Summerset is shaping up to be a husk of a chapter
No new classes
No new content
An minor new systems (jewelery crafting and a new skill line)
Everything seems mentioned seems to be same old
Drachenfier wrote: »We need more new classes. I can only use the same 5 skills over and over so many times before I get bored.
Drachenfier wrote: »We need more new classes. I can only use the same 5 skills over and over so many times before I get bored.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Endless Hail, Poison Injection, Caltrops, Vigor, Rearming Trap...
It doesn't seem to matter which stam class I use. Those 5 skills can't be escaped!
Elsterchen wrote: »
Elsterchen wrote: »
I’m pretty sure it was mentioned with the morrowind expansion that with each chapter released - a new character class would be released as well.
Why was this replaced with “ new skill line”?
Is the new skill line going to have 15 new skills and 3 ultimates to compensate for this?
Will we be receiving the new character class with the remaining 2 DLC being released later on in the year?
WarMasterCyp wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno It is a new class right? for summerset
WarMasterCyp wrote: »
Well it has to be a new class because where else would you have the "new skill line" ? It can't be generic like soul trap
They've never said a new would come with every expansion. That would actually be a terrible game design choice as in five years we would be up to 10 classes, and considering we have balance issues and overlaps in abilities as it is...
Rich said on the stream the reason they went with a skill line rather than a class this time was they wanted to let people keep playing their favourite character and progress that in some way (or something to the like of that).
In theory they've delivered on two new area as said, a new skill line and a new game system (jewellery crafting), I believe people have also said Summerset is less than Morrowind was because it has less in there (not checked to confirm myself).
WarMasterCyp wrote: »
I actually did not catch that but how would a new skill line work with every playable class? wouldn't that cause even more unbalancing issues?
The logical thing to do would have it isolated in a specific class that way it would be easier to balance.
Thannazzar wrote: »We dont need a new class. We need more flexibility in the existing
1. A magicka based melle weapon skill line.
2. Additional stamina skills/morphs that reduce reliance on weapon skills for stam builds.
3. Viable DPS morphs for Sword and board
4. Ice staff taunt on crushing shock not HA.
5. More themed guild skill lines with 2 actives / 5 passives and an ultimate like Vamp to fill necromancy and other themes.
The whole point of of the ice staff heavy attack being a taunt is that its FREE, you would know this if you actually used the ice staff at what its good for...tanking. If I wanted a ranged taunt that cost me something I would just use inner fire. The ice staff heavy is exactly the RETURNS resources while doesn't drain them
Classes are limiting, skill lines allow you to make your own class. I'd rather they got rid of classes all together and opened up all skill trees to everyone.
No, no it wasn't.
The Warden was a pre planned class that was originally cut cause it effectively did the same thing the Tenplar did, so it was unnecessary and cut. For Morrowind they made it unique and put it back in. No mention of making a new class every year was made.
Drachenfier wrote: »We need more new classes. I can only use the same 5 skills over and over so many times before I get bored.