who have nothing to feel superior about.
psychotrip wrote: »Can we just cut the BS?
The only reason so many people give dunmer a pass for being such unrepentant, arrogant, racist ass holes is because they're edgy and "cool". Don't get me wrong, I love dunmer as much as the next guy, but it's always been funny to me how the same people who bash the altmer for being pompous seem totally fine with the dunmer.
Of course, this was before I knew that everything interesting about the altmer was a trancription error, so I guess they really are just primitive hypocrites who have nothing to feel superior about.
VaranisArano wrote: »Whereas the main Altmeri presence in the TES games to date has been the 4th Era Thalmor of Skyrim, who's main purpose in the game is to serve as polarizing bad guys with good fashion sense who both the Imperial and Stormcloak fanboys hate but disagree on how to deal with them, hence causing a civil war and kicking off the main plot. Good job breaking it, hero Ulfric Stormcloak, and all that. I mean, sure, Skyrim had a few sympathetic non-Thalmor Altmer, but not many and none of any great importance to the quests.
MythicEmperor wrote: »
I never claimed to bash the Altmer for being pompous. In fact, I admire the efforts of the Fourth Era’s Thalmor. They can bring about some real good; I welcome them so long as they leave Morrowind alone. They can do as they wish with humanity. Should mankind go extinct, I will still have my Betmer slaves, so no real harm done.
MythicEmperor wrote: »
Skyrim’s Thalmor aren’t “polarizing bad guys” from the perspective of one who witnessed Imperial oppression and Nordic discrimination. It is time for humanity to step down from a position of leadership. The means used bring me little worry; a world without humanity would be no worse for a Dunmer such as myself, although I don’t necessarily view eradication as the only solution. They could serve much better as vassals or slaves so long as we are careful not to incite another Alessian Slave Rebellion.
I will, however, agree on their fashion sense. It is superb.