Valera Progib wrote: »For most game mods stamsorc is very attractive and considering that there are trillions nightblades - stamsorc is quite good as a counter. I feel that my magsorc dominates 95% of stamnb's in BG, but it sucks in most game mods except death match.
If you don't change builds depending on game mode, stamsorc is a better choice on average.
Stamsorc walks in a bar - there is no counter.
IMO sorcs of both colors are in a better place in non cp than in standard, especially in BGs. Passive damage and healing and streak mobility are great for BGs, Dark Deal very strong in noCP.
StamSorc overperforming? Probably not. But they are very nicely tuned for noCP BGs, And I won't play my warden as a spin-bot, so as long as NBs saturate BGs I am rocking that hurricane.
Apache_Kid wrote: »
I see way more Magplars and stamsorcs than NBs at this point. Am I the only one? Looking for what others are seeing. I'm on Xbox NA
Apache_Kid wrote: »
I see way more Magplars and stamsorcs than NBs at this point. Am I the only one? Looking for what others are seeing. I'm on Xbox NA
Stamina in general is more popular, and Stam Sorcs are one of the most common of Stamina setups, probably due mostly to Hurricane and Dark Deal, plus Stamina builds in general having such good damage + defense. Over the last few days that I've been back playing on PC-NA, Stamblades do indeed seem to be the single most common class, followed by Stam Sorcs and Stam Wardens. There are also still a decent number of Magicka Templars, DKs, and Sorcs out there, but it's mostly Stamina that's ruling the roost.
The_Protagonist wrote: »WTH I hope this is not a nerf Sorc thread
IMO sorcs of both colors are in a better place in non cp than in standard, especially in BGs. Passive damage and healing and streak mobility are great for BGs, Dark Deal very strong in noCP.
IMO sorcs of both colors are in a better place in non cp than in standard, especially in BGs. Passive damage and healing and streak mobility are great for BGs, Dark Deal very strong in noCP.
StamSorc overperforming? Probably not. But they are very nicely tuned for noCP BGs, And I won't play my warden as a spin-bot, so as long as NBs saturate BGs I am rocking that hurricane.
Wow saying that magsorc performs better in non CP is a huge mistake. Shields are the most weakened defensive without CPs. Killing magsorc in non CP is much easier then in CP.
That is definitely not true.Stamina overall it's easier to play then magicka. Thus the popularity
As far as straight-up fighting goes, magsorc definitely feels weaker in a no-CP environment. Our main defence—shields—gets double whammied by the loss of not only the Bastion CP star but also the boost to max mag that CP provides. Shields are really small in no-CP and having to constantly refresh them makes it incredibly difficult to find an offensive window against someone who knows how to pressure heavily.
The sheer mobility is great for playing objectives in BGs specifically, though.
Yep quite popular atm. 3 reasons that I see.
1) Supreme mobility makes them helluva lot of fun in BGs
2) Bleed builds popular atm and very strong in small encounters. They seem to work fairly well with StamSorc class.
3) Rise in StamBlade popularity since Dragon Bones led to an eventual increase in the class that predates on them; StamSorcs. Hurricane is the strongest counter to Cloak out there, apart from Mark.
I'm levelling an Orc Sorc myself. I just see my friends having tons of fun with them and I'm getting jealous
I understand all this, but I have more of a problem with msorcs in nocp across multiple classes. There's a huge advantage to doing more with fewer skills used. Curse, wrath, surge, implosions all shine when sustain is universally nerfed. Hard to quantify that against CP stat modifiers. In CP group scenarios I only fear negates. In noncp group, I always know where the sorcs are. Given all numbers, from my side they still seem like much more of a factor. I know you don't play much CP @TheYKcid but any thought on ^?